Han Shao heard that his scalp was numb and his heart was cold.

If the old man said so, wouldn't he drive away the people who can cure Mulong Shuai!

This is a big disaster!

Han Shao's teeth are trembling.

Han Weilong looked at his son coldly. Naturally, he knew what was going on. He immediately hummed coldly, "if you can't accomplish anything, you can't defeat anything. Kneel down!"

Han Shao's legs softened with fear and he knelt down on the ground with a puff.

"Listen, the miracle doctor will come later. Whether he can cure the old man or not, you can kneel down and apologize to the miracle doctor! If you're not sincere enough, I'll break your leg!"

"Yes... Yes... Father!" Han Shao wanted to cry without tears. He wanted to slap himself.

However, the soldiers who ran to invite Lin Yang and others suddenly turned back.

"Has anyone been invited?" Han Weilong asked urgently.

"Mr. Han, the miracle doctors said... They won't come." the soldier said with a puzzled face.


Everyone was stunned.

"Why?" Han Wei and long Li asked.

"The doctors didn't say..." the soldier replied.

"Mostly angry," Han Weilong said.

Next to the wood Yan Ling silver teeth nibble, Ning whispered: "go, you lead the way, I'll call them myself!"


"Lead the way!"

"Yes, miss."


Inside the teahouse.

Lin Yang is sitting at the tea table tasting tea. You old Chinese doctors from all over the world are talking with Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was not interested in the so-called exchange meeting, but after some conversation, he found that he had underestimated these people.

It's natural to be invited to see a doctor for mu Taiji, one of the three dragon Shuai in the Dragon kingdom.

Many people here have studied medicine all their life. Their own skills and medical skills are incomprehensible to others. Among them, several doctors have been lucky to learn the lost chapters of Hua Tuo's Qing Bao book, an ancient miracle doctor, which can open Lin Yang's eyes.

They talked happily, and Lin Yang couldn't help immersing himself in the atmosphere.

"I didn't expect that Doctor Lin was young, but he had such experience and medical skills. It's really admirable!" the old man named Zhao Zhide said with a smile.

"Our ancient Chinese medicine seems to rely on Doctor Lin to carry forward."

"We old guys, it's not the climate."

"Compared with Dr. Lin, the gap is too far, too far!"

Many people either admire or feel ashamed.

Lin Yang smiled faintly: "you predecessors don't have to belittle yourself. Everyone's value is different, especially medical ethics. In my opinion, saving one person and saving 10000 people with medical skills is an incomparably great existence. Why should medical skills be divided into high and low?"

Everyone laughed.

"It's really rare for Doctor Lin to have such a realm. It's rare!"

Zhao Zhide stroked his beard and smiled, but he thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "waiter! Waiter!!"

"What's up?" a little girl trotted over and asked with a smile.

"Do you have a pen and paper?"

"Yes, sir. Just a moment!"

The little girl ran down and soon got a neutral pen and a small book.

"Thank you."

Zhao Zhide picked up the pen and paper and immediately wrote in the little book.

People are looking.

Only then did I discover that what Chao Chih teh wrote was actually his unique skill, "the pithy formula of the three Town needlework!"

"Mr. Zhao, what are you doing?" Lin Yang couldn't help asking.

"Dr. Lin, you answer all our questions, and you don't hide anything from us. If you do, how can I hide it?" Zhao Zhide smiled.

Soon he wrote down all the key points of "three Town acupuncture".

Zhao Zhide handed it to Lin Yang and said with a smile, "Doctor Lin, if you don't dislike it, please accept it."

"Old Sir, don't do that." Lin Yang shook his head.

"No, it's necessary!"

Zhao Zhide smiled faintly: "we have an old saying that the disciples of the church starve to death. Because of this, everyone likes to hide, but many things left by the ancestors are lost. How many ancestors' efforts disappear like this! This situation can't be allowed any more! No more..."

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