"Did you refine it?"

The old man held Lin Yang's pill, observed it a little, smiled and said, "it doesn't look different! The child surnamed Lin looks like you are out of your wits."

"Let's talk about it first. Don't waste so much useless."

Lin Yang said lightly. First he swallowed the pill thrown by the old man, and then put the pill he had prepared into his mouth.

The same is true for the elderly.

After taking each other's pills, they sat cross legged and waited quietly.

At this moment, no one knows what harm the other party's medicine will bring to themselves. They can only pray that their pill can curb the other party's medicine.

When the pill went into their stomach, they hurried to look at them.

They sat cross legged without change.

It seems that what you swallow is not a deadly poison, but a sugar bean.

Time goes by little.

But people's mood is getting more and more nervous.

Now it depends on who can withstand it and who can't take the lead!

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly trembled, his mouth suddenly opened, and spit out a big mouthful of dark blood.

The blood spilled on the ground, directly Zizi and smoke, and people's scalp became numb.

"Doctor Lin?"

The people were shocked and scared to death.

Lin Yang raised his hand and motioned that people don't have to worry, but he desperately vomited blood in his mouth. The dark blood was shocking.

This is obviously a highly toxic color!

What kind of terrible toxin is there in the pill Lin Yang took?

However, the old man suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the toxins spitting out of Lin Yang's mouth. His face was very ugly.

"Shifu, it seems that we have won! Hahaha, Doctor Lin should not be able to hold your poison, and he will surely die here. If he dies, we will make a miracle for Tianmo Taoism! The Taoist Lord will reward you and me! Hahaha, good, good!" the girl laughed and was very proud.

But the old man's face was ugly, and his trembling voice whispered, "no! No!"

"What's wrong?" the girl was stunned.

"The situation is wrong!"

The old man suddenly shouted, and then his eyes stared. Before he could say anything, Shu's mouth spewed a big mouthful of red blood, and then the whole man fell heavily to the ground.


The girl is stupid.

But he saw the old man vomiting blood desperately, trembling like a sieve, then staring at his legs, lying on the ground with blood foam in his mouth, and bleeding in his nose, eyes and ears.

"Master, what's the matter with you? This... What's the matter?"

The girl panicked and immediately rushed to help the old man, but the old man seemed to be confused. His eyes turned white and couldn't hear any sound around.

Seeing this scene, the world knows that the old man has lost!

The defeat was incomparably complete.

He can't bear Doctor Lin's pills at all!

With this success, the outcome is clear!

The old man couldn't hold on, spitting blood crazily in his mouth, but the frequency of trembling decreased.

Although the girl doesn't know much medical skills, she can see that if it goes on like this, the old man obviously won't last long.

In a hurry, she had to ask Lin Yang for help.

"Doctor Lin! How's my master? Give me the antidote quickly and save my master!" she screamed bitterly, her eyes full of anxiety.

Although Lin Yang couldn't help vomiting dark blood, his gas color was very good. After vomiting the fifth black blood, Lin Yang could straighten up.

"Want me to save him? Yes, just give me something!" Lin Yang wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and said faintly.

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