"What is the trial content?" Taicang dragon spoke faintly.

Obviously, his patience is not much.

Maybe I came here just by the way.

In his eyes, Taiyu divine diamond is a must.

"The content is very simple!"

The goddess of Taiyu slightly turned her head and pointed to the first huge stone lion statue on the right side of the Taiyu Temple: "you need to all enter the Taiyu mechanism, get the Taiyu stone inside, and then give it to me. The person who obtains the Taiyu stone can enter the second round, and the second round will determine the ownership of the Taiyu God diamond!"

"Taiyu? There is nothing there except a stone lion statue. Where is the mechanism? " Beixuan Changkong asked in confusion.

Taiyu goddess didn't say a word, just moved her fingers a little.

GA wipe, GA wipe, GA wipe

Strange sounds sounded.

Then he saw that the majestic stone lion suddenly and slowly opened its big mouth, which was very exaggerated, just like a door, and could accommodate a normal person to enter.

It turns out that the entrance of Taiyu mechanism land is in the big mouth of the stone lion!

The crowd was amazed.

"All right! Now you can go in! " Taiyu goddess said calmly, and then sat down on the stone steps next to her and closed her eyes.

There are no rules in this trial.

Whoever can get Taiyu stone will win.

People are eager to try.

However... No one dares to act rashly!

After all, there is a Taicang dragon here!

They have no right to say more.

But when he saw the Taicang dragon walking towards the stone lion, he suddenly stopped, looked back and said, "no one of you is allowed to come in, you know? God diamond belongs to me! Those who don't want to die either leave or stay here! "


"Dragon Tianjiao takes the magic diamond. How dare we compete with you?"

People drink with smiling faces.

But at this time, a cold voice came out.

"Long Tianjiao, you are overbearing. We worked hard to get here to drill for Taiyu God. You won't allow us to participate in a word?"

As soon as these words came out, the people were shocked.

Looking up, it was the woman of the moon moving palace!

People laughed at it.

About bullying! Don't you move the moon maid overbearing? Before going up the mountain, no one is allowed to go up or even kill! How vicious?

But no one said a word.

Anyway, the moon moving maid wants to be the first bird. Let her be!

Beixuan Changkong's face changed slightly. He immediately walked forward and drank: "princess, stop talking."

"Why don't you let me say? Am I wrong? " The lady in charge of moving the moon lifted the curtain and went straight out, staring at Taicang dragon coldly.

Taicang dragon heard the sound, but he smiled gently and said, "so, do you want to go in?"


"Good! Have courage, in that case, I'll give you a chance! "

Taicang Dragon said lightly, "I'll give you all a chance! If you want to enter, you can enter, but you should remember that when you enter this Taiyu mechanism, we are the enemy! I usually have only one attitude towards the enemy, that is to kill! I hope you go in and come out alive! "

The voice fell, and taicanglong turned and walked in towards the mechanism.

The rest of you look at me and I look at you. Their faces are full of horror.


The lady in charge of moving the moon hesitated and hummed to go inside. All the people in the moon moving palace looked ugly, and someone came forward to stop them.

"Princess, forget it. I lost my life for the magic diamond... It's not worth it!" The man persuaded me.

"Get out!"

The woman of the moon moving palace slapped her and scolded angrily: "how can I be afraid of him? Get out of the way! "

With that, he rushed into the mechanism ground.

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