Zhao Zhihong is lucky!

Because she just wants to enter the conference and monitor the conference for the Dragon state official!

So the conference won't hurt her!

But the next people are not so lucky.

"Mr. Chu Xuan! I want to ask you, when did you start learning Sabre?" Zheng Yuchang looked at a bald man and asked calmly.

"Zheng Yuchang, I've always been good at sabre, it's just my personal interest, isn't it?" the man named Chu Xuan squeezed out a smile.

"I'm asking you to give me an accurate time, not this ambiguous answer." Zheng Yu said long and lightly.

"This... About three or five years ago, I don't remember very clearly..." Chu Xuan hesitated.

"Three years ago, or five years ago?"

"I really can't remember clearly."

"I see." Zheng Yuchang looked at Linghui next to him. Linghui immediately took a pen and drew a few times on the book.

"Mr. Chu Xuan, can you tell me how the scar on your right hand came from?" Zheng asked again.

"Ah? This... Hurt when practicing knife..."

"When was it hurt?"

"About... About three months ago."

"Are you sure it wasn't four months ago?"

Zheng Yuchang's voice grew colder.

Chu Xuan couldn't hold his breath. He suddenly raised his head and asked, "Zheng Yuchang, what's the matter with you? Why do you ask me these strange questions? Are you doubting me? Do you think... I'm also a spy?"

"Mr. chuxuan, don't worry. The reason why we ask these questions is not to verify!"

"What are you doing for?" Chu Xuan asked.

"I want to see your attitude. If you have a good attitude and are willing to confess, we will appropriately reduce your punishment. If you have a bad attitude, the punishment will only be maximized!" Zheng Yu said.

"You... Are making trouble for nothing! Punishment? You want to punish me? What did I do wrong? Why should you punish me? I don't think I can go on this meeting! Goodbye!"

Chu Xuan got up angrily and wanted to leave.

But as soon as he got up, the people next to him immediately pressed him back into his chair.

The people in front of the round table were frightened.

Linghui took the book and read it out.

"Chu Xuan! He used to be the boss in the gray area of Binzhou. Six years ago, he was favored by the Jidao sect and was recruited as a disciple. The strong support of the Jidao sect has led to the rapid development of Chu Xuan's power, covering two provinces. In order to take the lead in the conference and develop Chu Xuan as an informant, the Jidao sect spent a lot of money to let Chu Xuan join the business alliance and then enter the conference. Therefore, Chu Xuan and the Jidao sect killed three people You are a member of the trade union and plant this matter to other members of the trade union. At the same time, you stand up to report and think you deserve credit! The scar on your hand is left when you killed! "

The whole audience was stunned when these words fell.

Chu Xuan was shocked and looked incredible.

"Mr. chuxuan, what else do you want to say?" Zheng Yuchang asked faintly.

"Impossible... Impossible! You... You are wronging me! You are wronging me!" Chu Xuan shouted hoarsely.

"We can't have wronged you! Chu Xuan, although you did it flawlessly and didn't leave any footprints, we have already investigated this matter!"

Zheng Yu said, "come!"


"Drag Chu Xuan down and execute him!"


Immediately, two top experts with terrible breath dragged Chu Xuan away.

"Let me go! Let me go! Zheng Yuchang! Spare my life! Spare my life! Zheng Yuchang!"

Chu Xuan completely collapsed and screamed like crazy.

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