After the flame changes color, its temperature has directly increased several times, breaking through 1000 degrees and moving towards 10000 degrees.

The plain melted in an instant.

The ice at the foot of Lin Yang also began to split.

But the flame fell too fast. I'm afraid Lin Yang was swallowed up by the flame before he sank into the water.



The blue flame and arrow rain fell together and swallowed Lin Yang directly.

Together with the big ice under Lin Yang, it dissipated.

The ice sheet melted, and the lake water was tumbling, because the flame fell, and a large amount of white gas swayed on the lake.

The divine fire master stood on the lake, looking indifferently, trying to find Lin Yang's body.

He believes that move should not kill Lin Yang.

However, if Lin Yang dares to make a hard connection, he will be seriously injured in any case.

Under serious injury, what does Lin Yang take to fight with the divine fire master?

"Jingshi white lotus, you can't grasp it, or I should take charge!" the divine fire venerable said quietly, looking at the foggy area ahead and walking away.

But as he lifted his legs, the fog dispersed in front of him.

Then, a figure standing on the lake appeared in front of the divine fire venerable.


The fire worshipper's eyes were frozen and looked up.

It's Lin Yang!

He seems... Not hurt.

How is that possible?

The divine fire venerable feels extremely incredible! He opened his eyes and looked carefully for a while.

But I saw the fog disperse.

Lin Yang's figure gradually became clear.

He is not only in peace, but also... There is a dark air floating on his body.

"So it is! So it is! You have further strengthened your flesh body based on the martial god body! Now this body! Should be the legendary ghost body? Doctor Lin, you are indeed an amazing genius!" the divine fire venerable nodded repeatedly.

You Ming Sha's body is immune to all poisons, and fire poison is also poison. If you are immune to fire poison, Lin Yang can heal the wound in a short time and make himself look new only by the burning power of the fire, even if he burns Lin Yang.

Therefore, Lin Yang can't be killed by pure fire.

"The venerable's strength is really extraordinary, which Lin Yang admires!" Lin Yang said lightly.

"What? Do you think you're being counselled?"


Lin Yang nodded, but suddenly retreated and turned to escape.


The divine fire master was stunned. He didn't expect Lin Yang to have this move. He immediately pursued it subconsciously.

Lin Yang's speed was so fast that the divine fire venerable couldn't catch up with him immediately for a while.

Fix your eyes on it.

I found that Lin Yang's legs were full of silver needles!

He was ready to run from the beginning of his fight!

But if he's not going to fight with himself, why did he come here?

Something's wrong!

Something's completely wrong!

The divine fire venerable's face became colder and colder.

Somehow, he felt as if he had fallen into Lin Yang's plot again.


A spiritual light flashed in the mind of the divine fire venerable.

He suddenly stopped and stopped chasing Lin Yang.

Lin Yang in the distance also slowly stopped, turned around and looked at him indifferently.

"You've got a plan. Lure the tiger away from the mountain! Lure the tiger away from the mountain!"

The divine fire venerable stays in the way.

"What? Are you aware?"

Linyang hoarse road.

"You must have seen through my trap... There must be a problem!!"

Without hesitation, the divine fire venerable turned his head and shouted at the people in the distant Shenhuo island with all his strength: "everyone, go to the river city immediately, attack! Attack the river city!"

He roared and wanted to give up Lin Yang. He turned to leave and attacked Jiangcheng., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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