
Mansha Hong was stunned.

It turned out that the 24 demons were not used to kill Lin Yang, but to prevent him from escaping!

"It's over! It's all over!"

Mansha Hong trembled and couldn't help retreating.

She looked at the magic gas cage behind her, gritted her teeth and planned to withdraw first.

But just as she ran to the edge of the magic gas cage, a violent magic gas burst out and pushed her away.


Mansahong fell heavily to the ground and vomited blood. It was difficult to get up.

She opened her eyes hard and looked at the terrible cage in despair. She couldn't give birth to any hope in her heart.

Such a tyrannical spirit, she can never break through!

If forced impact, it will only break to pieces.

"I can't escape!"

She closed her eyes and waited quietly for death.

And Lin Yang at this end has also retreated to the edge of the magic gas cage.

The forces at the edge of the cage have begun to repel him.

He can't go back, or he will only be crushed.

"Can't escape? If I were you, I'd better die obediently, because in that way, at least the pain of death can be faster." the chief devil came calmly, clasped a knife in one hand, and his pale hair danced with the magic spirit.


At this time, Lin Yang suddenly took a deep breath.

"What's the same?" the chief devil frowned.

"This sword."

Lin Yang said lightly, and then took out a sword pinned to his waist.

The chief devil was stunned.

He had already noticed the sword around Lin Yang's waist.

He had long wondered why Lin Yang didn't use a sword.

"What sword is this?"

The chief devil's eyes showed a trace of caution.

"I asked someone to forge the sword for me! The material is from Gujian mountain villa!"

Lin Yang said calmly, then took out the sword.

When the sword was taken out, the chief devil was stunned.

The sword was completely transparent but dull.

It looks like it's made of a piece of transparent plastic. It can't be said to be ordinary. It should be very poor quality!

The style made by any processing factory is stronger than that in Lin Yang's hand!

"This sword doesn't seem to save you!" the chief devil said coldly.

"Not necessarily."

"Then try it!"

The chief devil didn't hesitate. With a cold hum, he accumulated a violent evil spirit and chopped at Lin Yang with a knife.

Lin Yang cross cut with a backhand sword.

Although the chief devil's speed was fast, Lin Yang locked his key and ignored the attacking knife.

He believed that the chief devil would not choose to fight with him.


Seeing Lin Yang's fierce and fearless play, the chief devil was also guilty. He immediately hit the strange sword.

But just as the sword was about to collide.


The dull plastic sword suddenly burst into a strong light and burst into all directions.


The chief demon was shocked and hurried back.

But it's too late.


A strange noise came out.

Then the chief devil's chest was directly cut open, and his blood splashed, and he was shocked by an surging force and fell heavily into the huge pit below.

When the chief devil got up, his magic knife was broken in two and fell beside him.

"It's impossible?"

The chief demon's pupils tremble wildly.

Lin Yang's sword not only broke his magic knife, but also his martial god body.

"The reason why I can break the martial god's body is that I injected my blood essence into the magic knife! But how did you... Break the martial god's body?" asked the chief demon king.

Lin Yang stood in the sky and spit out two words indifferently.


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