"Good! Then sign a letter of commitment! Get the pen and paper The middle-aged man is still bold and forthright, without any hesitation.

"No, don't write with a pen, write with your blood!" Lin Yang said.


The middle-aged man frowned.

The meaning of writing with blood is different from that of writing with pen.

If it's written in martial law, it will not have a strong effect in the field of medicine.

The middle-aged man hesitated.

But the Lin family rushed over.

"My Lord! No

"I can't write this letter of commitment."

They urged.

But the middle-aged man is a low voice and deep way: "can't tube so much, first save Yu Yan to say again!"

"But... Lord... The king of Scrophularia, you are afraid...

people stop talking.

The middle-aged man has made up his mind.

a man brought a Kwai, and the middle-aged man would bite his finger and start writing.

But at this time, he stopped again. The man looked at Lin Yang and said in a deep voice, "you must release my daughter immediately after I finish writing the letter of commitment, you know?"

"Yes, I would not have taken such a living man away?" Lin Yang light road.

"Come on

The middle-aged man bit his finger and wrote on the handkerchief.

Obviously, he had practiced brush writing. Even if it was written with blood, these words were full of flying dragons and Phoenix, and they had verve.

After finishing writing, he handed it to Lin Yang. Without hesitation, Lin Yang directly released the girl and took over the handkerchief.

He looked at it carefully and stuffed it into his arms with satisfaction.

"Yuyan, are you ok?" The crowd rushed up.

The girl sat on the ground, coughed twice and shook her head gently: "Dad, everyone, I'm ok."

"If it's OK!" The middle-aged man was obviously relieved. Then he looked up at Lin Yang and said with satisfaction, "you are indeed a happy man. Don't worry, I will keep my promise."

"I hope so."

Lin Yang said quietly.

"Well, let's go! See you later, sir. "

The middle-aged man did not stay at all, but rescued his daughter and led Lin Fu to leave directly with the girl.

No stopping.

As for the man Canghai crowd, the middle-aged men do not look at it.

Lin Yang quietly watched the crowd leave, and then looked at the sea beside him.

"Brother, can you... Help me report a police..." man Canghai looks at this head of yingmu road in despair.

Yingmu sighed: "it's been reported for a long time, but you've blocked the whole house. Is it useful for you to let me call now?"

Man Canghai closed his eyes, and the whole person lay on the ground powerless.

At this time, Lin Yang also came.

The whole family shivered.

Yingmu and his daughter dare not speak out.

At present, the whole situation has been completely controlled by Lin Yang.

Why don't you discuss with me? Do you mean... I really don't have a chance? " Man Canghai is not willing to give up at last. He opens his eyes and looks at Lin Yang Road hoarsely.

"To me, this commitment is more important than that girl." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Ha ha, sir, I'll tell you the truth. It's impossible for Lin Cai to get the king of Scrophularia for you, let alone take it. Even if he can't see the king, he can't fulfill his promise to you. All you get is a blank check, that's all!" Man Canghai chuckles.

"But all I want is a bad check." Lin Yang shook his head.

The sea was stunned.

Lin Yang knows that this is a bad check. He wants it? What is he thinking?

"But you said that. Well, I'll give you a chance! But it depends on whether you are willing to take the opportunity. "

Lin Yang took out a black bead from his arms. He held the bead and put it on the head of the sea.

Man Canghai stares at the bead, and his breath is completely frozen.

"I count three seconds." Lin Yang said calmly, "three! Two! One! "

"I eat! I eat

Man Canghai could not help but open his mouth.

As soon as Lin Yang's fingers were loosened, the dark beads immediately fell into the mouth of the sea and were swallowed directly by him.


Lin Yang nodded and calmly said, "I will contact you again. In the other three days, send me manfuxi's legs to Jiangcheng. If you can't see his legs, I will come to your Manshi martial arts school in person."

As the voice dropped, Lin Yang got up and walked outside the gate.

The people next to him were startled.Man Canghai is also very pale.

But at this time, he had no choice.

This time, my son almost killed the whole man's martial arts school.

"Master, what should I do now?" Someone asked, trembling.

"What can I do? Go, cut off that unfilial son's leg for me and send him to Jiangcheng at once The sea is full of air.

All this is a disaster caused by the people.

"Sir, are you serious?"

"Otherwise? Do it Manfuchi hissed, then coughed violently and vomited blood from his mouth.

The family has no choice.

Yingmu didn't dare to stay any longer, so he took his daughter away from the man's martial arts school.

As for the matter of marriage, he had planned not to mention it.

Out of the martial arts school, Yingxiu looks around looking for Lin Yang's whereabouts. She seems to have something else to say to Lin Yang, but Lin Yang has already got on Wei Yan's car and is ready to go to the airport and return to Jiangcheng first.

On the way, he couldn't help but take out the letter of commitment in his hand. His eyes were full of heat.

"Lin Shao, what is this?" Wei Yan, who is driving, can't help asking.


Lin Yang gave a faint smile.


"Yes, with this! Next time I go to the Lin's, I'll be able to justify myself! "

Lin Yang squinted.

Wei Yan obviously didn't understand what Lin Yang was talking about, so he stopped thinking about it.

She didn't understand the meaning of the commitment.

In fact, not only she, but even Lin Cai, who wrote the challenge book, didn't understand what it meant.

"Lin family, your handle is in my hands!"

Lin Yang murmured.

But just then...


There was a rapid honk, and then...


There was a crash.

Lin Yang's car was instantly hit by a black car.

Their bodies shook violently, but fortunately they were wearing seat belts, which was not a big problem.

"Damn it! Who's driving with so little eyes

Wei Yan got angry and immediately got out of the car to talk to the driver of the crash.

But as soon as she got out of the car, there was a man in the opposite car who was holding a dark pistol and shot Wei Yan directly.

Lin Yang looks tight, and immediately reaches out to pull Wei Yan, who just got off the bus, but it is too late...


The bullet flew out and instantly penetrated Wei Yan's chest.

"Wei Yan!"

Lin Yang shouts.

At this time, the car again rushed down a few men wearing sunglasses, toward the car of Linyang.

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