This person's voice is very arrogant, no matter who, listen to it will be uncomfortable.

So is Lin Yang.

He also stares at this person, light says: "then you also just need to tell me, who are you?"

The man snorted coldly and picked up the phone in his hand directly. It was still connected. He whispered: "he doesn't cooperate."

"Since you don't cooperate, you should bring it by force." There was a weak but icy male voice on the phone.

When the sound fell, the man raised his hand almost like an electric light and flint, held a silver needle and stabbed Lin Yang's chest.

This is a quiet point.

The man's needling skill is skillful, the strength is symmetrical, as fast as lightning. If the needle goes down, ordinary people will be unable to move immediately, just like being ordered by someone.

But Lin Yang is different.

He was not an ordinary person for a long time. Although the acupoints were sealed, he could easily open them.

But he didn't resist.

He wanted to see who was going to trouble him.

Soon, Lin Yang was carried on a van.

There were two men and a woman in the car.

Before that man was driving, the remaining two people looked at Lin Yang.

"Such a waste, can it be the legendary Doctor Lin? Zhang, are you right? " Asked the woman in dark glasses.

"I asked him if he was Lin Yang. If he didn't speak, I brought him. He was in the hospital with Su Yan. It should be Lin Yang." The driver replied.

"But as far as I know, Su Yan's husband, Lin Yang, is a waste. When he comes to Su's family, he is a soft eater. You can't connect him with Dr. Lin Asked the sunglasses again.

"I don't know. Luo Beiming says that he is Dr. Lin. if you have any questions, ask Luo Beiming directly." Man way.

The sunglasses stopped talking.

But at this time, Lin Yang, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth: "what? Is it luobeiming who sent you here? "


Several people are all Leng, Qi brush's looking at Lin Yang.

The man sitting next to Lin Yang immediately picked up the silver needle and pricked it on Lin Yang's body.

"Didn't you seal his acupoints?" The woman asked.

"I sealed..."

"not sealed?"

"This... I don't know." The man shook his head.

"It's OK. I've stabilized him." Next to the man road.

"It's a pity it doesn't work." Lin Yang pulled out the silver needles one by one.

Seeing this, people breathed, people in front of them suddenly stepped on the brake and the car stopped.

The woman and another man quickly pulled out the silver needle to stab Lin Yang's acupoints again.

But before their hands were waved, Lin Yang's hands had reached out and clasped their wrists.

They immediately took another hand.

But see Lin Yang suddenly force, the hands are very dexterous, rolling their hands holding a silver needle, quickly toss to their other arm.

By the time they raised their hands, the silver needle they held was already on their arm.

In an instant, their arms couldn't move.

The man with a cap in front of him breathed hard.

The electric light flint room actually subdued two people directly.

Dr. Lin's strength is far beyond his imagination...

"they're OK. Let's drive."

Lin Yang said faintly.

Duck cap eyes congealed, staring at Lin Yang for a while, but also know what Lin Yang means, so he kept silent and continued to drive the car forward.

"It doesn't seem wrong." The woman in dark glasses said coldly.

"But Lin Yang, don't be too proud. Soon you will know what it means to have someone out of people, and there will be a heaven out of the sky." Another man said.

They were obviously not satisfied.

Lin Yang did not speak.

The car soon arrived in front of Luo's courtyard.

Lin Yang got out of the car.

The others also pulled out their silver needles and went inside.

To Lin Yang's surprise, the Luo family is very quiet at the moment. In the past, there were many servants of the Luo family going in and out of the gate, but none of them can be seen today.

And with the three people toward the main hall of the Luo family, they found that there were many people gathered here.

In addition to luobeiming's Luo family, there are many men and women with different clothes.

Some of these people are dressed in suits and formal clothes, but others are dressed in Tang and Han clothes, which is quite ancient.

Lin Yang's most remarkable is a middle-aged woman.

The woman was dressed in the clothes of the Republic of China. She was sitting on the chair in the center, drinking tea leisurely and leisurely.

And there was a man kneeling in front of her.

That person Lin Yang is again familiar with!

That's exactly Luo Qian who was taken away before.

At the moment, her eyes are red, is kneeling on the ground gently sobbing.See someone come in, many people look at this, especially Luo Qian.

When she saw Lin Yang enter the room, Luo Qian's face turned pale, and she almost fainted and collapsed on the ground. She called out feebly: "Linyang, go... Go quickly..."

her desperate cry was harsh and hysterical.

Lin Yang's face was cold.

He didn't know what happened, but looking at Luo Qian at the moment, it was certainly not a good thing.

Linyang a few steps forward, a will Luo Qian help up.

To Luo Qian check, but there is no big problem, just because of excessive sad and excessive anxiety, only lead to weakness.

"Luoqian, I'll take you back." Lin Yang sinks.

"No, Lin Yang, you hurry to go, now go immediately..." Luo Qian suddenly excited said.

"Go? Little girl, since you are here, is it up to you to decide whether to go or not? " At this time, the elegant woman above suddenly put down the tea cup.

"Aunt... At least please let Lin Yang go! He has nothing to do with all this. Please let him go Luo Qian cried and said.


Lin Yang was stunned.

Love this woman is Luo Qian's aunt?

"Little girl, don't worry about this matter. Your grandfather has said that you are more and more disobedient. If you don't agree to marry into the southern faction, you can go back with me. I will arrange a marriage for you. As for this person, you should never know him." The woman said.

"No, auntie, please at least let Lin Yang go!" Luo Qian cried, seeing that the woman did not move at all, he suddenly turned back to Luo Beiming and called out: "grandfather, please be kind, let Linyang go... Please..."

"let him go?" Luo Beiming shook his sleeve and said coldly, "I think you are fascinated by this man! The future of our Luo family was bright. It was because of this man's many obstacles that our Luo family became like this. Do you know that he used the power of the Medical Association to sweep all the medicine halls and medical centers of our Luo family in Jiangcheng! I'm luobeiming. I don't like him. Do you expect me to save him? "

Luobeiming was full of anger and wanted to devour Linyang alive.

Lin Yang is not tight and does not slow way: "your medicine hall hospital uses fake medicine, I just perform my duty just, do you want me to watch you seek wealth and life helplessly?"


Luobei couldn't speak.

Luo Qian was also completely desperate. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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