The blade hit fiercely without hesitation.

If Lin Yang doesn't resist again, if this knife goes down, Lin Yang's body will be separated and blood will splash on the spot.

Su Yan stared at Daqiu's eyes, but it was useless to resist madly. He could only stare at the knife and kill it.

At this critical moment.


Lin Yang suddenly drank heavily.

Zheng Yuchang raised his hand immediately.

The blade cutting Lin Yang's neck stopped immediately.

"Mr. Lin, I will only give you one chance to confess. If you will tell us the burial place of those absolute punishers, the apocalyptic ruling team and the leader of the white disaster water alliance, and confess all the criminal processes of you and Dr. Lin to us, maybe you still have a chance to live. If you continue to be stubborn, your head will only be your last end, okay?" Zheng Yuchang said faintly, with no waves and waves on his face.

But Lin Yang smiled.

"What a combination of soft and hard work, what a coercion and inducement! Zheng Yuchang, it seems that you people are very good at it!"

"What do you mean?" Zheng Yu frowned.

"What do you mean? Zheng Yuchang, don't treat everyone as an idiot! You don't have any evidence or even any information to prove that Doctor Lin and I killed the absolute Punisher and others. All this is just your conjecture! You can't give any evidence! You want to execute me like a duck on the shelf, but you want to force me to tell me everything. Unfortunately, what am I doing You didn't do anything, but you were just killed unjustly! "Lin Yang sneered.

"It seems that you have doubts about our ability. Do you think we can't investigate your matter?" Zheng Yu snorted coldly.

"In that case, let's do it. I've finished what I said! But I think your unjust killing of good people will spread all over the world. After all, there are so many witnesses on the scene! So many eyes and so many hearts! They will distinguish right from black and white, fair and just!" Lin Yang hummed.

Zheng Yuchang was silent.

Linghui was impolite and drank: "don't talk more, do it, kill!"


The executioner holding the butcher's knife immediately shouted, directly raised the knife and cut it.

The blade slashed Lin Yang's neck.

But Lin Yang stood straight and fearless, just staring at them indifferently.

People did not know that he had quietly opened the body of the martial god.

However, at the moment when the blade was about to hit Lin Yang.

The butcher's knife stopped again.

Su Yan, who almost collapsed, was stunned.

The people around were also surprised and looked at the scene in amazement.

Lin Yang also deliberately looked surprised and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Congratulations, Lin Yang, you guessed right. Just now, it was really a test for you!" Zheng Yuchang smiled faintly.

Hearing this, Lin Yang pretended to be angry: "are you such a mess? Hum, it seems that the so-called superior of the business alliance is not so good!"

"Mr. Lin, don't get me wrong. We can't help it. After all, our two teams disappeared in Jiangcheng, and so far we don't have a clue. We have no choice but to do this." Zheng Yuchang shook his head.

"Since the investigation can't be found, it proves that Doctor Lin and I are innocent. Why should we suspect us?" Lin Yang asked immediately.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, a strange color appeared in Zheng Yuchang's eyes and passed away.

But he didn't answer. He continued to smile vaguely and said, "Mr. Lin, we're just trying to test. There's no other meaning. Don't misunderstand."

Lin Yang stopped talking.

But a hunch told him there must be something in it., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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