Blood storm, scalp numb, eyes full of horror.

He thought it was hard enough to deal with a mansha red. He didn't think it was the miracle Doctor Lin who was really terrible!

"Asshole! Who ordered me to garrison yunduan mountain? Only a miracle Doctor Lin can kill me and garrison? This is death! When I go back, I must call him good-looking!"

The blood storm couldn't stop shouting and scolding. He didn't dare to find Tao Qiansan's trouble, but the messenger vowed to devour each other alive.


At this time, a terrible smell of blood came.

The blood storm trembled all over and quickly raised his hand to fight back.


The breath was shattered by his magic Qi.

But the next second.


Mansha Hong rushed and kicked him on the back.

The blood storm body shook, immediately fell to the ground and rolled for several circles.

But he didn't dare to hesitate. He got up and ran forward again.

Blood storm can be the leader of this elite army. Its own strength is naturally not poor. Even if it can't fight mansha Hong, it's not easy to run away and mansha Hong's pursuit is not easy.

Wheezing! Wheezing! Wheezing!

The blood storm was panting heavily, and all his magic Qi was used to escape. People rushed down the mountain like a black wind.

"Fast! Fast!"

"As long as you go down the mountain and hide in town, these guys can't help me!"

"Ha ha, I'm going to escape from heaven!"

"When I return to Tianmo Dao, I must ask Lord Mojun to come forward and kill you all!"

"Mansha Hong, you bitch, wait, I'll peel your skin myself! Weave it into decorations and hang it in my room!"

Blood storm clenched his teeth and scolded secretly. He kept his legs and finally rushed to the foot of the mountain.

However, near the foot of the mountain, his body gradually slowed down.

Look up.

At the foot of the mountain, there were a large number of well-equipped elite soldiers.

Holding the most advanced plasma laser guns one by one, they locked the blood storm here. Several soldiers with terrible breath came forward and directly blocked the retreat of the blood storm.

In an instant, the blood storm fell into a huge siege.

"Dragon Xuan Legion?"

Blood storm looked at the flag of these people on the armored vehicle, and his face changed in horror: "how is it possible? Why did the people of the Dragon Xuan Legion appear here? Why?"

The blood storm is incomprehensible.

And mansahong has come.

"Is this Doctor Lin's pen?"

She looked around at the great army of the Dragon Xuan army, and her scalp became numb.

"Hands up, surrender quickly, or we will use force!"

At this time, a commander of the Longxuan Legion came forward and shouted loudly.

"Asshole! How can you ordinary people compete with our demons?"

The blood devil was annoyed. As soon as he clenched his teeth, he was urging the blood devil breath all over his body to attack forward like a bull, trying to break through the defense line of the Dragon Xuan Legion and escape from Shengtian.

"Get out of here!"

The blood devil roared and ran forward. The terrible blood devil breath turned into an unstoppable beast and rushed forward with his body.

But the moment he approached.


The commander drank heavily.

Joo! Joo! Joo! JOJO

Countless laser like firepower came directly and hit the blood devil.

Some of the bullets in front of the blood devil were blocked by magic gas, but these laser bullets were too many and too fierce. They were soon broken, and the remaining bullets directly hit the blood devil and shot him through.

After only a few seconds, the blood devil became a hornet's nest and died miserably, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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