Liang Sheng wants to push the door and see what's going on inside, but Liang Hongying stops him.

"Don't make trouble when other doctors are saving people. If something goes wrong, can you bear the responsibility?" Liang Hongying drinks.

Liang Sheng was silent.

However, there was a lot of noise, and there was also the sound of rushing back and forth, and even George and Rita could be clearly heard shouting anxiously.

Seems there's something wrong with the treatment?

Liang Hongying's Willow eyebrows sink.

Liang Sheng was in a hurry.

"Sister, can't something happen inside?"

"What happened? What's the matter? What can happen to this? Don't worry about it! " Liang Hongying looks unnatural.

And just then...


The door was pushed open.

Rita comes out of it.

"Miss Rita, what's going on inside? Is my grandfather OK Liang Sheng is in a hurry.

But Rita didn't pay attention to him. Instead, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number in a hurry.

I can even see the red beams in her white coat.

Both of them turned pale.

When the phone went through, I only heard what Rita was saying in Quick English. Both of them knew English, so they could understand.

"President Anna, the patient's condition is relatively bad. We didn't expect him to have a sudden massive hemorrhage. Although we gave him blood transfusion in time, all the functions of the patient showed signs of failure, and we couldn't find out the cause of the disease..."

Rita said, and with the landing of the words, Liang Hongying and Liang Sheng's hearts almost jumped out of their throat.


"You... You can't cure my grandfather?" Liang Hongying asked.

"How could that happen?" Liang Zhiyan was born.

Rita was also on the verge of crying: "President Anna, what should I do now? Are you able to come over? "

"Five hours? I'm afraid the patient can't support it for so long...

"looking for someone? Whom are you calling? Is there anyone else in China who can help us? "

"Doctor Lin of Jiangcheng? Is it all right to go to him? "

"What do you say? Are you his student? "

Rita seemed to be talking to someone on the other side of the phone. After a moment, she hung up, but the shock on her face was revealed.

As for Liang Sheng's brother and sister, they were shocked by Rita's words.

What is Rita talking about?

Doctor Jiang Chenglin?

What students?

Is she on the phone with Vice President Anna?

Their brains were shaking wildly.

At this time, Rita also turned to Liang Hongying and said, "I'm very sorry, Miss Liang. The patient's condition is very bad. Although we are trying our best to rescue the patient, the hope of saving the patient is very slim."

"How? You are the most advanced medical team in the world. Your medical standard is already the ceiling of the world. How can you not save my grandfather? You must do something about it. You must help us find a way. " Liang Hongying cried, breathing disorderly.

In her opinion, if the Medical Association of M is helpless, she really does not know who to turn to.

Liang Sheng was also in a hurry.

But at this point, Rita said, "I just called Miss Anna, the vice president of our Medical Association, and asked for her help."

"May I ask Miss Anna to come? We are willing to send a special plane to pick it up. "

"Miss Anna's current position is far away from here. Even if it is to send a plane to pick it up, it will take more than five hours. I'm afraid the patient can't last that long."

"So... What about that?" Liang Hongying cried out in despair.

"Anna should be able to treat patients in China." Rita road.

Liang Hongying's heart beat and asked carefully, "who?"

"I don't know who the Doctor Lin of Jiangcheng is. If you can invite him here, Miss Anna said that he should have hope to cure the patient." Rita road.


If they were struck by lightning.

Liang Hongying, in particular, has lost her soul. Her mouth is wide, and she can't return to her senses even when she makes a sound.

"Miss Rita... Are you sure? Miss Anna really said that Dr. Lin could cure my grandfather's disease? Isn't it that... Miss Anna doesn't believe in traditional Chinese medicine? " Liang Sheng slowed down and asked.

"I don't know what this is about, but Miss Anna did say so."

"Then why does Miss Anna want us to go to Dr. Lin?" Liang Hongying came back to her senses and asked in a hurry.

"Miss Anna said... She was a student of Dr. Lin." Rita sighed helplessly.

Although the news was unacceptable to her, Miss Anna said it herself, and she had to accept it.After hearing this, Liang Hongying's brain has been completely unable to continue thinking.

Her eyes are empty, staring at Rita, her mouth is open, like a wooden man.

"Miss Liang, are you ok? Miss Liang? " Rita asked.

"No... nothing..." Liang Hongying just came back to God.

"It's OK. I hope you can find Dr. Lin as soon as possible. The patient's condition is very critical. Now we can only rely on him."

Rita said, and went back into the house.

Liang Sheng looked at Liang Hongying and said in a low voice, "sister, what should I do now?"

"I... I don't know..."

Liang Hongying said painfully.

"Dr. Lin is now on his way back to Jiangcheng. I'll call Xiao Li and ask him to bring him back." Liang Sheng Dao.

Liang Hongying mumbled her lower lip and whispered, "that's good."

Liang Sheng nodded and took out the phone immediately.

But a moment later, he was looking at Liang Hongying.

"What did Dr. Lin say?" Liang Hongying asked urgently.

Liang Sheng shook his head and sighed: "Dr. Lin insisted on going back to Jiangcheng. He said... He doesn't owe our Liang family any more, so he won't treat grandfather..."


Liang Hongying was stunned, and she was furious: "good, you're a Lin! How dare you fight against my Liang family? Liang Sheng, call Xiao Li again and ask him to take Dr. Lin back by force! Let him tell Dr. Lin that if he dares not to treat my grandfather, I want him to disappear from Jiangcheng! "

"Elder sister, Dr. Lin has said before that he is a soft man rather than a hard one. What's more, if you do this, what should Dr. Lin do? Do you want to bury your only chance to cure your grandfather? " Liang Sheng sighed.

"What do you mean..."

"sister, didn't you say that if they couldn't be cured, you would go and ask Dr. Lin in person?" Liang Sheng suddenly said.

Liang Hongying's face suddenly turned red and white...

"elder sister, we can only try our best to show our sincerity...

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