"Jingshi white lotus is powerful, but the terrain of Fulong mountain is complex and it is very easy to set ambush. I take Jingshi white lotus and rush into it. Once I fall into the trap of the other party, even if there is Jingshi white lotus, it will be difficult to save myself! I know you are eager to save the god fire venerable, but the more so now, we should be more careful." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

People's eyes twinkled with reluctance, and one of them stepped forward.

"Dr. Lin, although what the Venerable Master did earlier has chilled everyone's heart, he is the master who taught us the art of fire. Now the master is in trouble, how can we be indifferent? Since Dr. Lin wants to wait for the rabbit, please go to the southwest valley. We are willing to go by ourselves to find the master's whereabouts and rescue him!"

With that, the man waved his big hand: "if you are willing to follow me to find the master, follow me!"


The people of Shenhuo Island clattered away with the man.

"Everybody! Everybody! Please wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

The informant shouted.

But it didn't help.

Lin Yang looked indifferently, and there was no expression on his face.

After all the people left, Lin Yang shook his head and said in a low voice, "let's go."

"Dong Lin, why don't you persuade them?" the informant asked hurriedly.

"Those who can't be persuaded are not with me. They follow the flame saint and have never been loyal to me. They come with me only because of the flame saint. Since they want to save themselves, I can't stop them. Let's be ours."

Lin Yang Shen said.

As long as you can get the ice mirror, this business is not in vain.

Then he walked towards the Fulong mountain.


At the moment, in a mountain stream in Fulong mountain, several figures walked out carefully and looked around. Seeing that there was no movement around, they immediately ran to a nearby waterfall, hurried to fetch water with a few bamboo knots, and then went into a small mountain cave behind.

At the moment, there are more than a dozen Shenhuo Island disciples sitting disorderly in the cave.

They were all covered with blood and were in a mess. Some broke their arms and legs, wrapped them up simply with clothes, and some lay on the ground crying. They had more breath and less air.

As for the divine fire venerable, he lay unconscious in the innermost part.

Several disciples who took water carefully walked over and poured water into the mouth of the sacred fire venerable.

A moment later, the divine fire venerable slowly opened his eyes.

"Master, how are you?" a disciple asked with tears in his eyes.

"I'm... Okay, okay... Where are we now?" the divine fire venerable asked weakly.

"In Fulong mountain! The people of Tianmo Taoism are chasing after us. Several elders took us here to hide. At present, the people of Tianmo Taoism have covered the whole Fulong mountain. If we want to kill us all, we must hide here and wait for rescue!" the disciple cried.


The divine fire venerable's eyes twinkled with confusion: "who... Can save us?"

"Holy lady!" the disciple hurriedly said: "we have contacted the holy lady. Please go to the same door in Jiangcheng for rescue. They should be here soon!"


The divine fire venerable was silent for a long time before shaking his head.

"I abandoned her cultivation! I wanted to kill her more. I didn't think she would spare no effort to save her after learning the news. I... I'm sorry for her!"

"Master, don't say such a thing. No matter what happens, we are always from Shenhuo island."


They comforted.

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