Hundreds of billions of assets of several top consortia!

Lin Yang actually said: donated?

Masked man and peach sister look at each other face to face, is how tangled, but finally dare not refuse, had to do.

After all, life is more important than money.

Soon, the hundreds of billions of cash was directly into the various charity accounts. These selected accounts were all verified by Lin Yang and Ma Hai. They were all open and transparent public welfare projects. There was no possibility of stealing food. They were all founded by truly caring people.

Within a few minutes after the love payment was posted, the whole social media was instantly detonated.

Hundreds of love accounts directly announced the amount of donations on the Internet. Once verified, the amount was consistent with that of masked men.

So the network and the media set off a sound of praise.

Those in charge of the charity project tearfully recorded the video to express their thanks to the anonymous donors.

But the masked man and peach sister are bleeding.

Several old Dong's blood is not only flowing, their hearts are broken.

They scolded Lin Yang a thousand times and ten thousand times in their hearts.

But no matter how hard they scolded in their hearts, they did not dare to show the slightest.

"Dr. Lin, what about us? May I go now? "

Masked man and peach elder sister squeeze out a smiling face and ask carefully.


Lin Yang wiped his mouth and said calmly.

"Yes, Lin Dong."

The masked man said gratefully.

He thought Lin Yang would kill him!

After all, this one is a killer.

Peach elder sister indignant, can see masked man so respectful, also dare not say more.

When Lin Yang saw that the patrol was still in the future, he had to tie up all these people and seal their inner strength. Then he asked Zhang Lehua and others to wait for the arrival of the patrol, and he left the hotel.

In fact, the entire Zhang Lehua and other consortia also paved the way for Su Yan.

If Su Yan wants to build a business empire of her own, she has to root out some friends who are supposed to be rivals, because with their pressure on her, Su Yan has no future.

The cake is so big, but there are so many people. If you want to be fat, you have to eat more, and if you eat more, you have to crowd out a few people.

Although Lin Yang's practice is somewhat despicable, I'm afraid Zhang Lehua and others would have been dead without him.

As for peach elder sister, Lin Yang also does not plan to let go, make up his mind to hit his wife, put her into the bureau is cheap her.

However, when it comes to such a huge amount of money, I'm afraid these people will spend the rest of their lives in it.

"What about Xiaoyan? Where have you been? "

Lin Yang is very confused, out of the hotel can not find people, immediately picked up the phone to dial the number.

As soon as he got through, he heard Su Yan's urgent voice.

"Lin Yang, have you come out? There are two weirdos here. They seem to want to catch me! "

"What? Where are you? " Lin Yang asked urgently.

"I'm in the parking lot!"

"I'll be right there!"

Lin Yang's eyes were red and he roared and rushed to the parking lot immediately!

However, just close to the parking lot, it is to hear bursts of roar.

Then he saw a man throwing the cars in front of him one by one.

It was a car calculated by tons, which was thrown tens of meters high by the man.

As for Su Yan, he hid behind a van, shivering and panicking.

The security booth in the parking lot in the distance has been razed to the ground. The body of the security guard is broken and lying on a car.

On the top of the car stood a tall figure.

"Just got the news, Su Yan of Jiangcheng Yueyan international is here! Catch her quickly. Su Yan is the love of Dr. Lin. if you have her in your hand, you can get twice the result with half the effort! "

That figure light says, the voice is not big, but listened to a clear.

Lin Yang was furious and resentful.

Who is going to deal with himself?

And actually put the spearhead to Su Yan!


We must kill!


At this time, the van was overturned.

Hiding in the back of Su Yan too late to dodge, was also brought to the ground, head knock on the ground, fainted on the spot.

"Here it is

The man who kept overturning the car saw Su Yan lying on the ground and immediately called out.

"Take it away!"

The man on the roof of the car calmed down in the distance.


The man nodded and stretched out his hand to Su Yan.

But when he wanted to catch Su Yan, he couldn't help froze.


The man frowned and looked up slightly, but he saw Lin Yang standing in front of him.

"Here's an interesting man. Look at his breath, he should be a warrior too!" The man got up and said with a smile.

"It seems that there are a lot of meddlers in Nancheng!" The figure on the top of the car said calmly: "in that case, kill it."


That person nods, suddenly the palm one grasps, just like hawk claw kind buckle to Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't move, so he stood in the same place.


The man stabbed Lin Yang with five fingers.

But it can't break the skin of Linyang.


The man was stunned.

Lin Yang roared and hit with an iron fist.

The man was stunned and retreated.

The fist burst out of the strength of the moment tore in front of more than ten cars.

If you take a punch, I'm afraid you can't break it to pieces!

The man fell to the ground in a hurry, turned his head and looked at the crack between the smashed car and the ground. He turned his head and said, "who are you?"

"Jiangcheng, Doctor Lin!"

Lin Yang cheered coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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