
The breeze blew slowly and hit mansha's red cheek.

Good is soft, like a mother's big hand.

Is that over?

Mansha Hongxin thought and slowly opened his eyelids.

However, at a glance, she felt as if her heart was going to stop and her brain was going to go down!

I saw in front of the original green and luxuriant Pingmo yuan, now it has turned into a huge pit.

Except for the low slope where she and Lin Yang stood, all the surrounding ground had completely disappeared.

What came into her eyes was a huge pit ten meters deep!

The plain is completely gone.

Even the distant woods and rivers disappeared.

The surrounding mountains collapsed.

Countless terrible huge cracks seeped into the distance like cobwebs.

As for those demon kings and demons, I'm afraid they have turned into ashes and disappeared!

Everything is dead.

Everything turns to dust

There's nothing left.

Nothing exists anymore!

"Is this... The power of Jingshi white lotus?"

Mansahong stared around and whispered.

"Yes... And... This is the power of the enhanced version of Jingshi White Lotus!"

Lin Yang gasped gently, with a lot of sweat on his face.

"Doctor Lin, are you all right?" mansahong asked urgently.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just overdrawn when I urge Jingshi Bailian! It's no big deal!" Lin Yang gasped.

"It's not easy to start such a peerless weapon. It's reasonable to have a huge physical consumption..."

"It's just that this kind of thing can't be continuously urged! I can feel that there is a cooling process for various parts inside it. If it is forced to start, the parts inside it will be damaged! I think that before Jingshi Bailian was damaged, someone forced Jingshi Bailian to be continuously urged!" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Really? If so, we have to get out of here quickly! The chief devil is not here. If he arrives later, we will be finished!"

Mansha red emergency road.

She thought that the pure world white lotus could be urged continuously. Unexpectedly, she could only use it once.

In this case, you must leave quickly before the other party reacts.

However, Lin Yang shook his head: "it's too late to go now. What's more, my task hasn't been completed. Isn't it a waste of previous efforts to leave like this?"


Mansha Hong was stunned and didn't wait for her to say more.

Whoosh, whoosh

Several black figures suddenly came from the distance and fell here.

Mansha's face turned red and looked up.

But I saw more than twenty figures standing in the air, standing not far from them.

"Chief demon! Dead dragon day!!"

Mansha Hong lost his voice and shouted.

Lin Yang also looked up.

In front of the more than 20 people standing in the air stood a man with half naked and white hair.

The man has long hair over his waist, is burly, has symmetrical muscles, and is covered with magic patterns. He looks full of momentum.

He stared at Lin Yang indifferently with blood red eyes.

Behind him stood twenty-four soldiers in Dark Armor.

These soldiers were holding two meter long giant swords. They were filled with evil spirit and made people shudder.

"You are the miracle doctor Jiangcheng Lin?"

The chief demon king died and Longtian said expressionless.

"It's me."

"Have you figured out how to die?"

Sen Han's cold voice came out again.

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