Gong Xiyun and others were shocked, and Qi looked at the sound source.

The sound came from the entrance and exit.

"No, Miss Gong, they are... Smashing the door!"

The man at hand shouted in panic.

"Don't worry, this door is made of special materials. It's very thick. Even the strongest martial artist can't break it easily!" Gong Xiyun bit his teeth and whispered.

People were a little relieved.

But the next second.




The violent noise outside the door became more and more frequent, and the heavy door was shaking gently.

Gong Xiyun was stunned and shouted, "come on, hold the door!"


The crowd rushed up and pressed the door with their bodies.

The trembling gate stopped slightly.

But the other party did not intend to give up and increased its efforts again.

The people at the top of the door only felt that their bodies were shaking constantly, and a terrible force was transmitted to them along the door, which made them spit blood.

Bai Zhenshui and others looked together.

"This is a chance to get out of here!"

Yan hen came, looked at Gong Xiyun and others, and said hoarsely, "if we start to solve them, we can escape from Shengtian! OK? Baimeng leader, do you want to do it? "

"I advise you not to do so! Instead, you should lead the apocalyptic people to help! "


"Because that's the devil! They're here to kill. Once they kill here, everyone here will die! They won't let anyone go! Whoever this man is! " The white disaster sank into the water.

Yan hen took a tight breath and stared at the door. Without saying a word, he rushed up and helped the top door.

But the strength of the other party is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more people hit the door.

Although the gate is made of special materials, it has changed its shape under such a crazy impact.

It won't last long.

Gong Xiyun was so desperate that he had to take out his mobile phone and ask for help outside.



Wheezing! Wheezing! Wheezing

On the street late at night, Su Yan led Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang to run forward.

Then a taxi came.

Su Yan was overjoyed and waved immediately.

"Master! Stop, master! "

The taxi made a sudden stop and stopped at the side of the road.

The three rushed up in a hurry.

"Miss, where are you going?" The driver looked at the three people sweating and panting curiously and asked.

"Drive! Drive! "

Zhang Qingyu roared.

The driver was stunned. He didn't know what had happened, but he did it and rushed out with his foot on the accelerator.

However, the taxi hasn't reached the corner yet.


A dark figure fell from the sky and stepped directly on the hood of the taxi.

Suddenly, the front wheel of the taxi deformed, the whole body rubbed on the ground for a while, rolled out and hit the roadside fire hydrant.

The fire hydrant was hit and the water column soared to the sky.


Passers by screamed when they saw it.

Several people in the car are already seven meat and eight vegetables, broken and bleeding.

The taxi driver was unconscious and lay in the car.

Su Yan was also dizzy.

She insisted on a little consciousness and shouted hard, "Dad, mom... Are you... Okay?"

"It hurts... It hurts... I'm dying..." Zhang Qingyu shouted in pain.

"Xiao Yan, how are you? Are you okay? " Su Guang's eager voice came.

"I'm fine, Dad, mom, climb out! Run... "

Su Yan gritted his teeth and shouted.

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