Ling Jianfei saw it very thoroughly.

Lin Yang is not interested in anything, but he can't control it at all.

"Are you serious?" Lin Yang asked.

"Zixuantian has been dealing with Changsheng heavenly palace. Although we are not majoring in medicine, we have also made great efforts in this regard. Changsheng heavenly palace once sent someone to explore a secret place of our ancestors. After we got the news, I personally led a team to attack the secret place and took back the benefits of the secret place from the people of Changsheng heavenly palace, Now these things are hidden in my room, doctor Lin. if you are willing to do it, these are all yours. " Ling Jianfei said lightly.

"So you don't know what those things are and what their grade is?" Lin Yang frowned.

"It shouldn't be bad. If you're worried, I can show you. " Ling Jianfei said.

Lin Yang thought for a moment and said, "OK, show me."

"Come with me."

Ling Jianfei got up straight and walked towards the door.

Lin Yang followed.

Ling Jianfei's residence is not luxurious, very simple and tidy.

After opening the door, it is very spacious, and you can see a large number of bookshelves on the inside of the room.

But these bookshelves are locked with iron chains. Without opening the chains, it is impossible to open the bookshelves.

Ling Jianfei led Lin Yang to the innermost bookshelf and found that the whole bookshelf was impressively made of gang stone, and the iron chain on it covered several layers. According to its structure, it seems that there is even a mechanism to protect it, which is very strict.

Lin Yang's eyebrows moved and his heart became more and more curious.

What on earth can make Ling Jianfei guard so tightly?

Ling Jianfei took out a key, opened all the iron chains, opened seven light iron chains, and then opened a dark box next to the bookshelf.


The dark grid extends outward, revealing a small frame with a handle inside. Ling Jianfei tightly clasps the handle and then twists.


The bookshelf made of gang stone was finally opened.

However, there are only a few books on such a large bookshelf, which is very simple. In addition, there is a small medicine can and medicine basket, and there is a worn parchment next to it.

"Is that all?" Lin yangleng asked.

"Yes, that's all!" Ling Jianfei said.

"Are you making too much of a fuss?"

Lin Yang couldn't help saying.

These things don't look like a big deal!

"Doctor Lin, take a closer look to see if these are simple things." Ling Jianfei said.

Lin Yang nodded, but he didn't hold much hope.

Pick up a look, but see those simple books, impressively a note.

However, the things written on it were messy. Lin Yang turned over several pages, but none of them could understand.

"Doctor Lin! How? "

Ling Jianfei asked hurriedly.

However, Lin Yang pondered for a moment and shook his head: "it's completely a random graffiti. I even doubt whether the author of these notes knows medicine!"


Ling Jianfei was slightly stunned, and his face was full of consternation.

"Doctor Lin, are you sure you're right? How can these be junk? Otherwise, why did Changsheng heavenly palace mobilize people to rob these things? "

Ling Jianfei is a little anxious.

When Lin Yang saw it, his eyebrows moved: "what's the matter? Don't you believe it? "

"Of course not! You should not know how many people died for these things in zixuantian and Changsheng heavenly palace! If this is really some junk, why should Changsheng heavenly palace fight with us like this? " Ling Jianfei said., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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