"What? Mr. Yi, you don't have an invitation?" Su Yan was shocked and immediately understood the seriousness of the matter!

Even Yi has no invitation. How can she have it?

This invitation must not be simple!

"Mr. Yi... Could it be a prank? Cheat me with a fake invitation?" Su Yan was a little flustered and hurriedly whispered.

"No way! Only our insiders know about the dragon head conference, and ordinary people can't know about the conference, so the possibility of mischief is very small. Besides, who has nothing to make fun of you? Still make fun of this kind of thing? You can't die?" Yi congshen said.

Su Yan was dumb.

"Miss Su, don't worry, I'll call!"

Yi congenital did not dare to neglect, immediately hung up the phone and dialed the number to Lin Yang.

Hearing the news, Lin Yang was also surprised.

"Who organized the dragon head meeting?" Lin Yangli asked.

"People at the conference."

Yi congshen said, "all the people invited are the elite backbone or heads of various organizations of the conference! I should have an invitation, but so far I haven't received anything. On the contrary, Miss Su Yan got the invitation... It's so strange!"

Lin Yang thought.

A moment later, he breathed and said hoarsely, "I'm afraid this invitation is not really for Su Yan!"

"Who is that for?"

"Maybe... It's for me!"

"If so, why don't they give you the invitation directly, but to Miss Su Yan? Isn't that reasonable?" Yi congenitally said.

"They actually want to try my attitude. If I have a close relationship with Su Yan, I won't let Su Yan attend the meeting alone!"

"Dong Lin, why don't they send me an invitation? Is it difficult... They suspect me?" Yi Tianshen asked.

"It's possible... In this way, let Su Yan prepare. Let her attend the meeting. I'll meet Bai Zhenshui!"

Lin Yang made up his mind and immediately hung up the phone. He drove away from the Xuanyi school and went to the newly built basement to find Bai Zhenshui.

At the moment, Bai Zhenshui is wearing a pair of glasses and lying lazily in a chair reading a book.

She seems to be used to the life here. Even if Lin Yang comes, she is too lazy to see it.

"It's said that we don't go to the three treasures hall without anything. How can our great doctor Lin come here today?" Bai Zhenshui asked while looking at the book.

"The conference is about to hold a dragon head meeting, but instead of sending an invitation to Yi Cong, he sent it directly to Su Yan." Lin Yang said hoarsely.


Bai Zhenshui's eyes lit up and couldn't help laughing: "it seems that the people at the conference are not idiots!"

"What? Do you think the meeting began to doubt me?" Lin Yang frowned and asked.

"Doctor Lin, people are doing and heaven is watching. Don't really think you can cover the sky with one hand. The energy of the conference will only be greater than you think! What you do will be exposed sooner or later!" Bai Zhenshui smiled.

"But you and I are on the same boat now. If something happens to me, I don't think you can stay out of it!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"You have to tell me what the dragon head meeting is about!" Lin Yang asked in a deep voice.

"If it's an ordinary meeting for me, but if it's an infidelity, it's not a meeting, but a dead end!" Bai Zhenshui said with a smile.

"Dead end?"

As soon as Lin Yang breathed tight, his heart jumped wildly.

"Yes, dead! If you, Yi Xiantian or Su Yan go, you will die! After all, strictly speaking, Yi Xiantian is a traitor to the business alliance, and you and Su Yan are not from the business alliance! If non business alliance people go, they will die!" Bai Zhenshui drank tea and said with a light smile.

"After listening to you, it seems that they can tell who is loyal to the business alliance and the General Assembly?" Lin Yang frowned and asked.

"Almost that."

"What means do they have?"

"I don't know! In fact, I have only attended two dragon head meetings, but in each meeting, traitors and spies will be found out. The conference has maintained for so many years and still has today's energy because they can ensure that there are no spies and traitors inside the conference! External forces can't disintegrate them from inside! Doctor Lin, you don't know the conference at all!" White disaster water shook his head.

Lin Yang was silent, and his heart was filled with deep worry and condensation.

He dared to make enemies with Shenhuo Island, fight with Shenhuo venerable, and fight against Tianmo Dao, but in the face of the conference... Lin Yang had no bottom in his heart.

Although he has also dealt with the general assembly.

However, the information in his hands is the tip of the iceberg for the general assembly.

Such a mysterious and powerful opponent... What to compete with?

"Doctor Lin, let me give you a suggestion."

Bai Zhenshui smiled.

"What advice?"


"Do you think it's possible?"

"At this time, the conference is still doubting you. It can be seen that they should have some information in their hands, or someone told the conference about you! In this case, you have no choice! What else can you do except surrender? Why can't you face the conference? It's undoubtedly an ant trying to shake the tree and a mantis arm is the cart!" Bai Zhenshui shook his head.

Lin Yang didn't say a word from beginning to end. He thought for a moment, got up and left.

Bai Zhenshui put down his book and silently looked at Lin Yang's leaving back, his eyes tightened.

"This man is already in the mire."

"If he is desperate in the future, will he... Lead us to the funeral?"

Lin Yang naturally can't hear Bai Zhenshui's words.

After leaving the basement, he immediately found Yuanxing.

"I want you to do something."

"Master, just tell me." Yuan Xing hurriedly said.

"You need to do it yourself." Lin Yang said hoarsely. Then he whispered a few words to Yuan Xing.

Yuan Xing's face was tight, and then he nodded heavily: "don't worry, master. My subordinates will do it as soon as possible."



Yuanxing left Jiangcheng quickly.

Lin Yang changed the appearance of Doctor Lin and came to Yueyan international as Lin Yang.

"Xiao Yan, I heard that you are going to attend a meeting tomorrow. Mr. Yi just called me. Let me go with you tomorrow." as soon as he entered the office, Lin Yang spoke directly.

"Really? It's good! More people take care of more people. Then pack up quickly and we'll leave tomorrow morning."


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