"Analysts! Where are the analysts? "

Lin Yang suddenly returned to his senses and screamed.

The crowd was startled.

"Mr. Lin, why... What's the matter?"

Zhang Qiye called to the analyst team and asked in consternation.

"Don't go to Tianxing province! We are in the trap. We are in the trap! Quick, analysts immediately give me an analysis, Lin's home whether there are other safe withdrawal route! Come on Lin Yang screamed bitterly.

People's scalp is numb.

"Map! Get the map

Chief analyst shouts.

They took the map and spread it out on the ground.

"Mr. Lin, what on earth is this..." Zhang Qiye asked.

"I'm too careless! I only noticed their wounds, but I didn't notice their posture, their look, or even their formation. "

Lin Yang clenched his teeth.

Zhang qiyeyileng immediately picked up these photos and looked at them. A moment later, he suddenly realized.

"This Lin's team... Is too lax!"

"Yes, lax! If they get Hongmeng xuantie, they will be extremely vigilant and step by step! But they didn't. on the contrary, they had loose discipline and loose formation. It didn't look like they got Hongmeng xuantie at all! So Hongmeng black iron is not on them! This team is just a lure to attract us. The team that escorts Hongmeng xuantie must be close to master Lin! " Lin Yang drinks deeply.

When people around listen to it, they are very frightened.

"Man long gu!"

At this time, the chief analyst suddenly looked up and shouted eagerly: "if another team wants to withdraw from Lin's master's house, it will be full of Dragon Valley!"

"Xu Tian! Turn around and go to Manlong Valley Lin Yang drinks and shouts.

"Mr. Lin, there is no place to stop the machine there!"

Xu Tian wants to cry without tears.

"There's no need to stop. When I get to Manlong Valley, I'll jump directly!"

Lin Yang cheered.

Xu Tian was stunned and nodded.

About half an hour later, the plane was close to Manlong valley.

"Open the cabin now and we'll jump down!"

Lin Yang immediately got ready, stabbed the silver needle all over his body, increased his strength, took out several needle bags, opened them, and then shook his hand.

Whoosh, whoosh

A silver needle like streamer toward the strong around the body stabbed in the past.

All of a sudden, the strength of Yuanxing, Cao Songyang, Zhang Qiye, bingshangjun and others has been increased, and everyone's breath is strong to the sky!

This time, Lin Yang does not intend to have any more reservations.

This group of Lin's masters must be very strong!

Once careless, may be doomed!

"Mr. Lin!"

Xu Tian poked his head out of the cockpit.

Lin Yang nodded, the people next to him opened the airport, and the air poured in.

Without hesitation, he walked straight out of the airport and fell to Manlong valley.

A group of strong Yanghua followed.

Bang Bang

The heavy landing sound sounded in the woods outside the Manlong valley.

The birds are scared away.

They were safe and sound, but after landing, they were extremely alert and looked around.

"Mr. Lin, let's lie in ambush in Manlong Valley and wait for the hare."

Zhang Qiye saw that there was no movement around him. He thought that the people in charge of Lin's family should not have arrived. He said immediately.

"No! Don't ambush in Manlong Valley! The terrain in the valley is narrow, and the light is dim. No matter who enters the valley, he will be alert to the extreme. If we ambush in the valley, it will be very difficult. We may not be able to eat all the masters of Lin's family who are on guard! "

Lin Yang thought about it and said hoarsely, "we are setting up our ambush at the place where we go out of the valley!"

"After the Dragon Valley?" Jun Leng on the ice.


"This is good! The leader is really wise and brave Yuan Xing immediately praised.


Lin Yang didn't care about him, so he rushed to Manlong Valley immediately.

The length of Manlong Valley is about three li.

If you don't take this valley and choose to climb mountains, you have to take dozens of kilometers more mountain roads.

After passing through the long valley, they came to a small earth slope outside the Manlong valley. They hid their bodies and waited quietly.

There is a man left in the valley.

It's king on the ice.

He stood at the mouth of the valley, with a walkie talkie in one hand and a telescope in the other, looking around.

But there was silence.

Except for some small wild animals, there was no movement at all.

Until then.


There was a movement in the woods in the distance.

Ice king breathing a tight, immediately hide good body.

But I saw a warrior in a green robe running in the air towards the Manlong valley.

"Someone's coming! But... Just one person... "

Bingshangjun is busy whispering to the walkie talkie.


The people at the earth slope behind the valley were puzzled.

"It should be Lin's family who sent people to inquire about the situation. Be careful not to let him find out!" Lin Yang whispered.

Bingshangjun nods, turns off the intercom and waits quietly.


The man went into Manlong Valley alone, looked for a circle, saw nothing, and then turned back to the woods.

A moment later, a team of twelve quickly walked into Manlong valley.

This is Lin's team!

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