Even the sword king stood up to protect and break the waves... What is sacred about this wave breaking!

You know, the sword king can not even give the face at the end of Wen's heart, but he wants to break the waves...

some guests who don't know who should break the waves are shocked.

Lin Yang was indifferent.

In his view, those who stand in his way are his enemies.

He hammered hard at the wooden sword with his backhand.

However, the wooden sword was suddenly shocked. A clever force came from above. Lin Yang didn't know martial arts, so he was shocked back by the skill.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Children, do you want to do it? I really don't know what's good or bad! " The sword King seemed to be a little displeased. He swallowed the wine alone and said coldly.

"Doctor Lin, have you seen it? Even the sword King protects me. What do you fight me with? I don't know what relationship you have with luoqian, but I hope you can take care of yourself and don't ruin your future for a woman

After that, he should break the waves and pour the wine in his hand on his shoes. He said faintly, "others respect you because you are good at medicine, but in my eyes you are nothing. Doctor Lin, I'll give you a chance. You just have to climb over and lick up the wine on my shoes and I'll let you go. How about that?"

When the voice falls, the person who blocks Lin Yang automatically gets out of the way.

Even the sword king returned to his position and continued to eat and drink.

Lin Yang looks at all this quietly. He finally knows why luoqian wants to leave by himself, and finally understands why these people are so afraid of religious worship.

Everyone here has been unable to compare with the people they have contacted before.

At this moment, the competition is not just energy.

"Interesting, interesting..."

Lin Yang laughed.

That smile is full of cruelty.

People around him were puzzled.

"What's the matter with this guy?"

"Dr. Lin should not have been stimulated and his head was abnormal?"

"It's possible... After all, even Mr. Wang is willing to show up. Although Dr. Lin is young and promising, there is still too much difference compared with that one..."

the guests murmured.

With a smile, Wen Haihai said to Lin Yang, "Doctor Lin, didn't you hear what should be less? You haven't done it yet? This is your only chance. "

"Yes, Doctor Lin, hurry up!" There is a long way to worship religion.

"If we lose this opportunity, we can't help you with religious worship!" Another old way.

"Dr. Lin, you are still young. You can stay in the green mountains without worrying about firewood. Hurry up."

"Dr. Lin?"

More and more people are persuading.

But Lin Yang shook his head again: "it seems that this time I should account for people, not only one of this surname should."

How arrogant!


"Lin! You're presumptuous

"Oh, you should be given less opportunities. Don't you cherish them? Then no wonder we are! " Wenhai is also angry and waves his hand directly.

The religious people around went to Lin Yang again.

It's not just disciples.

This time... The company commander was involved!

"Young people should experience more experience and suffer more. Dr. Lin's talent is good, but he lacks training. This time I worship religion, I will help him." At the end of the article, heart light way: "press Dr. Lin, let him lie in front of yingshao, how to deal with it, should be less decided."

"Yes, Lord!"

The people around him yelled.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang squinted and laughed.

Around people or sneer repeatedly, or shake their heads and sigh, all kinds of expressions have.

"Master, this..." the fiery apprentice was in a hurry.

But master Huo lie can't help but stare at him.

Shang martial arts school is laughing, Huo Ao claps his hands repeatedly, and Xi Liuxiang sneers.

"Doctor Lin? Oh, what about Dr. Lin? Don't you have to kneel down here today? " Xi Liuxiang sneered.

"Yes, if a man is arrogant, what if he has a talent?" Huo Jianguo shook his head again and again with a faint smile.

He was extremely regretful when he learned about Lin Yang's identity. After all, it was Doctor Lin of Jiangcheng. If Huo Shangwu knew that he had offended Dr. Lin, he would not have been expelled from Shangwu school? Now that Dr. Lin is against the religion, will Huo Shangwu blame him for his conflict with Dr. Lin?

Now Huo Jianguo would like Linyang to die.

Worshippers of religion came one after another and surrounded them. At this time, even if Lin Yang wanted to escape, it was too late.

"Do it!" Wen Hai said with a light smile.

But just then, a crisp voice came out.

"Wait a minute!"The sound fell to the ground, and people looked at the sound source one after another.

But see a beautiful figure, some stagger to come forward.

"Miss Liu Rushi?" Someone recognized the person.

"That is to say... The master of medicine has also come?"

The voice of alarm rose again.

People looked at the door one after another, but saw the old woman walking with her bent body.

As soon as this man comes out, Mingyu and Wen Mo Xin both stand up.

"Are you all here?"

"Master Yao Wang!"

"Master Yao Wang, you have come to attend the children's wedding. I really admire religion! Come on, please take your seat At the end of the article, with a smile on her face, she stepped forward to help the king of medicine.

But... The king of medicine shook his head and said calmly, "to be honest, I came to attend Wenhai's wedding, but Doctor Lin is standing here. I'm afraid I can only wait and see! If necessary, I will still stand by Dr. Lin. please forgive me. "


There was an uproar at the scene.

"Doctor Lin, don't do it like this. You should go with me quickly. Grandma will protect you well. Don't fight with them any more!" Liu Rushi small hand gently pulled the sleeve of Lin Yang and said in a low voice.

Her words are as light as water, but the anxiety hidden in them can be heard.

"Miss Liu? How many times have we met? Thank you for your kindness, but today Lin Yang is here, not running here to scare people! "

Lin Yang said calmly, and then raised his hand.

Whoosh, whoosh...

a large number of silver needles flew out of his waist needle bag, and then stabbed at his arms and feet.

In an instant, a stream of air overflowed from his body and stirred his hair and clothes.

People breathed hard, but he closed his eyes and said quietly, "if I come here, if I can't be fair, I will level this place down! Do you understand? "

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