
The sword crazy ancestor was confused.

The disciples behind her were also stupid.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

What's going on?

This is... The sword Qi released by Lin Yang?

Such terrible sword Qi is many times stronger than Gu Hao's!

People were frightened.

Even Gu Hao is stupid.

Boom, boom, boom

The sword Qi tore the earth, tore up the strong wind, crushed the white clouds and pressed against the sword crazy ancestor.

The sword crazy ancestor looked tight and cut with a backhand sword.

to be sonorous!

A thin thread was formed in front of her, and the terrible sword Qi was directly broken.

But the fragmented sword Qi did not dissipate, but turned into countless small sword Qi, which rained towards the sword crazy ancestor.

The sword crazy ancestor immediately stepped back.


He suddenly disappeared.

The sword Qi hit the ground and stabbed the position she had just stepped on into a wasp's nest.

When the sword crazy ancestor appeared again, she was already standing on a tree behind her.

But before she could stand firm, a figure approached like lightning and cleaved towards the sword crazy ancestor.

The sword crazy ancestor flashed again and ran to the earth slope not far away.

But the figure kept approaching like a ghost, and the attack was also dense. It seemed that he didn't intend to give the sword crazy ancestor a chance to breathe.

Such a swift and violent attack doesn't give her time to wave her sword at all.

At this moment, the sword crazy ancestor realized that the young man in front of him was not simple.

No more hands.

As soon as the heart of the sword crazy ancestor tightened, he suddenly pulled out his sword and wanted to fight back.

But the other party seemed to understand her. On the sharp sword, the sword Qi suddenly increased more than ten times out of thin air.


The sword crazy ancestor's scalp was about to explode. He suddenly withdrew his sword and retreated.

to be sonorous!

When the sharp sword came, a hundred feet long sword Qi burst out of the sword, directly through the woods in front and cut to the mountains in the distance.

People stared blankly.

In the forest, big trees supporting the sky suddenly split in two and fell down.



In the distance, the mountain was divided into two, cracked, rocks splashed, the earth moved and the mountains shook

All the people in Gujian villa are stupid.

Gu Hao's soul trembled here, and his face turned pig liver.

How powerful this sword is!

Even if he did his best, he might not be able to achieve such an effect.

"This... Is this the strength of Doctor Lin?" he whispered.

"Dad, are you... Still going to be the enemy of Doctor Lin?" Gu Lian gasped and whispered.

Gu Hao didn't speak, but closed his eyes and thought about what Gu Lian had just said. Even the Vientiane Youluo Tianjue sword array was broken by Lin Yang, and a cold sweat overflowed.

"No... no enemy... No enemy!"

He propped himself up and shouted these words weakly.

The people of Gujian mountain villa nodded desperately.

Such terror exists, but also intends to oppose others.

Isn't that death?

Looking at the terrible power of Lin Yang's sword, the face of the sword crazy ancestor was also full of shock.

"Young man, I underestimated you!"

She said hoarsely, her shocked old face gradually being seriously covered.

"Old man, you'd better show some strength, otherwise I'm worried that you'll be gone after a few moves." Lin Yang closed his sword and said lightly.

"You're right. I really want to be serious, but I can see that you don't seem to know how to use a sword." the sword crazy ancestor whispered.


There was an uproar.

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