Lin Yang's words can be regarded as infuriating the people on the other end of the phone.

His voice became colder and more impolite.

"We asked you to contact Dr. Lin in Jiangcheng. Why didn't you do it? Why didn't you give us an answer? Why, have you ignored our words? "

"I remember I didn't promise you to contact Dr. Lin for you." Lin Yang said calmly.

"What do you say?" The man's tone rose at once by an octave.

"At the beginning, you just finished saying this and hung up the phone. You didn't seem to listen to my intention?" Lin Yang light road.

"And what is your intention?" The man's voice froze.

"I can't do it." Linyang straight road.

The man did not speak.

"Although I'm a waste, I can't give my wife to others in order to be superior. You may not know me very well." Lin Yang said again.

As soon as this word came out, the person on the other side of the phone just burst out laughing.

"You are just a bastard and a loser. If your mother didn't arrange for you to marry a gorgeous wife, you would think you would still have this opportunity today! Don't talk nonsense. Give me a reply within three days. This is your only chance and your last chance. If you don't make good use of it, you will lose everything. Trust me! You should understand the energy of the Lin family! "

Finish saying, that person is to hang up again, also seem to be lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Yang again.

Lin Yang looked at the mobile phone, but also dumbfounded.

"Xiao Lin, what's the matter? Is there any trouble? " Zheng Nantian behind frowned.

Although he did not know the specific content, judging from Lin Yang's words, it was obviously not a good thing.

"Oh, it's ok... It's just gangsters harassing me. I don't want to pay attention to them." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Is it?" Zheng Nantian frowned.

"Dr. Lin, if you have any difficulties, you can tell us what you can do. We will try our best to help you." The man in uniform next to him.

"No, thank you very much."

Lin Yang said with a smile, "ladies and gentlemen, I have something else to do. I'll stay soon. Goodbye."

"Well, Dr. Lin, I'll send you off by Xiao Zhao."

"No need not..."

Lin Yang refused and left the sanatorium.

Zheng Nan Tian looks at Lin Yang's back and frowns.

"Nantian, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm thinking about Kobayashi."

"Dr. Lin is also a miracle man. He will handle some things by himself. Don't worry about it!"

"But I heard the word" Lin family "on the phone just now

"What? Lin family? "

All the people were breathing tightly and their faces were heavy.

"Xiao Zhao! Check it out. "

"Yes, Captain!"

, Lin long left the sanatorium directly.

The car galloped all the way out of the province and drove to Guiyun province.

Lin Yang was a little stunned.

There is a famous Yunju mountain in Guiyun province. It is said that there was an eminent monk in Yunju mountain who was respected by others.

Of course, the car does not drive to the Yunju temple on Yunju mountain, but to the southwest of Yunju temple.

There is a new villa here.

The villa is quiet, with only a few people wearing working clothes as if they were servants.

As soon as the car entered the villa, a young man in a suit and short hair came up.

He opened the door for Lin Yang.

"Is this Doctor Lin? Doctor Lin, my name is Liang Sheng. How do you do


Lin Yang shook hands with him, but he saw that Liang Sheng's eyebrows were full of anxiety.

"Dr. Lin, I'm sorry, you may not be able to have a rest for tea. My grandfather's condition is very critical. Could you move around and show my grandfather the situation? I'm really sorry! " Liang Sheng said in a hurry.

"Well, you'll take me right away." Lin Yang nodded.

The patient is the first, and Lin Yang is not a man who likes to show off.

Liang Sheng was overjoyed and immediately took Lin Yang to the courtyard in the center.

However, before one enters the courtyard, one can hear bursts of violent coughing.


"The master coughs up blood again!"

"Come on, get the cough medicine!"

There was a sound of panic.

Then several servants came out in a hurry.

One of the servants also carried a basin full of blood and paper towels stained with blood.

Liang Sheng's face turned white when he saw the tissue.

Lin Yang also glanced and frowned.The blood... Is black.

Obviously, the patient's condition is very serious.

They entered the room immediately.

The scene in the room is more terrible than Lin Yang imagined.

Which is the house? This is a large operating room and ward!

The room is full of all kinds of advanced instruments, both traditional Chinese and Western medicine, herbs are all over the table, and they are very valuable.

The old man in the hospital bed is infusing liquid, and several medical staff are nursing for the elderly around the hospital bed.

But this effect is obviously not ideal.

"I suggest the operation be carried out immediately!" At this time, a doctor said.

"Operation? How many times? The last wound is still not good! Do you want my grandfather to die on the operating table? " Liang Sheng on this side was so angry that he immediately drank and yelled.

On hearing this, they noticed that Liang Sheng was present and shut up.

"Young master Liang, we are helpless. The patient's condition is very critical at present. We must have surgery!" The doctor sighed.

"Well, you've been treating my grandfather for years without any success. Are you here to cheat our Liang family?" Liang Sheng airway.

Several doctors were afraid to speak any more.

"You all leave, I have found a miracle doctor for my grandfather! All of you Liang said upset.

"Miracle doctor?"

Several people all agreed to look at Lin Yang.

"How young!"

"Is that what master Liang said?"

"My friend, which medical school did you graduate from? How many years have you been hospitalized? "

These people are surprised to ask.

"I am not a medical school graduate, I am a Chinese medicine!"

Lin Yang said with a smile.

"What? Chinese medicine? "

"So young Chinese medicine?"

"There were old Chinese doctors who came to see him before. It is said that his fame is still very big, but it has no effect. Now master Liang calls this boy..."

everyone looks incredible.

No one can believe it.

But Liang Sheng couldn't control so much. He directly called out, "if you can't cure it, it doesn't mean that others can't cure it. Go, all go!"

Liang Sheng was about to drive people out. They even shook their heads and did not say much, so they were about to leave.

But at this time, there was a clear and indifferent voice outside the house.

"I said, brother, I have to say many times that traditional Chinese medicine is a trick to cheat people. Why do you still call these bullies here?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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