One public loser and Tao Qiansan, two evil kings, finally went to the extremely cold place to intercept the divine fire LORD according to the order of the proud devil.

Of course, as Zoe Yan said, they didn't really go, but wandered around outside. How dare they really find the bad luck of the divine fire venerable?

However, the proud devil was also uncomfortable. After getting the Jingshi white lotus, the news spread directly all over the Tianmo road like wings.

Countless demons are talking.

The news naturally flowed into the ears of other demons.

On this day, a hot woman with short hair led the demons to the white bone Pavilion.

"Hand over your master right away!"

The woman stared at the devil standing in front of the pavilion and shouted expressionless.

"It's the baby witch!"

The demon turned pale and saluted immediately: "demon lady, please wait a moment, my subordinates will inform you immediately."

Then he ran in.

The proud devil who was studying Jingshi Bailian in the pavilion suddenly looked ugly.

"Drop a baby? Isn't this the Witch of the fourth demon monarch Yusha?" the mansha red nearby said.

"Yes, it seems that Yusha can't hold on to it and wants the Jingshi white lotus in my hand!" the proud devil's eyes rippled with passionate killing intention and said secretly: "Jingshi white lotus is mine! No one can take it away! His fourth devil is a fart! If you dare to plot my white lotus, I will kill it!"

"But what's the use of killing a feather brake, sir? There are thirteen demon kings in our Tianmo Dao. What if one is dead? It can't dispel the greed of those people! And if you do so, you will only leave a handle, and they can take the opportunity to fight you!" mansha Hong said.

"How dare they? Jingshi white lotus is here, one by one, one by one!" the proud devil angrily scolded.

"What's the result? Sir, don't you want to disturb the Lord of the devil by killing all the demons? With the strength of the Lord of the devil, you think the Jingshi white lotus in your hand can deal with him?" mansha Hong asked again.

Aomo's face suddenly changed, opened his mouth and didn't say a word.

"Jingshi white lotus is a peerless killing weapon, but the Taoist master's strength is also heaven and earth. It's unknown whether it can deal with the Taoist master, but I don't suggest you take this risk."

"What's your idea?" asked Ao Mo Shen.

After killing the red eye beads, he smiled and said: "it's simple. Adults can't kill them. Gather them up and show them the power of pure white lotus to frighten them. Announce to them that this thing belongs to you! Whoever dares to be greedy will burn jade and stone! They know your ruthlessness and will not dare to think again!"

"Shock and awe? It's ok... Let you do it!"


Mansha Hong hugged his fist and immediately walked out of the white bone Pavilion.

"Where's the proud devil?" the baby outside the pavilion drank.

"Lord aomo doesn't have time to see you, but Lord aomo knows the purpose of your trip. Listen, Lord aomo said that this afternoon, in the flat magic field on the west side of Tianmo Road, Lord aomo will give all demon kings a statement! If you want to get Jingshi white lotus, come here!" mansahong sneered.


The baby looked deeply at mansha red, said no more, and turned away.

After the baby left, mansha Hong took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"How's it going?"

"Everything is going well. Next, Doctor Lin, it's up to you!" mansha Hongzui horn raised his voice., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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