"I see!"

Lin Yang put down the phone and asked the driver to continue driving to the most prosperous area in the south district.

"Already know their location?" Mansha asked the red side.


Lin Yang nodded.

"I didn't expect your people to be very efficient!"

"This is my territory after all."

Lin Yang tidied up his clothes.

When the car stopped at the roadside of the main road, Lin Yang opened the door and got off.

Mansahong is also ready to get off.

"Wait a minute." Lin Yang suddenly shouted.

Mansha Hong was stunned.

But Lin Yang walked into the nearby canteen. After about 20 seconds, people came out with a red round brimmed hat worn by primary school students in their hands.

Mansha hongleng.

"Lord blissful sword wants to kill you. It's inconvenient for you to show your face in front of others. Please wear a hat first." Lin Yang lost his way.

Mansha Hong stared at the red round brimmed hat in his hand and immediately became angry: "I would rather die than wear this insulting thing!"

"Insult?" Lin Yang frowned, "it's just a hat! What insult? Does your self-esteem go too far? "


"Less nonsense, you have no choice now. Bring it quickly and follow me!"

Lin Yang hums, but he won't be polite to mansha Hong.

Mansha Hong had no choice but to go with Lin Yang.

Lin Yang also wears a hat.

They were tall and short, walking side by side. They looked like father and daughter, but they didn't attract much attention.

But mansha Hong is incomparably oppressed.

I think she looks like a primary school student


Her heart was filled with hatred.

Lin Yang held the hat brim, looked at a roadside snack stand not far away, and then walked towards it quickly.

"What can I do for you, young man?"

In front of the snack stand was an old woman of nearly 60 wearing reading glasses.

She smiled at Lin Yang and scolded the spread of cakes.

This technique can't be practiced for decades.

"Two cakes, two bowls of soup!"

Lin Yang smiled, paid the money in advance, and then found a seat to sit down.

He looked at several tables around him and said with a smile, "old lady, your business is very good today! It's full. "

These words fell to the ground. All the people on the surrounding tables subconsciously looked at Lin Yang, and then quickly recovered.

"Today's business is really good. I wonder which tour group these people should be. They suddenly came here and directly filled up their seats! Old lady, I'm too busy! " The old woman smiled and filled a bowl of duck blood soup for Lin Yang and mansahong.

"Really? Old lady, since you are busy with business, why don't you have a rest first! " Lin Yang smiled.

"Rest? Where is this? The old woman has been selling pancakes and duck blood soup here for decades, but she will never leave casually. " The old man said.

Lin Yang smiled, took out a stack of money from his pocket and handed it to mansahong.

Mansha Hong immediately understood and took the stack of money and went to give it to the old man.

"Young man, you... What are you doing?" My wife was stunned.

"Grandma, please go there first. I have a personal problem to solve."

Lin Yang smiled, picked up a piece of cake on the table, ate it, walked to the middle of these tables and looked around at the people around him.

Everyone stared at Lin Yang, and their eyes gradually became ferocious. They all touched their hands towards the magic knife hidden in their sleeves.

The murderous spirit gradually filled the booth.

The mother-in-law was a little confused. Mansha Hong directly dragged her aside.

"Who allowed you to step into Jiangcheng?"

Lin Yang finished the cake and asked while wiping his mouth.

"Hand over mansha Hong! Let you live! "

At this time, a demon man stood up and said coldly.

But he just finished.


Lin Yang suddenly appeared in front of him, then grabbed him with one hand and smashed him hard at the table in front of him.


The table exploded.

The man's head hit the ground instantly, and the melon seeds cracked on the spot, killing him directly.


Passers by screamed.

The mother-in-law was stunned.

All the demons at the scene pulled out their blades and roared at Lin Yang.

But the next second, Lin Yang directly launched the martial god body and rushed towards these demons.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang

A crisp sound spread.

All the magic knives split Lin Yang's body, but he couldn't cut it open.


The demon was stunned.

Lin Yang's backhand shook.

Bang Dang!

All the magic knives were shattered, and the demons retreated again and again, and their hands trembled wildly.

At a glance, everyone's tiger mouth was opened and blood flowed.

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