"Just marble! If you don't want to try, forget it. The old man is going to drink. "

The king of sword shook his head. He didn't care, so he went up.

Wen Hai frowned and looked at the delicate but more fragile wooden sword, and finally decided to give it a try.

He picked up his wooden sword and, with his strength, cleaved towards the marble.

This sword has brute force, but does not show power. We all don't care much about it.

But the next second...


The sharp sword cut the marble in half.


The scene immediately sent out the sound of alarm, and it was boiling thoroughly.

All the guests gathered around and looked at the split stone table with incredible faces.

Wenhai is dead.

He looked at the broken stone table in two and the wooden sword in his hand. After a moment, he burst out laughing.

"Good sword! Good sword! It's really the sword king. Come on, take out my jar of champion Red and pour wine to the sword king Wenhai is in a good mood.

Although few people use swords now, it's a treasure. It's worth collecting. It's always better than those diamond cars.

The distinguished guests were filled with emotion, and all praised Wang Jianzhen as a marvelous man.

This random wooden sword is so terrible.

The eyes of those who look at the sword king are full of wonder.

At this time, another disciple came in a hurry.

"Wenshao, Ms. Mingyu from the special pharmacy is here!"

"Ah?" Wenhai was stunned, and then fell into excitement and joy.

All of these big people have sent out wedding greetings to worship religion, but they do not have much hope. After all, these people are completely religious figures.

This special pharmacy is the Holy Land in the heart of many traditional Chinese medicine.

In particular, the four TCM organizations of southern, northern, ancient, and yinpai attach great importance to Qi pharmacy. For no other reason, Qi pharmacy is rich in famous medicines in the world. Many rare medicinal materials and even some extinct traditional Chinese medicines can be taken out.

The importance of this place is self-evident.

Mingyu is also the nominal spokesperson of Qi pharmacy. Her arrival has proved that Qi pharmacy is still optimistic about religion.

Wenhai led people forward to meet him, and the smile on his face could hardly disperse.

Mingyu is a middle-aged woman, dressed in a formal dress, looks elegant. She has a smile on her face and says with a smile: "Wenhai, congratulations."

"Aunt Ming, you are very kind. Please have a seat! I'll let my father come out and treat you well! " Wenhai said excitedly.

The sword king and Mingyu are not the people who can be shocked. You must ask the master Wen Mo Xin to come.

"Ha ha, forget it. Your father doesn't like this kind of lively occasion. Don't call him specially. He should come out and come out."

"Aunt Ming, you are welcome. Master Jianwang is here. Please have a table with him." Wen Hai laughs.

"Oh? The old devil is here, too? " Mingyu's eyes brightened and he walked towards the sword king.

The sword king came and the rain came. I have to say that Wenhai's wedding banquet was full of pomp.

Next, there were also a lot of special identities present. The guests were so surprised that they all forgot to drink.

It's time to break the waves.

His identity is special, and he also sits with the sword king and other people. However, we don't know his identity very well. Only those big people are secretly shocked and sigh that the religious worship is becoming more and more difficult. Even this one can be invited.

At this time, I don't know who called out...

"the Lord is coming!"

This sound falls, this is boiling, the scene immediately quiet countless.

Everyone looked at the corridor in unison.

However, a middle-aged man with a festive but serious look came in.

The man's eyebrows are thick and oppressive. He has a Chinese face. His expression is not angry and self-confident, especially in his eyes. Almost no one dares to look at him. Of course, the most important thing is that his aura is no worse than that of the sword king and Lady Mingyu.

As soon as he appeared, all the guests rose.

"Good Lord



The voices were scattered and people's faces were full of smiles.

At the end of the article, there was no expression in his heart, but he still clasped his fist: "thank you very much. Please sit down and have a good meal and drink!"

"Thank you very much." The voice rose again.

The arrival of Wen Mo Xin represents the official beginning of the banquet.

For a moment, gongs and drums were blazing and firecrackers were exploding.

The scene was jubilant and the atmosphere was very strong.

Two figures came in slowly.

This is an old woman and a girl.

The old woman was too old to walk. She had to be helped by a girl.But the girl's pretty face was quite pale. She was panting after two steps, and there was a cold sweat on her forehead.

"Ru Shi, are you ok?" Asked the old woman hastily.

"Grandma, I'm fine." Liu Rushi shook her head and squeezed out a smile.

"Rushi, it's no way to drag on like this. When we come here to celebrate our happiness, grandma will take you to find the miracle doctor Lin." The old woman patted the girl's palm.

Liu Rushi listen, eyes reveal a touch of vision, and then gently nodded: "good."

"Let's go."

Said the old woman, continuing to walk towards the mountain gate.

But here it is...


A car suddenly burst into the gate, and a sharp brake stopped in the gate.

The disciples in front of the mountain gate were startled, and the young girl and the old woman also rushed to look.

But I saw those disciples all around.

"What's going on?"

"This car doesn't seem to go up the mountain?"

"Who told you to drive up the mountain? Come down to me

"Who are you? How dare you break our religious rules? "

"Get out of the car! Come on

There was a cry.

The disciples have gone to pull the door.

But at this time, the door opened and a man in casual clothes came out.

Liu here is like a poem. She can't help shaking.

"Lin... Dr. Lin?" She murmured.


In a daze, the old woman was busy looking at it.

But he saw the doctor walking towards the gate with a cold face www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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