"Miss Gu? Why are you here?"

Lin Yang was so surprised that he looked around and said eagerly, "where did you come from?"

"I slipped in through a secret passage."

Gu Lian whispered.

"Secret way?"

"Yes, there is a secret passage in my father's room, which can lead directly to the forbidden area. I saw it by chance when I was a child, so I entered the forbidden area through this secret passage!"

"I see... But what are you doing here? It's very dangerous here. You'd better go back quickly." Lin Yang said.

"Doctor Lin, I'm here to help you! I came to the forbidden area with my father when I was a child to pay homage to all ancestors and ancestors. I know the mechanisms here like the back of my hand! Doctor Lin, I'll take you to the depths of the forbidden area to get vibration gold!" Gu Lian said.


"Dr. Lin, you healed my brother, so you are kind to me. I know my father must be unwilling to hand over Zhenjin! He's doing so many tricks, which is really hurting you! The mechanisms in the forbidden area are more and more terrible. You don't know the mechanisms. I'm afraid it's going to be more or less bad here, so let me take you to get it and repay you for saving my brother!" Gu Lian's little face was full of seriousness.

Lin Yang opened his mouth and smiled helplessly, "OK, since Miss Gu said so, I'll thank you first."

"You're welcome. Let's go."

Gu Lian smiled and led the way alone.

Lin Yang hesitated and followed silently.

After a few steps, Gu Lian crouched on the roadside, picked a pink flower and chewed it in his mouth.

"The moon covering flower can relieve the poison of miasma after taking it." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Doctor Lin is really good at medicine. I think you can get through these miasma after taking the moon covering flower, right?" Gu Lian said with a smile.

Lin Yang smiled and didn't explain.

They went on for about a mile, and a three meter wide river appeared in front of them.

Lin Yang wanted to jump over, but Gu Lian grabbed him.

"Can't jump!"


"There is a mechanism in the river. If you jump over it, you will die! If you want to pass, you must swim through the river, so that you won't trigger the mechanism!"

"Then swim over."

"But it's not safe to swim." Gu Lianzhao: "There are many poisonous flowers growing in the upstream. The pollen of poisonous flowers is soaked in the river. If we go underwater, we will definitely eat some river water and be poisoned. Once poisoned, we must find the detoxifying herbs within 30 seconds! Otherwise, we will die! There are many detoxifying herbs across the River, but I can't guarantee to find them within 30 seconds!"


"Usually when my father comes to worship, he will pick some herbs in advance so that I can use them next time, but this time I came in a hurry and forgot to take the antidote herbs!" Gu Lian said anxiously.

"Never mind, you wait for me here!"

Lin Yang smiled and jumped directly into the water.

"Doctor Lin!"

Gu Lian was shocked.

However, seeing Lin Yang's extremely fast speed, he swam to the other bank directly against the turbulent river. As soon as he got on the bank, he directly spit out a mouthful of river water.

"Go and find the antidote! Go and find it! It's on the other side, a kind of black grass! Eat it immediately after you find it, come on!"

Gu Lianji's tears would flow out and shout loudly.

Lin Yang looked around, pulled out a rub of herbs in a grass and held it high: "is this it?"

"Yes, it's this. Eat it quickly, quickly!" Gu Lian shouted.

But... Lin Yang was indifferent!

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