


Endless demonic Qi burst out from these demons.

Like a whirlwind, it collapses around.

Then, the expression of each demon man changed.

Their eyes became more and more fierce, their pupils became more and more red, and their faces became more and more ferocious.

Like... A violent beast.

The soldiers of the Dragon Xuan Legion were breathing tight and felt something wrong.

"Retreat, defend! Defend!"

A man shouted.

People hurried back.

But the people of Tianmo road have rushed crazy.

This time, they ignored bullets, knives and guns, and rushed like they didn't know the pain.

The soldiers of the Dragon Xuan Legion tried their best to resist, but they couldn't stop it.

These demons not only improved their strength at this moment, but even... Their reason was lost, just like killing machines.

Soon, the gate was broken.

The soldiers of the Dragon Xuan Legion had to form a defense line behind them.

But how long can this line of defense last?

Longxuan corps headquarters.

Leader Xuanlong and a group of senior executives are discussing something in the conference room.

Knowing that the other party had invaded the Legion, Zhou Xuanlong was furious.

"Shame! Great humiliation! Listen, give me the strength to beat out these dirty and cheap things immediately!" Zhou Xuanlong angrily patted the table and roared.

"Yes, general!!"

A soldier ran out.

Others looked at the soldier, xuan'er got up and said, "leader Zhou, the other party attacked our Longxuan army not to deal with us, but for Miss Su Yan. If the other party has attacked the inside of the station, then our army will never be safe! I suggest that we quickly send an elite force to transfer Miss Su Yan to a safe place and can't stay here!"

"You're right! The other party's goal is Miss Su Yan!" Zhou Xuanlong shook his eyes and clenched his fist: "I'm such a big Longxuan army, but I can't even protect a woman! How can the guys of those Corps laugh at us when things get out?"

"Leader, the enemy we face is different this time..."

"That's all excuses! Listen, send the first battalion to send Miss Su Yan out of the Legion, and the rest follow me. Today I'm going to fight in person and meet these animals!"

Zhou Xuanlong angrily turned and walked out of the conference hall.

A crowd followed.

The presence of the commander of the Longxuan Legion on on the battlefield naturally greatly increased the morale of the soldiers.

Under the leadership of the army commander, the people began to fight back and stubbornly resisted the attack of the heavenly demons and Taoists.

After all, in terms of the number of people, the Dragon Xuan Legion has an absolute advantage.

Seeing that the attack could not go in, the dead dragon sky also stared.

"Zhou Xuanlong joined the war in person! Chief adult, things may be more troublesome." others said hoarsely.

"Don't get in the way! It's enough to reach this level. This rush only brought hundreds of soldiers, and there are nearly 10000 people in the Longxuan legion, which can't move!"

Dead dragon Tian waved his hand: "tell them to disperse immediately, look for Su Yan, send a signal immediately after finding it, and I will pick it up at the first time!"


As the signal was sent out, the heavenly demons and Taoists who had originally stormed the Longxuan army suddenly dispersed together and rushed to the interior of the Longxuan army in different directions.

At the same time, five military vehicles appeared in the rear of the Longxuan legion, rushing outward in five directions.

"Chief adult!" Zhang Qiye shouted.

"Are you going to evacuate? Come and chase me, one by one!"

The dead dragon drank low and jumped away., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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