Back in Jiangcheng, Lin Yang worked hard all day. After dealing with the accumulated things, he went home.

Su Yan was suddenly in a better mood and hummed songs in the kitchen.

Lin Yang sat on the sofa watching TV bored.

"Winning the lottery? So happy." seeing Su Yan walking out of the kitchen with fried dishes, Lin Yang couldn't help laughing.

"Doctor Lin cured Xinyu and solved the contradiction between Xinyu family. Of course I'm happy!" Su Yan said with a smile.

"Really? Doctor Lin's medical skills are really brilliant." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yan was stunned, his face suddenly changed, squeezed out a smile and said, "yes... Lin Yang, come to dinner."


Lin Yang noticed Su Yan's strangeness, but he didn't know his mind and could only pretend not to see it.

They had a few mouthfuls of food.

"By the way, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Mom just called and said that a few days is her 80th birthday. Our whole family has to go to celebrate her birthday. You can go together."

"Must I go?"

"I have to go! My grandma's family, that is, Xinyu's family, is very unusual. If I don't go, others will be unhappy, and it's hard to explain my mother!" Su Yan said quite seriously.

Lin Yang smiled bitterly: "all right, just have a meal. If you come back that day, you'll take a trip."

"Well, I'll help you pack your clothes and we'll go together." Su Yan smiled.

I was speechless all night.

The next morning, Lin Yang hurried to the Xuanyi school to refine medicine.

Taicanglong was settled in the college to recuperate and prepare for future breakthroughs.

The college has a third day, and Lin Yang is relieved.

But the calm days obviously won't last long.

In the president's office of Yanghua.

"Dong Lin, miss mansahong and I have something urgent to see you." Ma Hai came in and said respectfully.

"Let her in." Lin Yang was surprised.

Normally speaking, she would call herself directly if she had anything. Why did she come to Yanghua?

Soon, mansha Hong pushed the door in.

"Doctor Lin, something's wrong. I just received the news that the devil sent an elite to the fire devil forest!!" mansha Hong rushed in and shouted.

"Fire magic forest? Where is that?"

Lin Yang asked while processing the documents in his hand.

"It's a forbidden area on the border of the Dragon kingdom. This place is very strange. The whole forest has been surrounded by fire, and the fire has lasted for decades all year round!"

Lin Yang was stunned. He suddenly thought of something and smiled: "is it the hell forest located at the northeast border? I know, it has been reported in the news and studied by scientific researchers. It is said that the fire in that place is ground fire and it is difficult to extinguish. Therefore, the official isolated it. It is not uncommon for the ground fire to burn for decades or a hundred years!"

"But do you know when it was burned there?" mansahong said anxiously: "it was burned after the death of a great demon decades ago! There is a corpse of a great demon in the fire demon forest!!"

"Immortal devil? What does that mean?" Lin Yang stopped his work and finally faced it up.

"The immortal devil died a few decades ago, so he chose to enter the fire magic forest alone, light the earth fire and sleep there forever! The purpose is not to be disturbed! But the forbidden art of the heavenly devil is infinite and the means are excellent. I'm worried that the heavenly devil has found a way to open the fire magic forest this time. I'm going to send these people to the fire magic forest to dig out the corpse of the immortal devil and take the heart for him For others! "

"Dig the heart?" Lin Yang breathed tightly. "Why did Tianmo Dao dig the heart of a man who has died for decades without reason?"

"Dr. Lin, you don't know that the immortal devil is extraordinary! His cultivation was extremely terrible. He was the first expert of the heavenly devil at that time. It is said that he has lived for more than 200 years. However, he can't escape the restriction of life. Therefore, he entered the fire devil forest and slept there. Because of his advanced cultivation and strong body, his body will not rot even after decades His corpse is the supreme treasure for Tianmo Taoism! Tianmo Taoism has always coveted it. However, the fire in the fire magic forest is so fierce that it is difficult for ordinary people to enter. Therefore, today, Tianmo Taoist priest did not take it out. Now they suddenly sent someone to the fire magic forest, which must go for the corpse of the immortal devil. Once they take the corpse, especially the heart , it will be a big threat to us!! "

"The most important thing for the devil is the heart. If the chief devil gets the heart of the unparalleled devil and transplants it into himself, his power will rise to the sky step by step. No one can stop it. Doctor Lin, we must take countermeasures to stop them from taking this action! Otherwise, once they succeed, I'm afraid Jiangcheng can't resist the attack of the heavenly devil!"

Mansha Hong speaks very fast. People are particularly anxious.

Lin Yang frowned.

He didn't expect the situation to be so serious.

But he is not sure whether the other party is using the plan of luring the tiger away from the mountain!

After all, if he left Jiangcheng and went to the fire magic forest, once the Tianmo Dao launched an attack at this time, Jiangcheng may not be able to resist.

Lin Yang thought.

A moment later, he seemed to understand something. He looked up and asked, "when did you get the news?"

"Just now! Poor Dao inquired about it. According to your order, he has searched for information near the Tianmo road to find the whereabouts of the divine fire Lord. However, the divine fire Lord has no clue, but he got this amazing news! Doctor Lin, take action quickly!" mansahong kept urging.

"Take it easy!"

Lin Yang got up, directly picked up his cell phone, dialed a few calls, and said, "I'll act immediately!"

"Go to the fire magic forest? I'll go with you!"

"No, I'm organizing people to kill Xiang Tianmo Dao." Lin Yang whispered.


Mansha Hongmeng.

What else did she want to ask, but Lin Yang didn't explain and walked out of the office directly.

Soon, a group of Yanghua's experts gathered in the Xuanyi school. They got on the car and marched towards the heaven devil road.

Mansha Hong was also pulled into the car.

She was so shocked that she couldn't understand Lin Yang's mind at all.

"Does Doctor Lin want to take advantage of the weakness to attack the heavenly devil?"

"But Tianmo Dao just sent an elite to the fire magic forest! There are a lot of strong people in Tianmo Dao. Isn't he trying to die?"

"What the hell does he want to do?"

"No, I'll stop him."

Mansha Hong holds her head in pain.

"Which car is Doctor Lin?" mansha Hong looked up and asked the people in the same car.

"Doctor Lin didn't come!" the fellow driver said casually.


Mansha Hong was stunned., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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