The goddess looked very calm, looked at the people indifferently, and said calmly, "there are many kinds of these drugs! It also contains a lot! There are poisons that can make people die instantly, and there is also a fortune pill that can increase people's power for a hundred years in an hour! What's more, it makes people break their muscles and veins after taking it, resulting in the complete abolition of martial arts cultivation! In short, there are all kinds of drugs in it! What kind of medicine you can take depends on your luck! "


The people were terrified and terrified!

"Poison, too? Tonics, too? "

"This... What's the matter?"

"Goddess, can you explain which poisons are? What are tonics? "

"If you take poison, don't you die?"

Everyone stared at the goddess, hoping she could tell.

However, the goddess Taiyu shook her head directly.

"I can't tell you which are poisons and which are tonics! You can pick it from inside, but you can't open cork to observe medicine! Once the medicine is selected, you need to take it immediately before you can go on stage. If anyone repents or refuses to go on stage after choosing the medicine, there will be no amnesty! "

People were sweating when they heard it.

This is playing with your life!

Gun turntable gambling, right?

Countless pairs of eyes looked at the medicine in the box and swallowed saliva one by one, but they didn't dare to take it.

On the contrary, there was a trace of madness in the eyes of the moon moving maid, who smiled and said, "it's so good! So good! In this way, if Taicang dragon takes poison or damage, we don't have to be afraid of him! "

"In this way, this test is not only a competition of strength, but also a competition of luck!" Beixuan Changkong smiled.

"It's getting late. You should take the medicine! Those who have not received the drug within 30 minutes will be automatically regarded as abstaining! Please take the medicine at once! " The goddess of fire shouted.

People look at me and I look at you. They are hesitant.

Someone gave up on the spot.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no? the loss outweighs the gain! I don't play! "

Others are not afraid.

"Cutting is a gamble! What am I afraid of? What if you choose a magic medicine that can increase your power for a hundred years? Can't I hang Taicang dragon, win Tianjiao order and become the third Tianjiao? I chose this medicine! "

After some hesitation, only a few people quit.

Most of them still take the medicine before they go on.

At this time, how can you give up easily?

People still choose to bet!

Even if it's a big bet!

"Teacher, what should I do?"

Wei Xinjian was a little flustered and couldn't help saying.

"It doesn't matter. Go and get the medicine."

Lin Yang said.

Zixuantian hesitated and went up.

Although they know Lin Yang's medical skills are excellent, Lin Yang also wants to take medicine. What if his medicine is poison?

This is the poison of Taiyu temple! It must be very strange.

Once Doctor Lin couldn't solve it, wouldn't he die on the spot?

The people were uneasy and walked over. They were carefully selected for a while before they picked up a porcelain vase and turned back.

However, these porcelain bottles look the same. No one knows what medicine is in them.

Someone tried to open it.

But as soon as the bottle cap was opened, the goddess Taiyu immediately drank, "take medicine quickly! Otherwise, kill! "

This frightened the man and swallowed the medicine immediately.

Unexpectedly, the man had swallowed the pill, fell to the ground on the spot in a few seconds, convulsed all over, and then died of bleeding in his seven orifices. His death was miserable, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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