Although Shenhuo venerable and others did not catch Weihuo, there are cameras everywhere on Shenhuo island. Even if they can't shoot the faces of Weihuo and others, they can determine their identity as long as they shoot the characteristics of their clothes.

If the divine fire venerable holds these photos and videos to confront the heavenly demons and Taoists, nine times out of ten, Lin Yang has exposed the plan.

Lin Yang is not sure which direction things are going, but he knows that he has no time.

"Tell them to go down, put them all on the highest alert, and immediately send someone to guard every entrance and exit of Jiangcheng. Everyone who enters Jiangcheng from the outside should do information investigation. Once a stranger appears, they should be detained at the first time!" Lin Yang said to Ma Hai on the phone.


Ma Haiying said.

Lin Yang Hung up and stared at Xu Zheng again.

"Can Jingshi white lotus be made in advance!"

"How early?"

"How soon?"

"At the present speed, the fastest is three days."

"I'll give you two days!"

"Dong Lin, it's very difficult for me to do so." Xu Zheng's face changed slightly.

"If you don't have enough people, I'll send you more people. When it's done, each person will have a villa and 10 million cash!" Lin Yang Shen drank.

"Two days, no problem! Even if you don't sleep, eat or drink, you will complete the task! Please rest assured!"

Xu Tianlai cheered at once.

"Very good!"

Lin Yang nodded and hurried away from the research room.

Out of the research room, Lin Yang took out his mobile phone, hesitated, and dialed a number.

"Doctor Lin!"

The voice of the goddess of divine fire sounded over the phone.

"Saint, where are you now?" Lin Yangshen asked.

"On the way back to Shenhuo island!" the holy woman of Shenhuo said hoarsely, "Doctor Lin! I just sent a message to Ma Hai. I think you should already know about the master's order to retreat?"

"I see. I've been prepared. Thank you for reminding me. But, holy lady, do you know why the divine fire master left for no reason? What happened to the banquet he participated in with the demon lord of heaven?" Lin Yangning asked.

"I don't know. Doctor Lin, you'd better think about the worst. The master is not a person who will give up easily. He suddenly ordered to retreat. He must have got some news from Tianmo Dao. Be careful yourself." the sacred fire Saint whispered.

She really wants to know why

Lin Yang frowned, thought for a moment and said, "in that case, saint, I'll give you a suggestion. You'd better find a chance to leave the god fire venerable. If he doubts me, he will certainly doubt you. At that time, I'm worried that he will attack you and lose his life for nothing."

"I know, I'm also thinking about leaving Shenhuo island. I've been on your pirate ship and can't get off if I want. Even if I go to the master to confess now, the master will not believe me." the sacred fire Saint sighed, and her words were complicated.

Lin Yang didn't say a word.

"Well, I won't say. I'm about to enter national highway 378. When I get to the national highway, it's time to integrate the team and get on the bus. If the master sees me talking to others, I can't tell clearly. That's it."

The sacred fire Saint whispered and wanted to hang up in a hurry.

However, when Lin Yang heard the sound, he looked tight and immediately said, "saint, wait!!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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