Outside the Manlong Valley, the poisonous gas is still floating.

First, a handsome man with white hair frowned. He immediately stopped and raised his hand.

All of a sudden, the strong people behind stopped and stood in place.

The white haired man looked at the smoky Manlong Valley in front of him, his brows locked.

"My Lord, it's not like miasma, it's more like the poisonous gas released by human beings. It's mostly the poisonous power of that Lin Miao!" The people next to him rushed forward to baokundo.

"No! It's not the poison released by Lin Miao! " The white haired man shook his head and said with no expression: "although Lin Miao sacrificed his seven children, his talent is mediocre. At present, he is only the fourth poison man and can only release death poison! But in front of these poisonous FOG's virulence may be far more than dead poison so simple! Their virulence should be higher than that of dead poison. "

"What? Higher than dead poison? "

"Isn't that the fifth or sixth poison man?"

"Lin Miao has met his opponent!"

They all looked ugly and whispered.

Poison man is not common, and the high-level poison man is even more difficult and frightening.

Naturally, they are not willing to face a high-level poison man.

"Take the pill to avoid poison, go in and investigate to see if their bodies are still in the poison fog!" White haired men drink low.


Several experts immediately took out the elixir and put it into their mouth, then walked cautiously towards the poison fog.

However, after touching the poisonous fog, these strong men who took the pill made a miserable cry one by one, and then their bodies melted on the spot, and they all died in a miserable state.


The face of the world changed in horror.

The white haired man's expression was also dignified, and his eyes were cold.

"Big... Big... This... What's going on?" Others trembled.

"Seventh! Dark poison White haired men gnash their teeth.

"What? "The mysterious poison?"

"The seventh poison man? The ultimate poison man

Everyone was taken aback.

What a shock.

Seven deep poisons!

They've only seen it in books

"No investigation! Go straight home! "

The white haired man shook his hand and said with no expression: "if the seven poisons come out to hijack, Lin Miao and others will not survive! Report back immediately, Hongmeng xuantie has been stolen! Please immediately organize forces to investigate the identity of the person who stole Hongmeng xuantie! "

"Yes! My Lord

All the people were evacuated.

At the same time, Lin Yang has also been on the flight back to Jiangcheng.

He breathed a sigh of relief and kept playing with the Hongmeng xuantie.

Next, we have to practice the black iron well.

He has mastered more than ten kinds of abnormal fire in the sulfur burning tomb. With the help of the fire species, he can completely absorb them and quench them.

"With this iron, we finally have the capital to compete with the Lin family." Yuan Xing said with a smile.

"It's not only Lin's family, perhaps, but also Shenhuo island!"

Lin Yang is hoarse.

They were stunned and silent.

Back in Jiangcheng, Lin Yang closed the door and turned down all the visitors.

During this period, the Lin family sent people to sneak into Jiangcheng, and Mahai quickly reported to Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't care.

It's certain that the Lin family will send someone to come. After all, it's possible for him to rob Hongmeng xuantie!

However, as long as the Lin family is not seated, Lin Yang is safe at present.

By the fourth day of refining, the utensils had been produced, and Lin Yang was very satisfied.

Instead of making swords, he made use of this unique Hongmeng iron to make a pair of silver needles!


There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

Lin Yang in the room put away the strange fire in his hand.

The silver needle fired in the strange fire fell down and fell on the table.

Ma Hai went into the room and saw the smoking silver needle on the table, confused.

"What is this, Mr. Lin?"

"They are called Hongmeng dragon needles. They are silver needles made of Hongmeng black iron, but they haven't been finished yet." Lin Yang said while wiping the sweat on his forehead.

Mahai breathes hard.

"Hongmeng dragon needle?"

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