Su Guang and Zhang Qingyu arrive at six in the morning.

Su Yan Ran to the station to meet him early in the morning. As for Lin Yang, he was still sleeping on the sofa.

When Zhang Qingyu rushed home, she was almost in an explosive state.


Zhang Qingyu screamed.

Lin Yang was frightened and jumped up from the sofa. After seeing the visitor clearly, he rubbed his eyes: "Mom, are you back?"

"You still call me mom?" Zhang Qingyu said angrily, "what's the matter with you? Let Xiaoyan pick me up. Are you sleeping here? How comfortable you are! Do you really think you are the master of our family

"Mom, don't blame Lin Yang for coming back late last night."

Su Yan is busy in the side to persuade.

She also scolded Lin Yang, but she couldn't tolerate being scolded.

"You are good at heart! Like me, that's why I married such a loser! Our wives have a hard life. I married your father and you married Lin Yang. That's life Zhang Qingyu sighed, saying and couldn't help wiping tears.

Su Yan was busy comforting.

"Well, wife, don't cry and haw in the morning. Let's hurry over. Mom will be in a hurry." A middle-aged man with an inch head and a pair of black frame glasses could not help saying.

This is Su Yan's father Su Guang. He is honest and has no plans. Now he works in a certain department. He is just an ordinary staff member. He should have worked in the Shenghua group of the Su family just like Subei and Su Hui. However, because of his unsophisticated personality, Subei and others kicked him out of the company, and only gave him a little poor dividend every month If Zhang Qingyu was not strong enough, I'm afraid he would not get the dividend.

"Shut up! Where can you talk here? " Zhang Qingyu glared aside.

Su Guang's neck shrank in fright.

He is famous for his strict wife, the whole community knows.

Zhang Qingyu snorted, then pointed to Lin Yang and said, "Lin Yang, listen to me. You and Xiaoyan will get divorced sooner or later. If your father-in-law doesn't insist on your marriage, do you think you can enter my house?"

Lin Yang looks helpless.

I'm afraid Zhang Qingyu has said this many times.

"Lin Yang, you have to bear with it. My mother should have been angry at Grandma's again." Su Yan hesitated and whispered.

"Get angry? What's your anger? How dare your grandmother's family shake your face at your mother and me? I've always shown them their faces, and they dare to tell me what to do? Did they go back on it? " Zhang Qingyu was in a hurry and his voice was raised by an octave.

She is famous for her good face, and the whole community knows it.

"Yes, yes, yes." Lin Yang smiles bitterly and nods.

Zhang Qingyu continued to reprimand.

However, Lin Yang has been too lazy to listen and brush his teeth.

Seeing this, Zhang Qingyu reprimanded him more fiercely.

But slowly, she will stop by herself.

She is used to it, so is Lin Yang.

"Wash up quickly and go to your grandmother immediately after breakfast." At this time, Su Guang read.

"Did grandma ask you to come and call me?" Lin Yang hung the washcloth on the shelf.

"Grandma signed several contracts all night last night. Today, some distinguished guests come to the old house. She said you must be present!" Zhang Qingyu's face sank and said coldly.

Su Yan, who is cooking noodles, is stiff and looks at Zhang Qingyu in amazement.

"Oh?" Lin Yang raised his mouth and said with a smile, "has the Su family developed? How can there be so many old bosses coming to visit? The old lady dreamed of letting the Su family join the ranks of the first-class families in Jiangcheng. Now it seems that her dream is coming true! "

"Don't be so wordy. Finish your noodles and go quickly."

Zhang Qingyu hummed and ran to take a bath.

They just got off the train. They have to tidy up.

Su Yan came with the noodles that had just been cooked. Lin Yang was not polite. He sat down and began to eat.

"Those people come to cooperate with grandma, most of them want to connect with you through grandma, so that they can get involved in the projects in Qingshan District?" Su Yan looked at Lin Yang, and couldn't help it.

"Yes." Lin Yang's vague answer.

"What do you mean?"

"Rain girl has no melon."


"It's none of my business."

"What should I do now? Grandma is already in contact with those people. I'm afraid the contract has been signed for several minutes... "Su Yanlu is worried.

"I said, it has nothing to do with me."

Lin Yang swallowed the noodles in his mouth, put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "wife, I have to correct you. The real shareholder of Qingshan District is not me. I don't have so much money. Ning long only saved my face last night and said that I was the only shareholder. In fact, I can't arrange the project of Qingshan District, so Mrs. Su made a mistake."

When Su Yan heard this, her face was pale and her hands shaking with chopsticks.She wanted to say something else, but she didn't know how to speak.

In some things, Lin Yang does go to help Su Yan, even if he is wronged, but he has no obligation and no need.

Lin Yang cast a glance at her and said faintly, "I won't go to the old house of Su's later. You can go with your parents and ask her to stop the old lady's hole before it's too big. Otherwise, things will get worse and worse. When things get out of hand, the Su family will be finished."

With that, Lin Yang cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, then sat down on the sofa and continued to watch TV.

Su Yan was a little distracted.

A moment later, Zhang Qingyu's loud voice rang again. Knowing that Lin Yang didn't go to his old house, he was swearing like a shrew.

Fortunately, Su Yan took her away.

Three people took a taxi and drove to the old house.

Lin Yang did not come, Zhang Qingyu thought how to explain to the old lady.

Su Yan was thinking about how to stop the old lady.

Su Guang continued to mix.

The Su family.

"What? Lin Yang's son of a bitch didn't come? "

Su Zhangyang, who was dressed in an Armani suit, turned black and snorted coldly: "grandma asked him to come here. How dare he behave? Is this going to be counter productive? "

Last night, old lady Su signed seven projects at one go, and Subei took over four projects. Any of these four projects had nearly a million profits. In order to reward herself, Su Zhangyang went to the night to choose Armani with tens of thousands of yuan.

"That is, don't think that he can go to heaven if he knows the Ning family and the Xu family. After all, he is still the son-in-law of our Su family now!" Su Meixin also uttered a strange voice.

It was Su Yu who spoke.

"Meixin, it's not very good to say that. Lin Yang is the major shareholder of Qingshan District project..."

"is the big shareholder amazing? Is he older or grandma older? Can he be lucky now Su Meixin's voice rises to an octave.

Su Yu did not speak.

Zhang Qingyu realized what happened last night. He was shocked for a moment.

Su Bei and Su Tai didn't come. It seems that they went out to contact with those bosses. The younger generation of Su family and old lady Su are here.

"So, Yan'er, is that bastard of Linyang who doesn't care about us?" Mrs. Su's face was not very natural.

"Granny, we'd better stop it before it gets too big and the gap can be controlled." Su Yanlu worried: "if you let this go on, I'm afraid it will be out of control!"

"This is a great opportunity for the rise of our Su family. How can we give up like this?"

"But... Grandma..."

"Yan'er, don't say anything. It's already done. How can grandma stop? What's more, the old woman still knows the character of Lin Yang. What kind of virtue does he have in the past three years? He is weak in character, has little temper, and has no firm will. Although I don't know how he became the biggest shareholder, the old woman believes that when the Su family comes to the most critical moment, he will surely die and die! "

"Grandma, do you mean...

" do it boldly, don't worry about it! Lin Yang will do it! Grandma can't see people wrong! I don't believe this man will watch my su family die. He is the son-in-law of my su family. If my su family is going to die, where can he be better? "

"Grandma, you can't do this!" Su Yan's tears were coming out.

But the old lady turned a deaf ear.

Judging from her attitude, she was completely determined by Lin Yang.

Su Yan's eagerness for advice was useless.

"Sunny rain, go back and do ideological work for Lin Yang! I know that he still loves Xiaoyan. Tell him that if he dares not to follow the wishes of my su family, he will divorce Xiaoyan immediately, and he will certainly be soft at that time! "

"Good mother-in-law."

"Go back

The old lady shook her hand and left with her stick.

Su Yan looks at her back, and the whole person is helpless , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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