Lin Yang could not imagine that the divine fire master still had such a skill!

The people around him also turn pale.

If the sacred fire venerable is really allowed to get an artifact that can compete with the pure world white lotus, Lin Yang's card will be useless to him.

At that time, the divine fire venerable will really kill the general. Lin Yang is afraid it is difficult to parry.

For a time, people's mood was extremely heavy.

"You don't have to worry too much. Things may not be as bad as you think! According to the historical records I have seen, this extremely cold and Yin ice does not necessarily exist. If it did, the god fire Reverend would have gone to get it. How could he wait until today? He went there because he was forced by Doctor Lin! So in my opinion, we'd better calm down and deal with it first Heaven demon way. Maybe the divine fire master didn't get the extremely cold ice, we just have nothing to worry about. "The divine fire Saint squeezed out a smile.

People didn't speak.

Everyone knows that this is just a comforting word from the sacred fire saint.

"So we don't have time."

Lin Yang stared at the map for a while and said hoarsely.

"What can Lin Dong do?" Xu Tian hurriedly looked at Lin Yang.

"No matter whether the extremely cold thing is true or false, we must stop the god fire venerable!" Lin Yang said in a low voice.

"But... Tianmo Dao is about to attack us. If we mobilize our strength to find the divine fire master at this time... I'm afraid the river city... Will be lost..." Xu Tian hurriedly said.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment, lowered his voice and said, "so I say time is urgent! We must go to find the divine fire master as soon as possible, and before that, we have to solve the threat of Tianmo Dao."

"Dr. Lin, I know you are anxious, but at this time, we can't be disordered. You just eradicated the elite troops of Tianmo Taoism in yunduan mountain. With the character of Tianmo Taoism, they will attack the river city immediately. It will take only two or three days at most. Don't you give them a chance to leave at this time?" the holy flame said in a deep voice: "I think it's better to concentrate on dealing with the heavenly demon road. The venerable side, watch its change!"

"This is a big gamble. If he gets something to fight against Jingshi white lotus, he will start against Jiangcheng. At that time, even if I resist the heavenly devil Taoist, I can't compete with the divine fire venerable again!"

Lin Yang took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said a moment later, "I decided to solve the threat of Tianmo Dao in two days."

Everyone trembles.

"Doctor Lin, you... What did you say?"

"Solve the threat of Tianmo Dao in two days? It's impossible!"

"Two days later, Tianmo Dao may not come! How to solve it?"

"Can't we take the initiative to go there if they don't come?"

Lin Yang drank coldly: "we can't be passive anymore. Maybe we should take the initiative and let them know that we can't bully at will."

People are breathing tight and their heads are buzzing.

That's the devil's way.

Lin Yang plans to take the initiative

The idea is crazy.

"Doctor Lin, what are your plans?"

The flame Saint took a deep breath and asked hoarsely.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment and said, "go and call mansha Hong and poor Dao!"

After a while, mansha Hong and poor Dao quickly walked into the conference room.

Knowing Lin Yang's plan, mansha Hong almost split up.

"You're committing suicide! You want to die, don't drag us to the funeral!" mansahong roared hoarsely., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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