The sound of the needle is more and more intense and thick in the cave.

All the surging sounds of the silver needles come together, as if a dragon is roaring!

Now, in the woods outside the cave, the drunk old man finally found the source of the fragrance.

But just one look, he was stunned.

It turned out that the fragrance came from a fruit on the tree.

The fruit is different from the ordinary fruit. The surface of this fruit is coated with a layer of powder.

There seems to be a chemical reaction between the powder and the pulp. The powder corrodes the pulp and releases the intoxicating fragrance.

This is the artificial fragrance!

"No! It's a trick

The old man suddenly reacted, his face changed and rushed to the cave.

All of a sudden!


An earth shaking sound spread all over the holy medical villa.

Then he saw a white light through the mountains and into the sky.

Countless people in the villa were shocked by the sound and rushed out of the house one after another to look up.

In the night sky, I don't know why the white light is eye-catching.

Like a miracle!

"What's this?"

The three handed doctor stares at the white light.

"No! This direction... Is Longquan! There's something wrong with Longquan! "

"Support Longquan quickly!"

"Blow to the guard now! Come on

There was a roar.

Countless people in holy doctor mountain villa were shocked and rushed to Longquan.

Bang Bang

Before they reached Longquan, several burst beams of light rushed into the sky.

Countless eyes looking at the bright and mysterious light column, one by one both shocked and frightened

In the master's courtyard of Shengyi mountain villa.

The holy doctor walked out of the room and looked at the blooming halo. His face was gloomy to the extreme.

"Husband, what is this?"

A beautiful woman next to him took a coat and put it on. She couldn't help asking.

"This is the vision of heaven and earth!"

"The vision of heaven and earth?"

"Yes, when a supernatural weapon is born in the world, or when someone gets a supernatural creation, there will be a vision of heaven and earth, which can't be explained." The holy doctor said hoarsely.

"Doesn't that mean that our holy medical villa has given birth to miraculous soldiers or prodigies?"

"Maybe it's not done by the people of Shengyi mountain villa. That direction is Longquan. Someone must use Longquan to refine the magic weapon or the body!"

The saint doctor went down the road, took off his coat, leaped into the air and rushed to Longquan like a sharp arrow.

His speed is very fast, such as the lightning in the night sky, and he arrives at Longquan.

However, as soon as he landed, he heard a burst of wailing from the cave.

The holy doctor's face suddenly turned ugly.

He knows the sound! It's the old man who has been guarding the cave!

"Holy one

"Holy one

"Holy one

When the holy doctor walked into the cave, people on the road knelt down and saluted him.

The holy doctor's eyes tightened and came to the edge of Longquan.

Just found that the old man is lying on the broken Longquan sculpture, crying heartbroken, heartbroken!

As for the whole Longquan... Has completely dried up!

"It's impossible! Who is it? Who destroyed my Longquan

The holy doctor's breath solidified and growled, "who did it?"

However... There was no response.

After thinking for a moment, the doctor stood up and whispered, "brother, maybe it's that..."

The holy doctor immediately understood who he was referring to, and immediately roared, "get someone for me now!"


The third-hand doctor didn't dare to hesitate. He rushed to the guest hospital where Lin Yang lived with a group of elite disciples., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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