Liu Rushi, dressed in sick clothes, sits quietly on the white bed and looks out of the window.

She was a little confused and couldn't recover for a long time.

"How are you, Rushi?"

Lin Yang walked quickly into the sick clothes.

"Lin Yang?"

Liu Rushi looked back at the people who came in and couldn't help smiling: "I feel very good."

"That's good." Lin Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect that you could save me... I thought I was dead. Your medical skills... Are terrible." Liu Rushi looked at her pale hand and could not help murmuring.

"The palace of eternal life will kill you. I'll find them for the revenge. Now the most important thing for you is to take good care of your body. Do you understand?" Lin Yang said gently.

Liu Rushi's delicate body trembled slightly, then she lost her smile: "I'm in good health. You must have given me some good medicine, right? I feel like I can't use it all in my body. That's the leg. I feel a little weak. "

"It's normal. After you swim around, the medicine will accumulate in your legs. I'll help you get rid of the medicine in two days. Once the medicine is removed, your legs will recover." Lin Yang road.

"Thank you." Liu Rushi's cheeks are reddish.

"You're welcome."

"Lin Yang, are you free now?"

"What's the matter?"

"Can you... Push me out for a walk?" Liu Rushi said full of expectation.

Lin Yang Leng Leng, can not help nodding with a smile: "no problem."

After a while, he took a wheelchair and took Liu Rushi down from the bed.

Liu Rushi nibbled her lips and did not dare to see Lin Yang. When she was seated, she pushed Liu Rushi out of Xuanyi school and went to the riverside.

"I miss the air! I really want to go back to the time when I was collecting herbs with my grandmother. " Liu Rushi took a deep breath and said with a smile.

"Everything will be fine." Lin Yang said casually.

"Lin Yang, can you push me to the river? I want to blow the river


Lin Yang nodded and pushed the wheelchair to a stand by the river.

Liu Rushi opened her arms, closed her eyes and felt the river breeze, with a sweet smile on her face.

Lin Yang watched her silently, and his heart began to ripple.

Only those who have experienced death know how wonderful breathing is.

People are like this. When they lose something, they know how to cherish it and yearn for it. When they get something, even the most precious thing, they will become indifferent to it.

Maybe this is the root of human's bad nature.

Lin Yang shook his head in silence.

"Hey, you two, get out of here! Do you hear me

At this time, a man in a security uniform came quickly and cheered fiercely.

Liu Rushi was slightly stunned and looked with Lin Yang.

"Leave? Why? " Lin Yang asked.

"Don't you see the film over there? You leave now, don't influence other people's filming The security guard cheered, his voice was not polite.

"Filming?" Lin Yang snorted: "this is a public place. Anyone can come here. He makes his plays. I see my river. Is there any conflict?"

"Well? Son of a bitch! You want to die? How dare you make trouble here? I don't understand people, do I? Believe it or not? Get out of here The security guard was angry and yelled.

Lin Yang didn't answer.

"Lin Yang, let's change places." Liu Rushi hesitated and whispered.

"No, we're not going anywhere. If you like the scenery here, just watch it for a while." Lin Yang said with a smile.


"What? Are you afraid I can't even deal with these people? " Lin Yang asked.

Liu Rushi was stunned. She couldn't help laughing and no longer spoke.

But the two men's action completely angered the security.

The security guard immediately put out his hand to push Lin Yangmeng.

"Don't be shameless!"

But this push didn't push Lin Yang at all. On the contrary, because of too much force, the security guard was inertial and sat on the ground.

He's not polite either. He immediately yells.

"Oh! Somebody's making trouble! Someone's disturbing the set! Come on! Come on

The crew over there are looking at this one after another.

Several security guards also trotted forward.

"Brother Ren! What's going on? " A security guard picked up the man on the ground.

"This boy makes trouble and enters the set without permission. I'm so kind as to persuade him, but he still does it! That's disgusting The security guard named brother Ren pointed at Lin Yang and scolded him.

"How do you do? You will confuse right and wrong! It's clearly you who moved your hand first, and now we are still to blame? " Liu Rushi couldn't see it any more, so he immediately refuted it.

"You little girl... You... You talk nonsense!" Ren Ge is impatient and trembles.

"Come on, don't talk so much nonsense, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you leave soon! Don't make it hard for us. If you don't leave, we'll have to take coercive measures. " That's the cold way.

As the voice fell, several security officers gathered around.

Look at the posture... It's like a fight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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