"What? Have you got anything? "

Seeing Lin Yang hurried back, the girl asked faintly.

"I've got it. We'll take you to get the Taiyu God coffin."

Lin Yang smiled.


The girl nodded.

So they went down the crow mountain and headed for the Taiyu temple.

On the way, Taiyu goddess's face was very gloomy, and her murderous spirit was still rippling. Taicang dragon on the side kept persuading her to restrain.

After all, the strength of this strange girl is too amazing. I'm afraid if the three work together, they may not be their opponents.

"Convergence? Do you really want this person to dig the ancestral grave of my Taiyu temple? Take the coffin of my ancestors? If so, how can I face to see the ancestors of the temple after death? " Taiyu goddess is unwilling.

Taicanglong shook his head: "goddess, you can't think so. Now the enemy is strong and I am weak. Your rage will only kill yourself, and you can't hold the coffin. In that case, why don't you send the coffin out to protect yourself? As the saying goes, if you keep the Castle Peak, you don't have to worry about firewood. If you are still alive, you will have to take back the coffin and wash away the shame. If you continue to do this, you will annoy them and be killed by them, you will not be able to keep the coffin without your life! So, do you have to pay for it? "

Taicanglong's words persuaded Taiyu goddess.

Indeed, the girl's strength is unfathomable and cruel.

In fact, she had already felt the killing intention and dissatisfaction of the goddess Taiyu, but she didn't do it because she didn't get the coffin of the goddess Taiyu.

In fact, people should worry, if the other party gets Taiyu God's coffin, will they stay alive?

Goddess Taiyu's face became dignified and fell into thoughts.

"Doctor Lin, what are you going to do?"

Taicang dragon didn't move either. He leaned close to Lin Yang and asked in a low voice.

However, Lin Yang ignored him at all, but took the half step remnant book he had just got and looked at it with relish.

"Doctor Lin? Doctor Lin? " Taicang dragon is in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang looked sideways.

Taicang dragon still wants to talk, but the girl squints at this.

"What are you talking about? What's in your hand? "

"I'm the medical book of Taiyu temple. Is this adult interested?" Lin Yang was also generous and handed over the half of the remnant books with a smile.

The girl glanced at the paper at random and waved her hand: "I'm only interested in Taiyu God's coffin. The rest are like garbage to me."

"That's a pity."

Lin Yang shook his head and continued to read.


Taicang dragon wants to stop talking.

Before long, the party came to the Taiyu temple.

But Qianye and the goddess are not here.

Several people walk into the temple and look at the firewood that hasn't been extinguished. They immediately understand that Qian Ye noticed the girls and left in advance.

The goddess Taiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl also noticed the firewood and said, "what's the matter? Are there others in your temple? "

"I've always been alone in the temple. How can there be anyone else? Maybe someone passed by and made a fire here. After all, there is no village in front of it and no shop behind it. " Taiyu goddess said lightly.

"Also, since you have arrived at the Taiyu temple, go and get the God coffin quickly." Said the girl.

"The God coffin is in the mechanism ground. I can't get it alone. Follow me."

The goddess Taiyu said quietly and walked towards the mechanism.

"Come in with me. You guys are watching outside. If I haven't gone out for a long time, you'll come in to meet me."

The girl shouted at her men before she followed in.

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