"Dong Lin, what is this?" Wei Huo asked curiously.

"Jingshi White Lotus!" Lin Yang said.

"What? It... It's Jingshi white lotus? "

Wei Huo was suddenly shocked and shocked.

"It seems that you have heard of it, but haven't seen it!" Lin Yang road.

Wei Huo shivered for a long time before he regained consciousness and whispered: "I heard some people with broken mouths mention it after the battle, saying that it has the energy to destroy the sky and the earth! Once released, mountains and rivers will crack and heaven and earth will break! The gods and ghosts are amazing! This is a big killer! "

"Is there any record about this thing in the devil's way?" Lin Yang asked.

"My subordinates don't know. Their level is too low... Maybe adult mansha Hong knows something!" Wei Huo said.

They already know that mansha Hong has come to take refuge in Lin Yang.

Her arrival has greatly stabilized the hearts of Wei Huo and others.

Although mansha Hong is down, she is a witch!

Even the witch took refuge in Lin Yang, which proved that their choice was right.

"I see. Go down first." Lin Yang took a breath and put away Jingshi Bailian. He planned to go back to Jiangcheng and study it again.

The plane arrived in Jiangcheng at 3 p.m.

Ma Hai and others personally picked up the plane and reported to Lin Yang about the work of these people who left.

Yi Qilin was sent to Xuanyi medical school for treatment.

"These two heavenly demons didn't invade?" Lin Yang said.

"No, our people have taken strict precautions. The devil Taoist priest hasn't done anything for the time being. Dong Lin can rest assured." Ma Hai smiled.

"That's good."

"Dong Lin, how's the matter of asking for help...?" At this time, Xu Tian, sitting in the co pilot's seat, asked carefully.

"It's done! I think Taoist Tianmo will be in a mess soon. " Lin Yang smiled.

The crowd was overjoyed at the sound.


"Dong Lin still has a way!"

People were relieved, and the big stone in their heart finally fell.

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"Mahai, I want you to do something. It must be hidden, let anyone know, and let it out!"

Seeing that Lin Yang was so solemn, Ma Hai, who was driving, was stunned: "Dong Lin, what's the matter?"

"You immediately call a group of excellent researchers or scientists to analyze an item for me. I want you to finish it in one day! Give me the report immediately after the analysis! "

"What is it?"


Lin Yang takes out Jingshi white lotus.

Xu Tian looked up and marveled.


"Go ahead!"

"Yes, Dong Lin!"

There is a big difference between fire worshippers and Lin Yang.

Or the divine fire venerable has a big problem.

That is, he believes too much in his ability and despises those who have no strength to bind chickens.

In fact, a person's strength lies not in how much force and power he has, but in his ability.

Those with ability are naturally powerful.

This restoration and analysis of Jingshi white lotus can not be completed by the divine fire venerable, but Lin Yang believes that those knowledgeable researchers will be able to analyze it thoroughly for him.

After giving Jingshi Bailian to Ma Hai, Lin Yang dragged his tired body back to Yanghua and planned to have a good rest.

But before long, Xu Tian suddenly rushed into the office.

Lin Yang, who had just fallen on the sofa to take a nap, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Dong Lin, there is a situation!"

"What's up?" Lin Yangning asked.

"The devil Taoist... Is coming!"

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