Facing the threatening words of the divine fire venerable, Lin Yang didn't answer, but smiled faintly in response.

The divine fire venerable looked at him indifferently, then turned around and took people away from the farm.

People outside looked at the divine fire venerable one after another.

People were confused and didn't know what was going on inside.

They dare not ask.

The god fire venerable didn't say anything, but got on the bus and shouted, "return to God Fire Island."


Everyone shouted and got on the bus and left.

Although everyone's eyes are fog.

As for Yanghua's people, they were even more surprised.

"The divine fire master... Left?"

"My God, what means did Doctor Lin use to send the divine fire master away?"


"How did Dong Lin do it?"

People were excited, one by one.

They thought there would be a bloody battle, but they didn't think that Lin Yang sent the sacred fire master away without blood.

This is a miracle!

As the cars of Shenhuo Island gradually left, Yanghua people rushed into the farm one after another.

At the moment, Lin Yang is giving the sacred fire Saint a needle. After stabilizing her heart pulse, he picks it up horizontally and walks outside the farm.

"Arrange an operating room for me immediately. All the equipment should be complete. Let Liu Rushi come and fight for me. Come on!"

Lin Yang drank in a low voice.

The crowd had no time to rejoice. After hearing the sound, they immediately ran down and did it.

Lin Yang got on the bus with the sacred flame saint.

Under the urging of the silver needle, the sacred fire Saint regained a little consciousness.

She looked hard at Lin Yang.

"Thank you..." for a long time, the red lips full of blood spit out these two words.


Lin Yang bowed his head and said hoarsely.

The flame Saint didn't speak.

Lin Yang felt guilty, so he hurt the sacred fire Saint like this.

The sacred fire Saint thanked Lin Yang for not abandoning her.

In fact, if Lin Yang wants to give up the sacred fire saint, he can. After all, he has fallen out with the sacred fire venerable, and the great informant of the sacred fire saint has been exposed. There is no use value. Saving the saint will only make the relationship between him and the sacred fire venerable more and more irreparable.

But the fire Saint did not expect that Lin Yang would not only save her, but also arrange treatment for her so quickly.

Back to Xuanyi school, Liu Rushi received a call and quickly prepared in the operating room.

Lin Yang rushed in with the sacred fire Saint covered with blood and began emergency treatment.

And on the national road to Shenhuo island.

The divine fire venerable closed his eyes and looked incomparably cold.

The disciples driving in front trembled uncontrollably and were extremely frightened.

"What are you afraid of? Drive well." at this time, the god fire venerable drank coldly.

"Yes... Yes, venerable." the disciple insisted calmly.

At this time, the co pilot's disciple put down the phone and whispered, "master, our people report that the defense everywhere in Jiangcheng is very lax. Most of Yanghua's people are concentrated in the Xuanyi school college! Doctor Lin seems to have no defense against us!"


The fist of the divine fire venerable was tightly clenched.

"It seems that Lin Yang has indeed repaired the Jingshi white lotus, otherwise how could he pay so little attention to Yanghua's defense? Hum! What a miracle Doctor Lin! I've never suffered such a big loss in my life!"

"Venerable, what shall we do next?"

"Don't worry, I have a plan. What if he has a pure world white lotus? He will die miserably!"

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