Lin Zan was sweating and staring at the falling people.

But this does not count, there are several figures from the sky, fell behind this man.

These people are also wearing red robes, one by one exudes a hot breath, as if their blood and flesh are made of fire.

They are all strong!

People are thrilled.

"It's hard to find your place! I have been wandering in Jiangcheng for more than half an hour before I found you The visitor patted to clap a robe, light says.

"I won't let you know when you come. If I let you know in advance, I'll send someone to meet you." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"No, I like to come and go freely." I'd like to talk to you.

Lin Yang shook his head and said nothing.

But the linzan on this side can't hold on.

Although he could not see the depth of the strength, he realized that the other side was an incomparable one!

Actually, I don't know how much I have surpassed him!!

"Who is he? Who is he

Lin Zan pointed at the visitor and growled.

"Son of a bitch! What are you? Dare to be so disrespectful to the venerable? I want to die

Next to the flame saint, she was furious and grabbed Lin Zan.

Lin Zan was so surprised that he immediately wanted to dodge, but his accomplishments were sealed, and he was directly raised by the holy fire goddess with one hand. Then the holy fire goddess made a contribution, and the other hand lit a raging fire, and he was about to blow Lin Zan to ashes.

"Saint, stop it Come person also is divine fire venerable light to shout a way: "Lin divine doctor is here, you don't have to be presumptuous!"

The holy fire girl was stunned. She could only let go of Lin Zan. She bowed her head and said, "yes, master!"

Lin Zan coughed wildly when he fell on the ground, but his face was twisted and terrified.

Although his cultivation was canonized, he felt that this saint's cultivation was also extremely terrible, totally beyond his imagination.

"Who are these people? They... Who the hell are they? Are they all your people, Dr. Lin? " Linzan's trembling cry.

Don't wait for Lin Yang to reply, Zhang Qiye and others here have already slowed down.

Zhang Qiye took the lead to come forward and clasped his fists to salute: "dear zhang Qiye, I'd like to meet the god fire master!"

This speech, Lin Zan brain boom, a blank.

"God... Fire... Venerable?"

Yuan Xing and others were stunned. They didn't expect that it was Shenhuo. They didn't dare to neglect him. They immediately went forward to make a gift.

"I'd like to meet you


The divine fire master nodded and said, "you're welcome!"

Thank you

The crowd called back, one by one excited.

Now they finally know why Lin Yang is so calm.

With such a great Buddha, are you afraid of the disciples of the Lin family?

This is Lin Yang's card!

This is Lin Yang's dependence!

At this moment, he wanted to understand everything, and his whole body was shaking.

Lin's family is going to suffer a lot this time!

It's going to be hard!

They must be informed to leave!

"Doctor Lin, who is this man? Why dare you be so rude? "

The sacred fire venerable sweeps Lin Zan, who has dementia in his eyes, and asks.

However, Lin Yang did not explain, only a faint smile: "is a madman who makes trouble! Xu Tian, go and take him down! "


Xu Tian immediately got up and asked someone to drag Lin Zan away.

Lin Zan didn't resist. His mind was in a mess. He couldn't help thinking about how to escape and how to inform Lin's family to evacuate Jiangcheng.

But at this time, Lin Zan suddenly felt something wrong

"Wait, master Shenhuo, who am I? Didn't Dr. Lin tell him about his troubles? "

"And... God fire asked me, and Doctor Lin didn't explain my identity to him?"

"What is he going to do?"

"Why didn't he turn to the fire Lord for help? They seem to have a good relationship! "


Lin Zan's face is bloodless, and his whole body is extremely cold!

He thought of a terrible thing!

If we say that the Lin family unknowingly attacked Dr. Lin, but inadvertently injured the master of Shenhuo... Doesn't it mean that the Lin family declared war with the master of Shenhuo!

Dr. Lin wants to stir up the hatred between the master of Shenhuo and his family.

"No!! no no No! "

Thinking of this, Lin Zan's eyes were about to crack, his body was shaking wildly, and he felt that his teeth were shaking.

He suddenly looked up and struggled madly.

"Let me go! Let me go! Get the hell out of here! "

"Be honest!" Xu Tian hugs him and pushes him into the cell.

"Let me out! Doctor Lin! You have to die!! Doctor Lin! You have to die! "

Lin Zan howled bitterly.

But... It doesn't help!

Lin Zan howled for a while, then sat down on the ground, decadent to the extreme.

"It's over, it's all over..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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