"My wife is here to attend the meeting. I don't trust her. Can't I stay here with her?" Lin Yang pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Sir, please understand that the dragon head meeting is a very high standard meeting. Only qualified people can enter the conference hall. If you do so, it will be very difficult for us! Please leave as soon as possible." the man in Black said, but his voice cooled down.

Obviously, if Lin Yang refuses to cooperate, they can only take coercive measures.

"Hey! You have to find out! My wife hurried to the meeting because you sent her an invitation for a meeting for some reason! I still don't understand what the meeting is about! I don't know who you are! What do you want to do! I don't know if you will be malicious to my wife? How can I rest assured? You can have your meeting Yes, leave me alone! I won't affect you! "Lin Yang shouted, looking anxious.

People all around looked at him.

Many people have frowned.

The bodyguard in black was too lazy to talk nonsense. He directly stretched out his hand to drag Lin Yang out.

"What are you doing? Stop! Let me go! Let me go!"

Lin Yang shouted immediately.

But the other party ignored him and forced him away.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this, Su Yan immediately stood up from his position and scolded loudly.

"Miss Su, please abide by the rules of the meeting!" the black bodyguard said.

"Are you required to treat my husband like this in the meeting rules?" Su Yan was furious and shouted, "if this is one of the contents of the meeting, I'd rather not attend the meeting!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the scene turned pale.

"Miss Su, do you understand what you're talking about? What do you think of the dragon head meeting..." asked the bodyguard in black.

"I respect this meeting very much, but you don't seem to respect my husband! I ask you! Will you let go of my husband? If you don't let go, I'll go with him! You can drive as you like!" Su Yan shouted angrily.

In fact, this was discussed between Lin Yang and Su Yan.

Lin Yang knows nothing about the meeting. There are too many uncertainties in the meeting, so leaving the meeting ahead of time is the best choice.

Making trouble and being driven out of the meeting is the most reasonable in Lin Yang's view.

As a husband, it is reasonable to worry about his wife.

In this way, they will not be suspected, and they have reason to leave.

Now, it depends on the official attitude of the dragon head conference.

Lin Yang looked around secretly.

Su Yan also maintained a indignant posture, a look of irreconcilable.

All the people at the scene stared at the scene with different faces.

However, at this time, the elevator door suddenly opened and a voice came.

"Since Mr. Lin is worried about his wife, let him accompany Miss Su Yan to the meeting!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Su Yan and Lin Yang were stunned and hurriedly looked at the sound source.

It's Linghui!

"Miss Linghui, how can we do this? The dragon head meeting is solemn and solemn, and the contents of the meeting involve the secrets of the business alliance, and even some matters of the meeting. How can an outsider listen? That's by no means!" an old man stood up with a tap stick and shouted in a deep voice.

"That's right, miss Linghui. We must not open this hole, otherwise everyone will come to the meeting with their families in the future. Won't this meeting hall be unable to stand?" another woman shouted.

"Miss Linghui, please think twice!"

"You can't make this special order!"

Many people stood up against it with a firm attitude.

Seeing the potential, Su Yan immediately whispered, "miss Linghui, my husband has been treated like this. I'm not in the mood to attend the meeting. I'm going to quit the dragon head meeting! Please allow me."

With so many people opposing, Lin Yang and Su Yan were naturally very happy.

This can be a donkey on a slope.

In this way, Linghui must not be easy to keep people.

Otherwise, it is against the will of the people.

For a su Yan, she doesn't have to make the situation like this, does she?

Lin Yang breathed and felt that he should be able to leave.

However... Linghui suddenly said, "Miss Su Yan, since you are invited, you can't leave halfway. You must attend this meeting."

"But..." Su Yan said.

Linghui interrupted her and said, "listen, arrange a seat for Mr. Lin Yang right away! Allow him to sit in, and I will immediately report this matter to my superiors. Don't say more!"


"Miss Linghui! How... How can this work?"

The people at the scene are full of gossip and want to persuade again.

Linghui's face was chilly, and she drank coldly, "what? What I said... Doesn't work anymore?"

People turn pale and dare not make any more noise.

Su Yan and Lin Yang were stunned.

How could they think that Linghui broke the rules of the meeting in order to keep Su Yan?

The conference hall quieted down.

Although people looked strange, Linghui was angry and no one dared to challenge him.

A bodyguard took a note printed with Lin Yang and pasted it on the floor behind Su Yan.

Seeing this scene, Su Yan's face was ugly.

"Lin Yang, this... What's going on?"

"Be careful!" Lin Yang took a breath and said hoarsely, "the other party will spare no effort to keep you for a meeting. I'm afraid this meeting will be very unfavorable to you and me. Xiao Yan, remember, step by step!"


Su Yan's small face was also heavy.

At this time.


The elevator door is open.

Several more people came one after another.

Look at the reaction of the people at the scene, their identities must be not simple.

Su Yan realized that most of the people he met were standing, but Li Jianqi was sitting.

She became more and more uneasy, her little hands tightly twisted the corners of her clothes, and her heart beat fast.


At this time, the sound of the elevator opening the door sounded again.

Linghui looked up and shouted, "all stand up and welcome Mr. Zheng!"

Everyone stood up and applauded warmly.

Lin Yang looked sideways, but saw a very young man with white hair entering the conference hall.

The man was dressed in a yellow robe, dressed in a rather ancient style, with a faint smile on his face. As soon as he came in, he waved his hand: "everyone sit, sit."

All the people were seated.

Domain leader?

Lin Yang frowned.

Is this the person from the conference?

What is the level of existence of the domain leader?

"Is Miss Su Yan here?"

Before Zheng Yu sat down, he suddenly asked.

Su Yan was startled at this.

Lin Yang also looked suddenly.

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