"What's going on?"

Qian Ye is stunned and looks at this scene foolishly. His brain is blank.

He even his own strength is far from the opponent of overlord! This kind of positive confrontation is completely death seeking!

But now... Ba Lijun was shocked by himself!

And I... I'm safe! flawless and perfect!

How did this happen?

Qianye's head is buzzing. Looking at his arm, he finds that there is not even a scar on it.

All the power of overlord has been ignored!

"Deputy headmaster, are you all right?" Jiang Tianxing asked blankly.

"I... I'm fine. I feel better than ever..." Qian Ye hesitated.

"Really?" Jiang Tianxing also had some accidents.

At this time, Ba Lijun got up from the earth slope, stood up disheartened and looked at Qian ye in amazement. His face was also incredible.

Qian Ye knows how many kilograms he has!

However, he was hit by Qian Ye just now!

Ba Lijun also felt incredible.

He frowned and couldn't figure out the reason. With a low roar, he rushed to Qianye again and killed him with a fist.

This time, his strength is more terrible and overwhelming. Before his fist arrives, the terrible pressure has crushed and sunk the earth under Qian Ye.

Su Yan screamed and retreated. If Lin Yang hadn't protected her with breath, I'm afraid this pressure could directly crush her body into powder!

Su Yan didn't know what a terrible master duel she was watching.

In the face of an extremely overbearing blow, Qianye finds that his state of mind is unprecedentedly calm.

It seems that what attacked him was not an iron fist, but a light leaf and a feather!

What's going on?

Qianye is confused.

That fist is so fierce and powerful. Why is it so gentle and gentle in your opinion?

He subconsciously raised his hand and grabbed it at the fist.


Ba Lijun breathed tightly and could hardly believe his eyes!

This Qian Ye dares to take his fist with his hand!

Is he crazy?

Ba Lijun's eyes were cold and his pupils were ferocious. He clenched his teeth and poured the last bit of strength into the fist.

"Don't look down on people! Decepticon fist!! "

Ba Lijun roared wildly, and his fist seemed to burst into endless light and tear everything in the world!

But the next second, the light on the fist suddenly stopped!

Look! Ba Lijun's fist... Was wrapped in Qian Ye's palm.

Ba Lijun's eyes were almost falling out of his sockets, as if what was caught at this moment was not his fist, but his heart!

After the fist is wrapped, all the forces above are broken, and all the destructive forces disappear under Qianye's wrapping.

Then Qianye flung it.


Ba Lijun's body flew out again and fell heavily on the earth not far away.

The ground trembled and crumbled on the spot


The young men and women were stunned at the scene.

Including Jiang Tianxing.

He looked at Qian Ye strangely and murmured, "deputy leader, when did you... Become so strong?"

"I... I don't know..."

Qian Ye stared at his palm.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and jerked his arm.

At that moment, Qianye was stunned.

But I saw a few silver needles in my arm

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