People are looking at the center of the inflammation formation with dementia.

They can't see Lin Yang's figure, they can only hear the roar of pain, and the ground is shaking.

People don't know what kind of pain Lin Yang has suffered, but judging from the roar, it must be inhuman torture.

"It's a great perseverance, but unfortunately, he won't last long."

At this time, the old man who was carried next to him spoke faintly.

The crowd looked together.

"What do you mean?" Asked the sacred fire goddess.

"Hum, little girl, I see what you just said to that man. You should know Tianyan battle? However, the Tianyan array you know is only a simplified version, and the Tianyan array here is a perfect level. Your method of breaking the array is right, but you ignore the horror of the perfect Tianyan array! The strength of this array is ten times stronger than the simplified version. Especially the Kirin pattern array in the center is the hardest part of the whole array. I can tell you without hesitation that this array can't be broken without ten hours! " The old man said nothing.


The goddess of divine fire was stunned.

Yi Xianren and others are stupid.

In this way, isn't it a waste of effort to talk about Lin Yang?

"It's bad luck for you, too! This room is to bring everyone who enters the tomb to different tests. As long as you pass the test, you will be able to enter the center of the tomb. The test is simple and difficult, but you have met the most difficult Tianyan formation. It's really nature's trick! " The old man said with a smile.


The holy fire lady was very angry. She rushed to the old man's neck and said angrily, "listen, stop the battle for me right now. Do you hear me? Or I'll kill you! "

"If you want to kill, do it! Do you think I'm afraid of death? I have been guarding the tomb of my master for nearly a hundred years to prevent you from entering the center and disturbing my master. How can I stop the battle for you? Ha ha, I'm not afraid of death! " The old man was smiling and looked like death.

The holy fire shivered.

At this time, however, Lin Yang's miserable cry stopped.

And the shaking ground stopped together.


They all looked at each other in a hurry.

But the black flame in the central Unicorn array is more fierce, and Lin Yang's figure is no longer visible.

The goddess of divine fire opened her mouth slightly. She was shocked and looked at her. She stepped back two steps.

"Mr. Lin!"

Yi congenitally kneels on the ground and cries out.

Once Lin Yang died, no one can solve the sequelae of Shenhuo island people's fire surgery.

Lin Yang's death, Yi congenital body poison can not be removed, not only that, his pursuit of immortality is no longer possible!

How can people not be sad?

"Two hours, two hours... It's hard, it's hard." The old man shook his head gently and said calmly.

If you want to be an ordinary person, I'm afraid you can't hold on for ten minutes.

It's terrible that this man is fighting against the fire of the unicorn array.

All the people were disappointed.

Yi congenitally sits on the ground and loses his soul.

The goddess of divine fire took a deep breath and perked up a little.

"Since Dr. Lin has failed, old man, you can take us out. We won't go inside the sulfur burning grave." The sacred fire goddess sinks.

"Go? It's too late

The old man said hoarsely: "the exit and entrance of the sulfur burning tomb are not in the same place. If you want to leave here, you can only leave from the central area! There is no other exit. If you want to go now, you can only cross the Tianyan formation! " The old man said with a hoarse smile.


"So... We all have to die here?"

"Old man, you'd better get rid of this battle quickly, or we'll kill you before we die!"

The crowd was in a hurry and yelled.

But the old man was not afraid, with a faint smile on his face, he simply closed his eyes.

Seeing the old man's image that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, everyone has no choice.

"That's all!"

The holy fire lady's eyes were awe inspiring and said hoarsely, "when the battle is over, I'll go down and break it again."

"Your holiness, it's going to last ten hours. You... Are you ok?" Yi said.

"Are you going to sit here waiting to die?" "There is no food and no water here. We can't hold on for many days. It's better to break the battle earlier than to wait until we are dehydrated and hungry and have no strength to break the battle again. Maybe we can still win a ray of life."

They nodded and sighed in silence.

The goddess of divine fire immediately crossed her knees and began to warm her body, ready to break the battle.

But with the passage of time, people found a strange phenomenon.

So far, the Tianyan battle has not stopped.

"What's the matter?"

Yi congenitally looked at the old man strangely: "after this array is activated, will it always open? No one will start all the time? "

"Of course not. If so, wouldn't the energy of Da Zhen be consumed soon?"

The old man gazed at the array, his face gradually became ugly, and he wanted to say nothing.

"Is it hard, Doctor Lin is not dead?" The sacred fire Saint suddenly thought of something and said in a loud voice.

"No way!"

The old man side head low roar: "this nearly three hours, and is in that Unicorn array! Ordinary people can't hold on for so long! What's more, the man didn't make a sound at all, which is very unusual. Even if I was allowed to enter the unicorn array for three hours, I couldn't not make a sound! "

"You are you and he is he. Don't look down on others for what you can't do! There are more capable people in the world! How can you broaden your horizons when you are here all the year round? " The sacred fire Saint hummed.

The old man frowned and was speechless.

"My Lord, what about us?" Yi Xiansheng asked carefully.

"When the battle stops, we have to confirm whether Dr. Lin is dead first!"

Divine fire Saint way.

"All right!"

Yi congenitally nodded.

People sit on the ground and wait patiently.

But just then.


A strange sound suddenly came from the room.

People are in a daze.

Is to see the room behind the smooth wall, suddenly appeared a gap?


The old man's eyes widened.

Yi congenitally and the goddess of divine fire are stunned.

The gap is growing and spreading.

Just three seconds later, a door shaped gap appeared.



The wall in the crevice collapsed.

A door formed, and then out of the door a figure, looking at the crowd with a smile.

Shenhuoshengnv and others breathed hard, and immediately gathered together to watch out for these uninvited guests. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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