The miserable and terrible scene on the challenge arena shocked everyone on the scene.

The world looked at it with a dull look.

Who would have thought that one of the 20 top experts even took the medicine that increased their skill for 50 years, which was not the opponent of taicanglong!

The pride of the third day... How terrible?

"Fifty years of skill? So what? In addition to your own cultivation skills, you only have more than 70 years of skills now! It's only 50 years of skill. Do you want to fight me? It's ridiculous. " Taicang dragon squinted and disdained.

"You... How many years of skill do you have?" The man screamed hard.

"I am different from you! You are a bunch of incompetent and stupid waste! A genius like me, after one year of practice, can equal your ten years! I have practiced for 20 years, which is equivalent to your 200 years of practice. Plus the 30-year skill pill I have taken, I have 500 years of skill! What are you fighting with me, a man of only 70 years of skill? " Taicang dragon laughed.

The man's eyes widened and he was stunned.

The people under the stage were also trembling.


Taicang dragon is the third day pride! He is an unparalleled super genius!

It's a big mistake to look at him from the perspective of ordinary people!


At this time, a strange sound came out.

He saw that the head of the last person in the challenge arena was torn off by Taicang Longsheng.

The blood, like a pillar, sprayed into the sky and dyed the whole person of Taicang dragon red.

"Cool! Ha ha... "

Taicang dragon laughed, threw the man's body away, and said with a ferocious smile to the people under the stage: "who should be next? Come on, let me see your strength! Ha ha ha... "

Everyone in the audience was bloodless and trembled wildly.

No one dared to come forward.

But even if you don't appear on the stage, you will be forced to fight by taicanglong one by one!

No way. Who let them choose the medicine?

They also took part in the duel with luck!

They hope Taicang dragon can eat poison and die!

But who could have thought that he not only didn't take the poison, but even... He also took the medicine that increased his skill for 50 years!

The increase of this drug on taicanglong seems to be far more than 50 years!

"What... What should I do now?"

"Going up is death, and not going up is waiting for death..."

"But even if we go together, we may not be the opponent of taicanglong."

"What should I do?"

"What should I do?"

Everyone was in a panic, trembling and panic.

"If no one comes! I'll just call the roll! "

Taicanglong narrowed his eyes and looked directly at the moving moon maid and the long sky of beixuan.

The woman in the Moon Palace turned pale.

She was injured. She just took medicine to stabilize her injury. Now she goes up to fight Taicang dragon. It's like hitting a stone with an egg!

But at this time, beixuan made a noise in the sky.

"Dragon Tianjiao, please calm down! May I say a word? "

"Is it the last words?" Taicang dragon smiled.

"Long Tianjiao, please don't get me wrong. I didn't attack you just now! I don't think I should be against you! " Beixuan Changkong boxing road.

As soon as these words came out, many people were furious.

Beixuan Changkong did not attack Taicang dragon, but he kept watching. The situation was wrong and he slipped away!

Many people still wonder why he didn't do it.

Now it seems that he is completely leaving a way for himself!

This guy is really cunning!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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