Seeing it, many people exclaimed.

Rao is also surprised by Lin Yang.

"Is this a robot?" Lin Yang can't help but say.

"No, it's the official." Next to Yi Xianren, he whispered: "Mr. Lin, this object is made by the ancients. Its structural composition is particularly unique and extremely rare. There are only a few people who have passed down to this day. As far as I know, all the current organ people are bad. It's the first time I've seen this kind of organ people who are intact and can operate. It's very valuable."

The business alliance covers the whole dragon kingdom.

If even Yi congenitally said that, it is enough to show the precious degree of this object.

If it can be studied by scientific research, it will surely lead to rapid improvement of science and technology.

The technology and wisdom it contains must be infinite.

"The wisdom of the ancients is really unimaginable." Lin Yang can not help feeling.

"It seems that the rank of this mechanism person is very high, even higher than the two broken mechanism persons collected by our business alliance. Mr. Lin, this guy is not easy to deal with." Yi Xianren said.

Lin Yang nodded.

Everyone is coming for the sulfur burning grave. Now there is an opportunity to enter the sulfur burning grave. How can they miss it?

So soon a cannon fodder came out.

"A pile of scrap metal, can Ann block my way? I'll come first

The cannon fodder was a young man with short hair and sleeves, strong muscles and heavy breath. He was also an expert.

People are raising their eyes.

The old man made a start at will, and the young man jumped at the man with a roar.

However, as he approached, the man suddenly opened his mouth and spat at the young man.


A black flame spewed directly from its body, drowning the youth.

In a flash, youth turned into coke, and there was no whole body.


All the people in the four directions were stunned.


Second kill in the real sense!

"Ah Qiang!"

The young comrades here immediately burst into tears.

And the people around also look dignified, dare not attack easily.

The strength of the young people called a Qiang is not bad. If they don't have some skills, who dares to come here? But in the face of the agency, it can't even catch a move. How terrible?

"Fight with this guy. If you lose, you'll die. You have to be prepared. Of course, if you're afraid, leave as soon as possible. Don't disturb others." The old man said faintly, and then sat down again with his back against the tombstone to take a nap.

People, you look at me, I look at you, it seems a little hesitant.

"A group of cowards, since they are afraid of hands and feet, why do they come to this sulfur burning grave? Go home and drink milk as soon as possible

A disdainful curse sounded, and then a strong man in a robe and naked upper body jumped out.

The man's body has red dragon lines, red skin, red eyebrows and red hair. The temperature of his whole body is very high. You can see that he is a strong man specializing in inflammatory surgery.

"The king of fire?" The man was recognized and lost his voice.

"Oh, my God, the great master of inflammation? He came to the sulfur burning grave? "

"I'm afraid it's going to be torn down by the fire king!"

"You are good at fire, and you are not afraid of fire. I think it's just a fire attack. This time, it's a killer."

Everyone whispered, one by one full of expectations.

This one is no ordinary person. When he comes on the stage to fight, he may be able to play something out of this mechanism, and the next challenge for everyone will be much easier.

Make fire king appear on the stage, without saying a word, directly jump to kill the general in the past, this will directly destroy the person of the organ.

He put his hands together, and a flame gushed out of his palm, like a spear, stabbing the man in the chest.


The fire hit hard.

The man stepped back two steps, his chest red, as if to be melted by the flame.

When people saw this, they were constantly exclaiming.

"This man is made of special divine iron! Although the strength is amazing, but the weight is there, so the speed of the operator is not fast, which can be regarded as a weakness! " At this time, Ao Ying said.

Everyone around nodded and wrote it down.

Make fire king a move to succeed, also don't hesitate, directly close to and bang, his hands are like wearing two flame gloves, crazy toward the chest of the organ man hit, every bombardment, there will be sparks burst, especially terrible.

In a short period of ten minutes, Huo Jun's fire fist hit the organ nearly a hundred times.

The man's chest was red, but... There was no deformation, just the red part, which slowly spread to all parts of his body.

Make fire gentleman pant for breath, some dignified stare at mechanism person.

And the people around you don't feel right.

"Does it look like it's very strong? But it doesn't matter! I'll melt you into molten iron! "

Make the fire gentleman roar, suddenly one palm hits the ground, the whole body spirit strength is violent, the person is a roar.



The ground trembled.

The ground under the man's feet split a gap, and then a hot and frightening magma burst out from it, instantly submerged the man and rushed to the sky.

The world was appalled.

"To force magma out with Qi and underground structure? And the magma temperature... Terrible! Is this the strength of Ling Huojun? "

"That's great!"

The crowd screamed.

The emperor of fire constantly urged the magma to burn the organ man, where the magma splashed, and the people were shocked to retreat.

This lasted for about ten seconds, so the fire king just gave up.

The magma stopped.

Looking at the man, his whole body was red, but... It was still not deformed, still not melted!


I can't believe it.

"How is that possible?"

The world is confused.

Such a terrible high temperature, even the earth has been baked! The man in charge of the agency is still in peace?

What is the intensity of this?

Lin Yang was very surprised.

Instead, the goddess of divine fire nearby realized something and said in a low voice: "that's energy absorption!"

"Energy absorption?" Lin Yang a Leng, still don't wait for him to think back.

All of a sudden! It's hard for the official!

I saw it suddenly step forward to make fire king.

I didn't care much about it.

Because the speed of the agency is not fast.

But it did not walk a few steps, the pace slowly fast up, after a few steps, has become a run, after a few steps, the speed suddenly increased to the level of lightning!

Make fire king breathe immediately tight, scalp numb, immediately back.

But it's too late.


The man opened his arms and hugged him.



A real fire of terror erupted from the person of the organ, which completely engulfed the fire king.


The miserable cry of the fire king immediately resounded into the sky.

But it only lasted two or three times, then there was no sound.

The world is appalled , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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