The people in the house were all dumbfounded.

Lin Yang actually came out of Tianyan array alive!

And there was no sign of any burn all over him.

However, his skin was red, his pupils were burning, and the temperature of his whole body was extremely high. When he entered the room, even the floor was scalded by the soles of his feet.

As for his clothes, they were also burned clean. If he hadn't put his important things in the room before the next battle, he would have burned everything.

The holy fire lady looked at Lin Yang's body like a God, her heart trembling, but now is not the time to think about it.

"What's the matter with you? Who are they? "

Lin Yang light mouth, eyes rippling with a cold.

"Mr. Lin, these are bandits! They are the people of Qiyang tribe. They specialize in burning, killing and looting! This time, they got the organization chart of the sulfur burning tomb. Through the organization chart, they came here to rob the people of our business alliance! They not only killed the people of our business League, but also wanted to insult the saint, Mr. Lin! " Yi congenitally cries with grief and indignation.


Lin Yang's face was so cold that he turned his head to look at it.

"Who are you?" The judge is very cold. He stares at Lin Yang fiercely.

"Doctor jiangchenglin!" Lin yangdan road.

"Oh, that poor doctor, isn't he? I've heard that. I know a little bit about medicine, but what about that? You're just a piece of crap fiddling with embroidery needles. What's the matter? Do you want to compete with Qiyang tribe? " Shen man disdains to say that he doesn't pay attention to Lin Yang at all.

"Waste of embroidery needles?"

Lin Yang's eyes gradually became as red as blood. He walked towards the man.

"To die!"

Trial pretty furious, a few steps forward, a punch hard toward Lin Yang's chest in the past.

All of a sudden.


His fists shook Lin Yang's chest.

However, Lin Yangwen did not move.

Gas explosion from the fist and chest contact place bloom, but can't blow his flesh.

Shen man breathes hard.

"That's the power? What a disappointment Lin Yang shook his head.


Shen man gnashed his teeth, especially unwilling, and then hit Lin Yang's heart.


It's a bang again.

But this time... Lin Yang is still motionless, as if nothing happened.

Shen man's breath was tight and his heart was cold.

Lin Yang punches and hits Shen man on the shoulder.

The punch was as quick as lightning, and there was no room for even reaction.


His arm and shoulder burst on the spot.

The burst wound can even smell a burning smell, which is extremely terrible.


Shen man wailed bitterly. He retreated and could hardly stand still.

Lin Yang hit the other arm of Shen man with another punch.


Shen man's other arm also burst. He fell to the ground in pain and kept rolling. The severe pain almost made him faint.

"How? What's my strength as a broken doctor who plays with embroidery needles? " Lin Yang stood high and looked at the trial man rolling on the ground.

"I am wrong, my Lord! I know it's wrong! Please forgive me! Please! As long as you spare my dog's life, you can do anything you want me to do! "

Shen man was terrified. He was afraid to the extreme. He kept kowtowing and praying for mercy.

At this moment, he realized how terrible the doctor was!

He had only heard about it before. How could he pay attention to this little medical skill?

Today, however, he knows that he is very wrong!

What a terrible doctor?

However, Lin Yang didn't answer Shen man's words. Instead, he walked over and stepped on Shen man's left leg.


Shen man's leg was immediately broken.

Lin Yang stretched out his foot again and crushed Shen man's other leg.


The whole room was filled with the cry of sadness.

"Dr. Lin, what are you doing?"

Shen man endured severe pain, trembled and yelled. He was almost crazy.

"Now that you're all broken, it's very easy to do anything to you!"

Lin Yang said with a smile.


My breath is almost frozen.

But listen to Lin Yang to hurtle divine fire Saint way: "you are all right?"

"It's OK. It's just the chest... It hurts a lot!"

The holy woman of divine fire gritted her teeth.

Lin Yang nodded, went to the next pile of his own goods, took out a silver needle, and pricked it on the sacred flame saint.

All of a sudden, the sacred flame Saint shivered, and then looked at her body.

"I... I seem to... OK?" The holy flame said stupidly.

"I closed the pain on you and contained your wound. Now you can move a little." Lin Yang road.

"Activities?" The holy woman of sacred fire was slightly stunned: "Doctor Lin, what do you mean?"

"Isn't this man trying to insult you?"

Lin Yang pointed to the hand and foot to break the trial man, light voice said: "in this way, I put him to your disposal, how?"


Shenhuo saint's eyes burst bright, and her eyes were full of ferocious and cold. She gritted her teeth and said, "thank you so much!"

"It's the first time you thank me." Lin Yang said with a smile.

The holy woman of Shenhuo was slightly stunned and didn't say a word. She directly grabbed a knife that fell to the ground beside her and walked towards Shenman.

"No!! Don't kill me... Don't kill me! Please forgive me, I don't dare any more! "

Shen man's whole body trembles wildly and shouts out.

"Don't you dare?" The sacred fire Saint asked in a voice.

"Yes! I really dare not! Really! " Shen man trembled.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with me?"

The sacred flame Saint said with a grim smile, and directly cut him with a knife. Instead of killing him, she cut his chest open.


He was howling in pain.

The goddess of divine fire didn't stop. She chopped down again.


The sound of the flesh being torn came out.

"I'll make you alive! I'll shave you alive! "

The holy woman of divine fire is a little crazy. She splits wildly, and the propriety of each knife is extremely appropriate.

In less than ten minutes, Shen man had been slashed nearly a thousand times.

But his internal organs are still active, and people are not dead yet, but they can't cry out.

Lin Yang in the back was frightened.

He didn't think that the flame Saint would be so crazy

"Almost, my Lord, give him a good time." Lin Yang couldn't help but say.

"You practitioners are too soft-hearted. People like him should soak in medicinal wine and give him a life, and let him suffer and die again!"

The holy woman of divine fire snorted, and then split the head of Shen man with a knife and dropped the result.

Shen man trembled all over, then his neck was crooked, completely cool.

Next to Yi congenitally see this scene, almost did not scare urine

He swore in his heart that he would never provoke this holy flame in his life , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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