Early the next morning, Lin Yang took the goddess of divine fire to join Yi Xianren.

There are a lot of abnormal fire in the sulfur burning tomb, which is of extraordinary grade. If you can take it and put it at auction in the trade union, you can definitely sell it at a sky high price.

Therefore, the business alliance must also act this time.

Of course, they are not running to fight for the abnormal fire, but to acquire the abnormal fire.

If anyone who won the unusual fire but didn't use it, he can trade with the trade union on the spot to exchange the needed goods.

The strong at the scene also welcome the intervention of the business alliance. After all, the presence of the business alliance can ensure that their benefits can be realized in time.

As for Lin Yang and Shenhuo saint, they went to the sulfur burning tomb as members of the Business League.

If you go as an unknown small force, you are likely to be killed. After all, the area where the sulfur burning tomb is located is very remote, which is basically equivalent to no man's land.

Killing people and stealing goods in that kind of place is like a routine.

"Mr. Lin, who is this?" Yi congenitally looked at the sacred flame Saint strangely and asked carefully.

"This is my friend. I'll go to the sulfur burning grave with you this time."

"That's right. Let's go together. The seats are spacious enough. Oh, by the way, Mr. Lin, I have one more thing to report to you. "

"What's the matter?"

"It's that... Mr. Lin, we'd better wait and see as bystanders and don't get involved in the dispute. Therefore, it's said that there are many dangers in the tomb. The two old men guarding the tomb are even more powerful. In addition, many terrible forces have sent people to the tomb! Once you get involved in a dispute, you will die. " Yi Xianren said carefully.

The news of the business alliance extends in all directions, and what Yi Xiansheng has is absolutely the first-hand information in China.

Lin Yang was silent for a while and nodded silently: "I wrote it down. At that time... Act according to the situation."

Yi congenitally nodded and led them to the airport.

It took about three hours for the plane to land at the border of the Dragon kingdom.

After getting off the plane, there was a special bus waiting for people at the airport.

After getting on the bus, the special bus headed for the border.

When he arrived near his destination, Lin Yang found that the sulfur burning grave had been out of the border of the Dragon kingdom.

"Is this sulfur burning grave outside the territory?"

Lin Yang was quite surprised.

"In fact, there are many powerful caves outside the country. After all, the territory of the gulong kingdom is not the same. In addition, many powerful people commit crimes, such as those who have provoked enemies. If they want to cultivate in peace of mind, they have to hide outside the country, and many powerful people will disappear outside the country." The goddess of fire explained.

Lin Yang suddenly nodded.

After crossing the border, the car drove Northwest for about two hours and finally stopped.

Lin Yang took a look at the front of a mountain range.

"Mr. Lin, the next step is on foot!" Yi congenitally whispered: "it's not easy to drive in the mountains, but the vehicles have a huge target, and it's easy to be attacked by people in one pot. Even if I'm a business alliance, it's inevitable that some people will take risks!"

"Then go on foot." Lin Yang road.

Yi congenitally nods and waves his hand.

In a flash, several members of the business alliance immediately raised a big flag, which was marked with the logo of the business alliance.

Then people lined up and walked toward the mountains.

Walking, Lin Yang suddenly found that the temperature of this holy mountain is rising gradually.

It's only 20 degrees at the foot of the mountain. After walking for only half an hour, it's nearly 40 degrees.

"It looks like this is the place of the extreme sun." Sunken road in Linyang.

"The sulfur burning tomb is the place where the great power of burning technique can bury bones. Even if it is not the place of the extreme Yang, it will gradually become the place of the extreme Yang if there are the great power bones." Divine fire Saint way.

"This kind of place is very suitable for the people of Shenhuo island to practice. Why don't you go to this place to practice, instead, you go to an island to practice?" Lin Yang asked strangely.

The holy woman's face changed slightly, she muttered her lower lip and said in a low voice, "don't ask about it again, don't ask about it again."

It seems that there is something hidden in it.

This sulfur burning grave... I'm afraid it has nothing to do with the sacred fire.

Lin Yang's mind.

The team moved on.

The temperature around has reached sixty degrees.

Yi congenitally some cannot support, the whole body's clothes and robes are all wet, all wet by sweat.

Fortunately, he prepared in advance, took out a customized small air conditioner and hung it on his body to make air conditioner.

And those business alliance experts can still insist, but everyone is flushed and panting.

At this time, the air filled with a strong smell of blood.

Lin Yang breathes hard.

"There's a situation!" Holy flame, drink it.

The line stopped immediately.

Fixed eyes looked, but saw in front of the road lying on many bodies.

The blood went straight down the slope.

"Quick check!"

Easy to drink low.

The strong members of the business alliance immediately scattered and looked around.

However, these people just scattered to the four directions, a scream spread.

"Who are you?"

"Bold! Do you want to die? "

Shouts followed by a lot of fighting.

Yi Xianren's face was shocked, and he saw that the people who had just left the Business League came back injured. At the same time, many figures appeared in all directions and surrounded them

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