Poor Dao is completely stupid.

He once thought his ears had heard wrong, but he saw Lin Yang's serious look. He knew he had heard right.

"You're crazy!"

Poor Dao took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

"Thank you for your praise. Let's get well."

Lin yangdan then left the ward and returned to his studio.

At the moment, a large number of instruments are placed in the studio of Xuanyi school.

A scientific researcher is busy in front of the instrument.

In the middle is a huge blackboard, on which a large number of structural drawings are drawn.

Lin Yang went to the blackboard and looked at it carefully.

This is the internal structure of Jingshi white lotus.

"Any results?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Mr. Lin, the results have been analyzed. There are two things missing in this exquisite thing. One is Zhenjin. Zhenjin is an indestructible alloy. It has the characteristics of anti sky oscillation and can release shock waves of specific frequency and wavelength. At present, the known quantity of Zhenjin in the world may be less than 10g, which is extremely rare. The other is electronic degenerate material, The celestial body composed of this material is called a white dwarf. It is a material beyond human control. Its average density is very high, up to one million times that of water. With current technology, it can imitate electronic degenerate material, but it takes huge human and financial resources. As for Zhenjin, we need to find it. We only need one gram to repair this exquisite thing. " Xu Zheng, the person in charge of scientific research, came forward and said to Lin Yang.

"I see."

Lin Yang nodded: "you do your best to do the imitation of electronic degenerate materials. I don't care about anything and don't ask anything. I have only one condition. You can make this thing for me within seven days, no matter how much it costs!"

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, we will try our best to complete your task! At present, we still need a batch of advanced scientific research instruments, but these instruments are not easy to do, and the total cost is 300 million. Moreover, we can't find a special purchase channel at present, because the only purchase channel is country M. the current relationship between Longguo and country m is not harmonious, and we are worried that the other party will not sell them to us. " Xu Zheng handed Lin Yang a list and said carefully.

Lin Yang took a look and said calmly, "don't worry. Before tomorrow afternoon, the instruments on this list will be moved into this research room. In addition, Zhenjin will also arrive! You need to speed up. "

Xu Zhengyou was surprised.

"Mr. Lin, can you really get these things so quickly?"

"What I said is the water poured out. Don't worry about scientific research!"

After talking, Lin Yang turned and walked out of the research room.

Of course, if he dares to say so, he naturally has something to rely on.

Out of the scientific research room, Lin Yang directly called Yi congenital and reported what he needed.

Those scientific instruments are not difficult for Yi Cong.

After all, the business alliance's hand has long been extended abroad.

But when he learned that Lin Yang still wanted a gram of Zhenjin, Yi was in trouble.

"What? Don't you know where there is Zhenjin? " Lin Yang asked by phone.

"No, no, no, Mr. Lin, we still know the whereabouts of Zhenjin. At present, the Zhenjin we know is in China, and the quantity is more than one gram, a full four grams, which can fully meet your needs!" Yi is busy.

"In that case, why don't you get it for me?" Lin Yang asked strangely.

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