

A lot of people pour out cool breath, the heart is shocked even day!

Who is Lin Yang?

Why did Xu Nandong offend the Ma family for him?

You know, to Xu Nandong's level, money is just a number to him.

The success of xunandong's business is enough to prove that he has many businessmen in Nancheng.

Successful businessmen, on the other hand, are focused on communication.

As a matter of fact, Xu Nandong is unlikely to fall out with the Ma family for money. After all, the Ma family is one of the four big families in Jiangcheng, and the relationship between Xu and Ma is also good!

But now!

Xu Nandong for a Linyang, actually called Ma Feng for banquet hall?

This is the face of Ma Feng!

Ma Shao clenched his teeth, and the anger in his eyes almost gushed out.

What is Xu Nandong going to do?

The guests around held their breath and did not dare to make a sound.

Even the Su family shut up at this time.

"Little horse?"

The manager called again.

But the next second...


Ma Feng slapped it away.

The manager was fanned to the ground with a look of grievance.

"Uncle Xu! Is this really going to happen? Is the relationship between the horse family and the Xu family really not comparable to this trash? " Don't bite your teeth and growl.

"Xiao Feng, don't get to the bottom of some things. Just remember that Xu Bo won't hurt you." Xu Nandong road.

"Why don't you beat me in the face for such a jerk? Don't forget that Mr. Xu was saved by my horse wind! Without me, Mr. Xu would have died long ago! You don't think Lin Yang knows Mr. Qin, so you can help him deal with me? Xu Nandong! Don't think my horse family is afraid of you! This is Jiangcheng! It's not you, Nancheng! "

Ma Feng roared hysterically.

He is the Fourth Youth of Jiangcheng!

Has he ever been humiliated like this?

Even if the person in front of him is his elder, he doesn't care.

With this hysterical roar, the banquet hall was silent again.

Xu Nandong is neither happy nor sad.

He was used to big waves, but he didn't care.

"Xiao Feng! I've already said that there are some things I can't say too frankly. I'm very grateful to you Ma family for the master's affairs. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have come from Nancheng! " Xu Nandong lowered his voice.

"Specially from the South City?"

"Remember, I'm not helping him, I'm helping you!" Xu Nandong has a profound meaning.

Horse wind breathes heavily.

Help me? what do you mean?

Is this Lin Yang not simple?

But now there are so many people looking at it. If we compromise, it will not become a laughing stock?

"Young master, let's withdraw." A Ma family member came to the road.

"Withdraw? Hum, if we withdraw like this, where will our Ma people face? " Ma Shao angrily said.

"But what can I do if I don't leave? This hotel belongs to the Xu family. "

"It's true that his Xu family has shares, but don't forget that this is Jiangcheng. Who's looking at his face when he can do business here?" Ma Shao stares at Lin Yang, and suddenly his eyes are grim: "listen, I want you to rush to the front right now and interrupt all the hands and feet of that rubbish for me. Remember, no matter who blocks you, don't care! Give me a good beating. I can leave Ma Feng, but I must leave this asshole lying down

"Young master, don't you offend Mr. Xu to death? It's hard to explain at Ning family. "

"What do you do with all that?" Ma Feng glared at him fiercely: "this is Jiangcheng. His Xu family and Ning family are outsiders. Qianlong does not oppress local tyrants. What are they? Call me. I'll take the consequences! "

Ma Feng said so, several bodyguards are no longer wordy.

Xu Nandong smelled something wrong and waved secretly. The man behind him quickly stopped Lin Yang.

But his people are different from Ma Feng. Ma Feng is a professional bodyguard.

"Lin Yang, or you take your wife away first." Ning long lowered his voice.

"No. In fact, I hope Ma Feng can do this. After all, I don't have to be merciful. " Lin Yang smiles.

Ning long heard the sound, very confused.

Lin Yang looks sleek, thin and weak. Can't he cope with those thugs around Ma Feng?

The situation is out of control.

Ma Feng has brought people here.

"Ma Feng, what are you going to do?" Xu Nandong cheered.

"Xu Bo, it has nothing to do with you." Ma Feng said coldly, "give me a call!"

As soon as the voice fell, the bodyguards rushed over.


the guests turned pale and screamed back.The scene was in a mess.

"Stop it!"

Xu Nandong roared and stopped.

Ning long also helps to block these bodyguards.

But they can't stop, or there is a person close to Linyang.

The man was not polite, directly smashed Lin Yang's face with his big fist.

"Lin Yang, be careful!"

Su Yan was shocked, subconsciously rushed to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was slightly stunned, but his eyes were cold, and he raised his hand and ran out. He quickly touched the fist of the bodyguard as quickly as a snake.

In an instant, the fist became soft, and the bodyguard fell to the ground, as if he had no strength.


People around him look confused.

What's going on?

"Wang Yu! What's the matter with you? Get rid of that guy Ma Shao was very angry.

"Call the police

Ning long yelled at a guest.

The guest was at a loss.

"Grandma, what should we do now?"

The Su family panicked.

"No matter, let the horses deal with it less!"

Mrs. Su said calmly, "if necessary, we have to help Ma Shao."

"But that's the Xu family! We can't afford to... "Subei frowned.

"So what? No matter how powerful the Xu family is, he is not in Jiangcheng! If we hold the big tree of Ma family, are we still afraid of the Xu family? " She hummed.

Several people in Northern Jiangsu nodded.



MA Shao, who was about to leave the scene in person, took out his mobile phone and immediately turned pale and connected.


"Where are you?" Over the phone is the voice of Ma Hai, chairman of Ma Ma group.

"Jianghua Hotel, what's the matter?"

"Is that Lin Yang there?" Ma Hai inquires, the voice is a little urgent.

"Yes." Ma Feng Leng way.

"You didn't embarrass him, did you?" Ma Hai asked again.

As soon as the words fell, Ma Feng was struck by lightning.

Who is Ma Hai? Seeing that Ma Feng didn't speak, he immediately learned something.

"You little bunny! Isn't it something you've done to someone else? "


"I don't care what you're doing now, stop it! And apologize to Mr. Lin, do you hear me? " Ma Hai roared from the phone.

"Dad, who doesn't know that Lin Yang, the son-in-law of the Su family, is a waste. What are we afraid of him for?"

"No nonsense! Listen, even if you kneel down in front of Mr. Lin, you must get his forgiveness for me! Do you understand? "


"I'll come over now, you'll wait for me there!" Ma Hai roared.

Ma Feng heard this and was in a hurry and said, "Dad, you don't use it, you don't use it. In fact, I've left the hotel! I didn't do anything to Lin Yang. "


"That's not true? After all, Xu Bo arrived, and he drove me out... "

" didn't you lie to me? "

"How could it be?"

"Is it? Then I have to thank Xu Ma Hai was obviously relieved.

But Ma Feng's scalp is numb.

"You'll see me at once. Come on." Ma Hai drank and hung up the phone.

Ma Feng stares at his mobile phone, his face is extremely ugly.

He finally knew that Lin Yang was not as simple as he thought.

But... To apologize to Lin Yang in front of so many people? It's impossible. It's more unacceptable than asking him to go away!

What's more, it's hard to stop now?

No matter what, if we don't do it twice, we will abolish Linyang first.

Ma Feng bit his teeth and rushed directly to Linyang.

But as soon as he moved, he noticed something was wrong.

The thugs do not know how, actually all fell to the ground, one body twitch, no strength, only three people in the fight with Ning long and Xu Nandong people.

Ning long is young and strong, plus fighting skills are good, a few hook boxing then Ko those bodyguards.

The rest of the people were dragged away by the security guards.

At such a moment, Ma Feng's professional bodyguards are all solved?

Ma Feng stands there alone, at a loss.

How could this happen?

Lin Yang releases Su Yan, who is rather frightened.

At this time, Xu Nandong's people came and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Mr. Lin, someone called the police. Why don't you avoid it and we'll deal with it?"

"Is that so? Then I'll leave first. I'll talk about Ma Feng later. " Lin Yang thought about the next way.

"Mr. Lin, Ma Feng is just some dandies. Can't you spare them once?" Xu Nandong said bitterly."I didn't ask you to do it, Xu Nandong. If you can stand here, I will give you face. Don't worry too much about my business."

Lin Yang calmed down, then took Su Yan's hand and went directly to the layman.

Xu Nandong is eager to speak, and when Lin Yang takes Su Yan out of the banquet hall, he sighs.

"Xu Bo..." Ma Feng couldn't help shouting.

"Did you call your dad?" Xu Nandong asked.

"My dad just called me."

"Really... Go to see your father, and ask him to use all his relations. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no horse family in Jiangcheng." Xu Nandong sighed and patted Ma Feng on the shoulder and went to the layman.

Ma Feng opened his eyes and petrified on the spot.

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