He stared at Lin Yang and laughed a moment later.

"Fixed? Ha ha, ha ha! It's ridiculous! Lin Yang, do you think I'm an idiot? To what extent Jingshi white lotus has been damaged? How many years has it taken me? How much effort has it taken me to travel around? So far, I haven't succeeded in repairing Jingshi white lotus, and you can repair it in just a few days? Ridiculous! It's ridiculous! !”

The divine fire master obviously didn't believe it. He laughed and stared at Lin Yang: "don't you treat me as a three-year-old child?"

"I knew your excellency didn't believe it! So please look at this!"

Lin Yang said faintly, took out a drawing from his pocket and handed it over.

The divine fire venerable frowned, looked at the drawing and took it for a look.

A moment later, he looked wonderful.

A pair of eyes seemed to fall out of their sockets.

"It's impossible... Absolutely impossible... The internal structure diagram of Jingshi white lotus... You... How did you get the internal structure diagram of Jingshi white lotus so quickly? It's absolutely impossible!!" the divine fire master almost roared.

But Lin Yang seemed very calm.

"Lord Shenhuo, I admit that you have excellent martial arts skills and means, but everyone has their strengths and weaknesses! You play with fire very well, just like I play with needles, but you are not good at scientific research. In fact, the Jingshi white lotus, which you can't repair after years of effort, is not very difficult to do in the eyes of some people! I But I spent some money and hired a scientific research team to help me repair it. That's all right! Is it difficult? "Lin Yang smiled.

"What are you talking about?"

The divine fire venerable holds his fist tightly, and the killing intention in his pupil is becoming stronger and stronger.

He has always claimed to be a God and omnipotent. In his opinion, it should be repaired only by himself. No one else can do it.

But he didn't expect that a group of scientific researchers in the secular world actually did what he hadn't done for years in a few days!

Those laymen whom he regarded as ants to trample on at will! Actually surpass yourself in a certain field!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

The divine fire master felt that he was getting out of control.

An unprecedented sense of shame and anger filled his mind.

"Lin! You must be lying to me! Even if you know the internal structure of Jingshi white lotus, you can't repair it. The materials needed inside it are not available to ordinary people! You must be lying to me! It must be!" the sacred fire master didn't give up his heart and gritted his teeth and roared.

But when he wanted to say something more, his voice suddenly stopped, and his open mouth couldn't spit a word.

People were stunned and raised their eyes one after another.

I found that Lin Yang placed another item on the table.

It is a very small but shining thing.

The divine fire venerable stared at the object for a long time before slowly spitting out two words.


"Yes, not long ago, I went to Gujian mountain villa to get Zhenjin back to repair Jingshi white lotus. Your honor should believe it this time? Because as far as I know, you have been looking for Zhenjin!" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"I also learned later that Gujian mountain villa has Zhenjin. I wanted to get it, but I was delayed many times. When I was ready to start again, Jingshi Bailian was stolen by you by despicable means! Lin Yang! You are really a villain!" the sacred fire venerable spitted and scolded.

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