Everyone was silent, worried and frightened, and no one knew what had happened.

For no reason, how can the divine fire venerable disappear?

Big change?

Lin Yang walked into the room and looked around.

The whole house is very tidy. There is no messy place. It doesn't look like someone has been here.

The windows are also intact.

Even the bedding on the bed was only slightly lifted to one side.

So it seems that there is no clue at the scene.

Lin Yang frowned.

Who on earth can take the divine fire venerable out of thin air?

It can't be the divine fire master who left by himself?

In his state, he can't walk at all. He doesn't even have his own consciousness!

So there's only one possibility. Someone must have taken him away!

Lin Yang's face was frozen and looked around.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. His eyes suddenly came up to the stage and looked at the ceiling.

The ceiling looked normal, but Lin Yang looked at the ventilation duct and thought for a moment. He jumped and opened the cover of the ventilation duct.

"Doctor Lin?"

The people below were stunned.

Lin Yang jumped into the air and looked at the ventilation pipe. Finally, he reached out and squeezed something out of the pipe.

The crowd raised their eyes.

That's a hair!

"This is a woman's hair."

Lin Yang elongated his hair and said hoarsely.


"Is it difficult... Someone sneaked in from the pipeline and took the venerable one away?" the elder of yishenhuo Island asked tremblingly.

"Eight or nine is inseparable from ten."

Lin Yang surveyed the pipeline again, wiped it on the inner wall of a pipeline, then sniffed it on his nose and said calmly: "This is Yi Rong powder. The other party disguised as a person in the Xuanyi School of medicine, sneaked into the college, close to the building, and then entered the pipeline. From the pipeline, she walked the god fire venerable, and then hid it. It was estimated that she swaggered and took the god fire venerable directly from the gate!"

People turned pale.

"Come on, go and adjust the monitoring quickly! See if there are any suspicious people in and out of the building recently!" Xu Tian shouted to his men.

"No need." Lin Yang jumped down and said calmly: "The other party should be the one who killed us, and then enter here disguised as the other party. If a strange face had been stopped by the people of Shenhuo Island, even the building could not be close. If you check the monitoring, you just see our people and can't see the other party's true face. Xu Tian, go and find it. There should be our bodies hidden somewhere here."

Xu Tian turned pale and hurriedly ran down with people.

After a while, he turned back and looked extremely ugly.

"Dong Lin, I found the body of a cleaner in the storage room..."

"Sure enough."

Lin Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Can you find out who the other party is?" the people of Shenhuo Island asked urgently.

"I've asked people to check, but the other party's technique is so neat that I can't find anything." Xu Tian whispered.


The people of Shenhuo island are desperate.

"Xu Tian, you go and deal with the aftermath of the cleaner. Pay more compensation. In addition, the cleaner's family will send someone to take care of it. If there is an old man, we will solve the maintenance of the old man. If there are children, we will ensure that the children can successfully complete their college studies. Yanghua is responsible for all the medical treatment of that person's family, okay?"

"Yes, Dong Lin."

"In addition, to mobilize the monitoring of the whole Jiangcheng, I want to know which direction the other party left Jiangcheng."


Without saying a word, Lin Yang turned and walked out of the house.

The people of Shenhuo island looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

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