Lin Yang sat in his office and waited for about seven or eight minutes when Qin baisong called in.

"What do you say?" Lin Yang asked.

"There are a lot of people who can move the passion of the century, but few people want to make it evaporate from Jiangcheng today... Very few can do it." Qin baisong hesitated.

"Very little? That is to say, someone can still do it? " Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, and with only one phone call, Cao Weilian can withdraw capital from Jiangcheng, and even dare not step into Jiangcheng again in the future." Qin baisong road.

Lin Yang was stunned and interested: "who is so fierce?"

"Dragon hand..." Qin baisong carefully spit out these two words.

"Ah?" Lin Yang was greatly surprised.

"Two years ago, a great man came to see a doctor in Longshou. Longshou helped him to make a diagnosis and treatment, but it only eased his condition, which could not be cured. The great man had no choice but to leave. Longshou said that if you are willing to cure the big man, the big man will certainly come forward to solve the trouble for the teacher." Qin baisong road.

"Oh? So it's just a deal? " Lin Yang frowned.

"No, no, no, teacher, I don't think that's what they mean. They should just try to get a chance." Qin baisong is busy.

"Let's see if they can help me solve this problem. If the matter is solved, I will be satisfied, but I can do it. If the matter has not been solved successfully, then it is no wonder that I am."

"Don't worry, teacher. I'll call dragon hand now." Qin baisong busy road, then hung up the phone, to the Dragon hand dial.

At the moment, the Dragon hand is still lying in the temporary dormitory building built by Xuanyi sect.

Looking at the side of the vibration of the mobile phone, his hands trembling took the past, trembling in the ear.

"I see."

A moment later, he replied hoarsely, and then dialed a number.

"Dragon doctor! How did you call us? Do you have any new prescription to treat that person's disease? " There was a rapturous voice over the phone.

Dragon hand murmured lower lip, hoarse way: "I can't cure."


The people over there are lost.

"But not that there is no chance!" The Dragon hand took another word.

"Really?" The man raised his voice by an octave.

"Listen, it's still eight hours before 12:00 p.m. if you can get rid of Cao Wei and his century ambition in Jiangcheng within half an hour, there may be a person with better medical skills than me. If you can't make sure, it may be difficult for you to find a better doctor in China." The Dragon hand is hoarse.

The person on the other end of the phone was shocked and asked, "who is the doctor of dragon?"

"Doctor jiangchenglin, have you ever heard of it?"

"Doctor Lin? Yes, why? Is Dr. Lin really better than you? But as far as we know, he is very young. " The man puzzled.

It was also because they were young that they did not go to see Dr. Lin.

The Dragon hand closed his eyes and remained silent for a moment. At last, he opened his mouth: "I fought with him and I was defeated. I was... Abandoned by him!"

As soon as the words fell, there was no sound on the other side of the phone.

It was a moment before word came.

"Please tell Dr. Lin that before 12 o'clock, we will ask Cao Wei to apologize to him in person."

The phone hung up.

The Dragon hand breathed a long sigh of relief.

In fact, he didn't want to tell the people there that he was abolished.

That's disgraceful. It's disgraceful.

He is a man of good face.

But he was afraid that he could not persuade the big man to do it, so he said it.

As the man said, Lin Yang is too young to believe...

"Congratulations, dragon hand, Lin Yang should keep his promise and cure your burning silence." At this time, an old figure came in.

That is bear Changbai.

At the moment, he is more old than before, without saying a few words, people will not stop coughing.

"What's to be congratulated for? The southerners are gone. We have lost everything. " The Dragon hand is hoarse.

"What are you going to do? Revenge? " Xiong Changbai asked.

"I'm afraid I'm not qualified." The Dragon shook his head.

"What about your future plans?" Xiong Changbai asked.

Dragon hands do not speak, after a while, he suddenly raised his head and asked: "you say... If Lin Yang cured that one... What will happen?"

"The Arabian Nights!" Xiong Changbai directly laughed and shook his head: "you should know better than me that the symptom can not be recovered by manpower. In fact, I wonder if you have dug a hole for Linyang! If he doesn't get cured, will the other side be angry with him... "

" even if Lin Yang can't be cured, at least he can stabilize the situation of that person. There won't blame Lin Yang for this, but if Lin Yang is cured... ""It's impossible. I think you're crazy..."

"what would you do if he cured him?" Dragon hand directly interrupted Xiong Changbai's words, staring at his old eyes.

Xiong Changbai opened his mouth and then said with a smile: "if there is such a living immortal... Then why is it not a good choice to stay in Xuanyi school?"

The Dragon hand closed his eyes and sighed.


with the call of Longshou, the whole Jiangcheng is boiling.

Cao Wei also sat in the VIP room of the sales department, drinking wine and playing golf.

He had planned to leave Jiangcheng this evening. After all, his roots were not here. But Lin Yang put out such cruel words in the daytime. He didn't mind staying to see Lin Yang's means.

"I hope you don't let me down, Dr. Lin!"

Cao Wei took a deep breath of his cigar and shook the ball in front of him into the hole.


At this time, a servant named Black dustman came in.

Cao Wei frowned: "what's so flustered? Yes? Did Lin Yang act? "

The man in black hesitated and said in a low voice, "boss, all the owners of century pride suddenly ask for a refund!"

"What do you say?"

Cao Wei was stunned and suddenly looked back at the man: "well done, how can those people suddenly ask for a refund?"

"We don't know. They have already arrived at the sales department below and ask for a refund immediately!"

"It must be Lin Yang who did it." In the dark, a voice came.

"Oh, interesting!" Cao Wei squinted and said to the man, "tell them the refund is OK, but now it's off work, let them come tomorrow morning!"


"go ahead, Lin Yang said that if we want to disappear before 12:00 p.m., I will treat him as having this ability, but as long as it is delayed to 12 o'clock, I will still win!" Cao Wei sneered and said, "go ahead and do it."

"Yes, boss!"

The man ran down.

Before long, another person walked into the VIP room with a phone in hand.

"Boss, the head office just called."

"What's the matter?"

"The big banks suddenly asked us to pay off the debts immediately. If we didn't pay the debts, we would have to mortgage the real estate! They call for Jiangcheng century house The man said in a hurry.


Cao Wei is confused.

At this time, several people came in with the phone, and their expressions were more anxious than others.

"Boss, someone came to check our villa area and said that our fire control was unqualified."

"Boss, several houses in our villa area have been sealed, saying that the material is not up to standard."


the voice is constantly falling.

Cao Wei looked at these people and could not speak.

At this time, the mobile phone on the coffee table vibrated.

That's Cao Wei's cell phone.

Cao Wei looked at the caller ID, which made him sit on the ground and couldn't stand up for a long time.

He stretched out his hand shaking, carefully picked up the mobile phone, and his fingers trembled to connect...

"Xiao Cao! I know everything. Go and apologize to Dr. Lin...

on the other side of the phone, there was a hoarse voice to the extreme.

At the sound, Cao Wei's face turned pale and his heart was cold.

Dr. Lin even asked the Buddha to move...

who is he? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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